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How do I manage Facebook app permissions?

How do I manage Facebook app permissions?

Facebook apps and games require access to certain types of your Facebook data to function properly. When you first install an app or game, you are prompted to allow certain permissions such as access to your profile info, friends list, photos, etc. It’s important to manage these permissions to protect your privacy and security.

Why should I manage Facebook app permissions?

There are a few key reasons to manage app permissions on Facebook:

  • Protect your personal information – Apps don’t need access to all your data, just select parts relevant to their functionality.
  • Prevent spam to friends – Broad permissions allow apps to spam app invites and posts on your newsfeed.
  • Safeguard privacy – Granular permissions give you better control over what data apps can access.
  • Enhance security – Restricting permissions limits what malicious apps can potentially abuse.
  • Save battery life – Apps can drain battery using features like location in the background.

How to view and edit Facebook app permissions

You can view and manage app permissions from the App Dashboard:

  1. Click the dropdown arrow in the top right corner of Facebook.
  2. Select “Settings”.
  3. Click “Apps and Websites” in the left column.
  4. Click “Logged in with Facebook”.

This displays all the apps you’ve logged into with Facebook. To edit permissions for an app:

  1. Click the “Edit” button for the app.
  2. Review the types of data the app can access.
  3. Toggle permissions on or off for each data type.
  4. Click “Save Changes”.

How to remove app access completely

To completely remove an app’s access to your Facebook info and account:

  1. Go to the App Dashboard as explained above.
  2. Click the “Remove” button for the app you want to disconnect.
  3. Confirm you want to remove the app from Facebook by clicking “Remove” again.

This withdraws all permissions granted to that app and deletes any app-related posts or stories on your timeline.

Key types of Facebook permissions

Here are some common Facebook app permissions you may see and what they allow apps to access:

Permission What it allows
Your Profile Info Basic info like name, profile photo, gender, networks, username, User ID
Your Friends List Names and profile info of your Facebook friends
Your Photos and Videos Photos and videos you’ve shared on Facebook
Your Posts Posts on your Facebook timeline
Your Messages Read and send private Facebook messages
Location Services Precise or approximate location based on GPS, WiFi or mobile network

How app permissions work on Facebook

When you first install an app on Facebook, it asks for your permission to access certain types of data. If you approve, it’s authorized to access and use that info going forward.

Apps can request the following levels of access:

  • Public profile info – This includes your name, profile photo, cover photo, gender, networks, username and User ID. This data is considered public and does not require your explicit approval.
  • Additional profile info – Apps may request access to other profile info like birthday, hometown, relationship status, family members, work history, education history etc. This requires your explicit permission.
  • Friend list – Ability to access your friends list and your friends’ profile info like birthdays, hometowns, workplaces etc. Requires explicit permission.
  • Posts on your timeline – Apps may request permission to post content, comments, stories etc. on your behalf. Requires explicit permission.
  • Facebook messages – Apps may request access to send, receive and read private Facebook messages on your behalf. Requires explicit permission.
  • Other data – Apps can ask permission for other data like checkins, photos, likes, events, groups and to manage ads you see.

Why apps request certain permissions

Different apps request permission to access your data for various reasons:

  • Profile info to personalize your experience within the app.
  • Friends list for invites, messaging friends and social sharing.
  • Timeline posts to auto-post scores, updates and content from the app.
  • Location for location-based apps like ride sharing and local deals.
  • Messages for chatbots and virtual assistants.

However, some apps tend to ask for more data than required for their functionality or may use it in ways that compromise user privacy. This is why scrutinizing permissions and granting selective access is important.

Are app permissions one-time or ongoing?

Once you grant an app permission to access certain types of your data, it generally has ongoing access until you manually revoke it. The access does not expire after initial use. This allows apps to work seamlessly on an ongoing basis without repeatedly asking for permissions each time you use them. However, it also means apps have continued access even if you are not actively engaging with the app after initial install.

Can I use an app without granting certain permissions?

In some cases, you may be able to use apps without granting access to all permissions requested. For example, an app may request access to your friends list which you can deny but still use other app features. However, core features of the app may not work if you deny required permissions.

Review the permission request carefully – Facebook indicates which permissions are required for the app vs optional. If a permission seems unnecessary, try denying it to see if core app functionality still works.

Do app permissions affect friends and family?

App permissions you grant only apply to your account and data. However, they can indirectly impact friends in certain cases:

  • If an app has access to your friends list, it may be able to access limited profile info like names, profile pics and gender of your friends.
  • Apps with posting permissions can spam updates and content on your timeline which your friends may see.
  • Messaging apps can send messages to your friends if allowed to access your inbox.

So be thoughtful about permission access to avoid indirectly exposing friends’ data or bombarding them with unwanted messages or posts.

Can I review deprecated or removed app permissions?

Over time, Facebook deprecates certain types of permissions and removes support for others as part of privacy improvements. You may notice old apps having access to permissions that are no longer supported or defined by Facebook.

Unfortunately there is no way to review when legacy or deprecated permissions were granted or what they allowed access to historically. The app permission dashboard only shows currently supported permission types.

Tips for managing Facebook app permissions

Here are some tips to safely manage permissions for Facebook apps:

  • Only install reputable apps from known developers.
  • Review permissions carefully before approving and grant selective access.
  • Revoke messaging, posting and friend permissions if not required.
  • Don’t allow location access for non-mapping/check-in apps.
  • Remove unused old apps you’ve stopped engaging with.
  • Periodically audit your app permissions dashboard.
  • Make sure you recognise all logged in apps.


Facebook app permissions require careful management to protect your privacy. Review granted app access and restrict it when possible. Approve only permissions that seem justified for an app’s functionality. Revoke access for unused apps regularly. With a few prudent steps, you can easily control what Facebook data your apps can see and access.