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How do I make someone an admin in a Facebook group?

How do I make someone an admin in a Facebook group?


Making someone an admin in a Facebook group you manage gives them the ability to help moderate the group. Group admins can approve posts, delete inappropriate content, ban members who violate rules, appoint other admins, and change the group’s settings. Here’s an overview of how to make someone an admin in your Facebook group:

  • You must be the group creator or a current admin to make someone else an admin.
  • Go to your group’s page and click “Members” in the left sidebar.
  • Find the member you want to make an admin and click the 3-dot menu next to their name.
  • Select “Make Admin” from the dropdown menu.
  • Confirm your choice when prompted.

That’s the gist of the process. There are a few more details worth covering, which we’ll discuss below.


Before making someone a Facebook group admin, make sure:

  • You are the group creator or already an admin yourself. Only admins can appoint other admins.
  • The member you want to promote is currently in the group. They must be a member first before you can make them an admin.
  • You trust this person to take on an admin role. Admins have a lot of power, so choose wisely.

If those criteria are met, then you’re ready to turn another member into a group admin.

Step 1: Go to Members List

First, navigate to your group’s page and click on “Members” in the left sidebar. This will open up the member list.

You can also get to the member list by clicking on the 3 dots at the top of your group and selecting “View All Members” from the dropdown menu.

Find the Member

Once you’re on the member list page, scroll down to find the member you want to make an admin.

You can use the search bar to find them faster if you have a large group.

Step 2: Click the Member’s 3-Dot Menu

When you locate the member in the list, hover over their name and click the 3-dot menu that appears to the right of it.

This will open a dropdown menu.

Select ‘Make Admin’

In the dropdown that appears, click “Make Admin.” This option will only show up if you are the group creator or already an admin yourself.

Step 3: Confirm Your Choice

A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to make the selected member an admin of the group.

Click “Make Admin” again to verify.

And that’s it! That member is now a group admin and will have the same privileges and abilities that you have as an admin.

Admin Abilities

To give you a better idea of what new abilities that member has, here is an overview of what Facebook group admins can do:

  • Approve or deny posts from other members before they are visible to the group
  • Delete inappropriate posts or comments
  • Ban members who violate group rules
  • Appoint other members as admins or moderators
  • Change group settings like the name, cover photo, privacy level, tags, and more
  • Send group announcements
  • Enable or disable commenting on posts
  • Add or remove rules for the group

Essentially, they help manage all aspects of the group. So only give admin status to members you truly trust.

Removing Admin Status

What if you need to remove someone’s admin status in your group? No problem.

Just go back to the member list, open up the 3-dot menu for that member, and select “Remove as Admin” instead.

The rest of the steps are the same as appointing an admin. Select the member, open the menu, pick the remove option, and confirm your choice.

You can take away admin privileges at any time.

Limits on Admins

Facebook does limit the number of admins a single group can have:

  • For groups under 5,000 members, you can have a max of 15 admins
  • For groups between 5,000-10,000 members, the max is 20 admins
  • For groups between 10,000-50,000 members, the max is 30 admins

So if you try to add more and get an error about exceeding the limit, you’ll need to remove some existing admins first.

This is to prevent groups from being overwhelmed by too many admins.

Creating Admin-Only Groups

There is one scenario where only admins are allowed in a Facebook group and regular members cannot join. These are known as admin-only groups.

They can be useful when:

  • You want a private space just for your team of admins to collaborate and discuss the group
  • You have a community with multiple related groups and want a central admin group to manage them all

To create an admin-only Facebook group:

  1. Go through the normal group creation process but select “Admins Only” under the Privacy setting
  2. Add existing admins from your other groups to the new admin-only group
  3. Manage this group’s members just like you would for a normal group

Now you have a dedicated space where only admins can access and talk about group moderation strategies, content guidelines, and other administrative topics.

Using Admin Roles Effectively

Here are some tips on leveraging admin roles strategically:

  • Don’t overwhelm new admins at first. Add them gradually to larger groups.
  • Consider having “head admins” who can manage other admins.
  • Have occasional discussions with your admin team to align on policies.
  • Reduce frustration by defining admin responsibilities and boundaries clearly.

Assigning admin roles works best when you take the time to choose admins thoughtfully, set them up for success, and foster collaboration.


Making someone a Facebook group admin grants them powers to help manage members, content, and settings for the community.

Use this ability carefully to build a strong, trustworthy leadership team for your group. Admins should be reliable members who will contribute positively to the group’s growth and conduct.

With the steps provided above, you should be able to quickly find members, open their menus, and tap “Make Admin” to appoint reliable new admins for your Facebook group. Leverage their help to keep your community running smoothly.