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How do I make what people post on my timeline public?

How do I make what people post on my timeline public?

Making posts on your Facebook timeline public allows anyone to see them, even people who are not your friends on Facebook. Here are some quick answers about making your timeline posts public:

– Go to your timeline and click on a post. In the bottom left, click on the audience selector (it may say “Friends” or “Public”).

– Choose “Public” to make that post visible to everyone.

– You can also change the default audience for your posts to public by going to your profile, clicking “Settings” and then “Timeline and Tagging.”

– Set “Who can see posts you’ve shared with friends of friends?” to “Public” to make all future posts public by default.

When to Use Public Timeline Posts

Here are some common situations when you may want to use public timeline posts on Facebook:

Promoting Your Business or Organization

Making posts public is important for businesses, brands and organizations wanting to promote content, offers or events to both existing followers and new potential customers. Public posts give your content maximum visibility.

Sharing General Life Updates

For personal users, public posts can be a way to share life moments and updates more broadly. This includes announcing major life events like engagements, pregnancies or new jobs. Public posts cast a wider net for likes, comments and shares from acquaintances.

Covering Trending News or Events

Public posts allow you to weigh in and join public discussions on trending news or current events. Your take on a news item or viral story can reach interested people beyond just your friends list.

Sharing Your Work or Talents

Creators, artists and professionals can utilize public posts to showcase their work to new audiences. Whether you are a photographer, musician or freelancer, public posts help get your work discovered.

Considerations Before Posting Publicly

While public posts can help expand your reach, there are also some factors to keep in mind:

Privacy and Safety

Public posts mean anyone can see your content and profile info. Consider whether you want strangers viewing your posts and personal details. Keep personal contact info like phone numbers private.

Appropriate Content

Make sure public posts contain appropriate content you are comfortable being viewed by anyone. Avoid oversharing personal issues or posting content that could reflect poorly on you.

Comment Moderation

Public posts may attract comments from random users you do not know. You can filter offensive comments but expect more moderation.

Controversial Opinions

If sharing opinions on controversial current events, be prepared for debate and criticism from those who disagree with your viewpoint. Public posts reach people across the political and ideological spectrum.

How Public Posts Appear in News Feeds

When you make a post public, here is how it appears to others:

Your Public Connections

– Friends, followers and subscribers will see the post at the top of their News Feed like normal.


– Non-friends may see the public post in their News Feeds if you share common connections. The post will be labeled as “Shared by a friend” or “Shared by a friend of a friend.”

Hashtag and Location Pages

– Public posts can appear on hashtag and location pages if you tag a hashtag or location. Anyone viewing these pages can see the post.

Search Results

– Public posts may appear in search results on Facebook, Google or other search engines. Your post could be discovered by searchers looking for relevant topics.

Steps to Make a Post Public

Here is a step-by-step guide to making an individual Facebook post public:

1. Go to Your Timeline

– Access your profile page and timeline where your posts appear.

2. Create a New Post

– Click on the status update box at the top to write a new post.

3. Add Post Content

– Type your update, mention people, add emojis, tag location, include photos or video, etc.

4. Click the Audience Selector

– In the bottom left, click the audience selector icon next to the Post button.

5. Choose Public

– In the menu that pops up, click “Public” to make this post viewable by everyone.

6. Post It

– Click the Post button to share your public post on Facebook.

Making All Posts Public by Default

You can make all your timeline posts public by default by adjusting your default audience in your settings:

1. Go to Profile Settings

– Click on the arrow in the top right and select “Settings & Privacy”.

2. Go to Timeline and Tagging

– Click “Settings” in the left column and go to the “Timeline and Tagging” tab.

3. Change Default Post Audience

– Under “Who can see posts you’ve shared with friends of friends?” select “Public” from the dropdown menu.

4. Save Changes

– Click “Review All Settings” at the bottom and then “Confirm” to save your new default audience.

Now all posts you share will automatically be visible to the public. You can still adjust individual posts to specific audiences.

Limiting Who Can See Your Public Content

Although public posts are viewable by everyone, you do have some options to limit who can see your public content:

Restrict Underage Accounts

Enable this setting to prevent public posts from being visible to users under 18 years old. Minors will not see your public content.

Block Specific Users

You can block certain users so they cannot view your public posts or interact with you. Use this for harassers or unwanted connections.

Limit Commenting

Adjust comment settings to only allow friends to comment or require comment approval. This limits non-friends engaging with your public posts.

Exclude From News Feed

Friends can hide your posts from their News Feeds while still staying connected. This gives them control over what public content they see from you.

Public Post Visibility According to Facebook

Here is an overview of how Facebook defines different levels of post visibility:

Post Audience Who Can See It
Public Anyone including people off Facebook who find it through search engines
Friends of Friends Your friends and their friends
Friends Only Only your added Facebook friends
Specific Groups Only selected friend lists or groups
Just Me Only you

Facebook notes public is the broadest audience, allowing anyone worldwide to view and interact with your posts.

The Difference Between Public, Friends, and Friends of Friends

Understanding the difference between public, friends only, and friends of friends privacy can help you choose the right option:

Public Posts

– Fully open visibility – seen by all Facebook users and non-users finding your profile or posts.

Friends Only Posts

– Visible only to people you are connected to as friends on Facebook.

Friends of Friends Posts

– Visible to your 1st degree friends and your friends’ friends and followers. Most limited visibility.

So public is complete open access, friends is limited to connections only, and friends of friends strikes a middle ground with some extended visibility.

Can I Limit Who Comments on Public Posts?

Yes, you can limit who is able to comment on your public Facebook posts:

Friends Only Comments

In post settings, restrict commenting to “Friends Only”. This means only your Facebook friends can comment.

Comment Approval

Enable “Comment Approval” so you have to manually approve all comments before they are visible. This allows you to filter spam or abusive comments.

Keyword Filtering

Use keyword filtering to block comments with inappropriate words or phrases automatically.

Ban or Restrict Users

If certain users are repeatedly harassing you, ban them from your page or restrict them from commenting.

While public posts are visible to all, you still have options to curate and control interactivity. Limiting commenting helps avoid harassment while sharing your message.

Can I Share a Post Only With Specific Friends?

Yes, Facebook allows you to share posts with only certain friends rather than your entire friends list:

Create Friend Lists

Build customized friend lists around specific groups like close friends, family, coworkers etc.

Use Friend Lists for Posts

When sharing a post, choose to show it to a particular friend list instead of all friends.

Use Other Groups

You can also limit post visibility to certain groups you created or are a member of on Facebook.

Tag Individual Friends

Tag only certain people in your post and select “Custom” to only show it to those tagged.

So you have full control over sharing posts with particular segments of friends rather than your full list. Use friend lists or tags to narrow your audience.

Can I Share a Post Only With a Specific Friend?

You cannot share a traditional post with only one Facebook friend. However, here are some alternative options for messaging specific individuals:

Send a Private Message

Use Facebook Messenger to send a private chat, audio message, or video call to one friend.

Tag Them in the Post

Tag the friend’s profile in your post and select “Custom” so only they can view it.

Share via Email or Text

Email or text the post content directly to the person outside of Facebook.

Use a Multi-Audience Tool

A third-party social media management platform that supports sending different post versions to custom segments of your audience.

While you can’t natively share a Facebook post with only one person, you can get around this limitation in a few different ways.

Can I Share a Memory Only With Certain Friends?

When you share a Facebook memory or “On This Day” post, you have limited options for customizing the audience:

No Audience Selection

By default, memories are shared with the same audience as the original post. There is no way to change this.

Hide From Specific People

You can choose to hide the memory from particular friends in your list while keeping it public.

Disable Auto Sharing

Turn off auto sharing memories completely in your settings if you don’t want them posted without permission.

Overall, memories limit your ability to customize the audience. Your best option is hiding from selected individuals or disabling auto sharing if you want more control.

Can I Make an Old Post Public or Friends Only?

To change the privacy setting on an old Facebook post:

1. Go To Your Post

Navigate to the post on your timeline that you want to edit.

2. Click the Three Dots Icon

Find the three dots “more” menu in the top right corner of your post.

3. Select Edit Post

Choose “Edit Post” or “Edit Privacy” from this menu.

4. Change the Audience

This will let you update the privacy setting to Friends, Public, or a custom audience.

5. Save Changes

Review the changes and click “Confirm” to save the new privacy setting.

The post will now display to the updated audience you selected moving forward.

Do Likes and Comments on Public Posts Also Become Public?

Yes, when someone engages with your public Facebook post:

Likes Are Public

Likes on the post are always public and visible to anyone who can see the post.

Public Comments

Comments are also public by default and will be seen by all.

Sharing is Public

If someone shares your public post, that share will also be public.

Restrict Comment Privacy

You can, however, restrict comments to only friends or require approval. This makes commenting more private.

So in general, engaging with a public post results in public likes, shares, and comments. Limiting comment visibility is the only exception.

Should I Post Publicly or Just to Friends?

Here are some pros and cons of posting publicly vs. just to friends that can help guide your Facebook privacy strategy:

Public Posts Friends Only
Reach wider audience More intimate visibility
Content can spread further Limits exposure of content
Attract negative feedback Less potential for harassment
Requires more moderation Easier to manage interactions

In general, public posts offer greater reach while friends only provides more control. Evaluate your goals and comfort level with exposure.


The option to share Facebook posts publicly or just to friends gives you flexibility in how you use the platform. Consider your audience, industry, and comfort with visibility as you decide between public and friends-only posting. Enable public posts for increased exposure but use friends-only sharing and other privacy controls to maintain boundaries.