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How do I make someone a co organizer on a Facebook event?

How do I make someone a co organizer on a Facebook event?

Making someone a co-organizer on a Facebook event you created is easy and can be done in just a few steps. As the original event creator, you have full control over adding and removing other co-organizers. Co-organizers have the same abilities as you do for that event, so choose wisely.

Can I make someone else a co-organizer of my Facebook event?

Yes, as the original creator of a Facebook event, you can make other people co-organizers. This gives them the same permissions and abilities to edit and manage the event as you have.

Who should I make a co-organizer?

Typically, you’ll want to choose someone who is helping you plan and organize the event to make them a co-organizer. This could be a spouse, friend, family member, or co-worker who is playing an active role. Some things to consider:

  • Choose someone reliable who you trust to responsibly manage event details
  • Pick someone actively involved in the planning process
  • Select someone who will remain an organizer for the duration of the event
  • Avoid making too many people organizers

How do I make someone else a co-organizer on Facebook?

Making someone a co-organizer is easy and only takes a few steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook event page
  2. Click “Edit Event” at the top of the page
  3. Go to the “Event Organizers” section
  4. Start typing the name of the person you want to make a co-organizer
  5. Select their name from the dropdown menu
  6. Click “Save” at the bottom

Once you save your changes, the person you selected will be notified and granted all the same permissions as you for managing that event moving forward.

What can co-organizers do?

Co-organizers have the same abilities and permissions for the event as the original creator. Here are some of the things they can do:

  • Edit event name, date, time, location, and other details
  • Add, remove, or edit the guest list
  • Post and delete wall posts
  • Send event invites
  • Communicate with guests
  • Add cover photos or images
  • Promote the event
  • Create new posts and update existing ones
  • Remove other co-organizers

Essentially, they have full control as if they created the event themselves. The only thing co-organizers can’t do is delete the event entirely.

Can I remove someone as a co-organizer?

Yes, as the original event creator you can remove any co-organizers at any time:

  1. Go to the Facebook event page
  2. Click “Edit Event” at the top
  3. Go to “Event Organizers”
  4. Hover over the name of the person you want to remove and click “X” to delete them
  5. Click “Save” to confirm the changes

Once removed as a co-organizer, that person will no longer have any permissions to edit or manage the event.

Can I make someone an admin instead of an organizer?

No, Facebook does not allow you to assign “admin” permissions for an event. The only roles are organizer (full permissions) and guest (view only). There is no special “admin” role.

The best option is to make someone a co-organizer if you want them to help manage and edit the event. There is no intermediate “admin” role between an organizer and regular guest.

What happens if I delete a co-organizer from the event?

If you delete someone as a co-organizer from your Facebook event, here is what happens:

  • They will immediately lose all organizer permissions for that event
  • Any changes or edits they have made will remain, but they can no longer make new changes
  • They will be revert back to a normal guest without organizer abilities
  • They will still remain on the guest list and be able to view event details
  • They will not receive any notification that they have been removed as an organizer

So in summary, the person will no longer have any management access but will still be part of the event as a guest.

Can I limit a co-organizer’s permissions?

Unfortunately, you cannot limit or customize the permissions for a Facebook event co-organizer. Facebook only allows for two roles:

  • Organizer – Has full control and management abilities
  • Guest – Can view event details but not make changes

There is no way to create customized roles or granular permissions for specific co-organizers. All organizers share the same full permissions for editing that event.

What are some tips for using co-organizers effectively?

When leveraging co-organizers for your Facebook events, keep these tips in mind:

  • Communicate expectations clearly so everyone is on the same page
  • Limit the number of co-organizers to key people truly helping to plan
  • Have a plan if you need to remove someone’s organizer access
  • Divide and conquer tasks to avoid duplicating work
  • Make sure at least one original organizer remains in place
  • Use organizer tools collaboratively like posting, inviting, assigning tasks
  • Establish a process for reviewing and approving major changes
  • Switch organizer status to “guest” after the event wraps up

Can I make someone just an admin without organizer abilities?

No, Facebook does not have an “admin” role for events – only organizer and guest. There is no special event “admin” designation you can assign.

The closest option is to make someone a co-organizer, which grants them full management permissions. If you need more limited access, they will need to remain a regular guest without any special powers.

What’s the difference between admin and organizer for a Facebook event?

There is no difference, because Facebook does not have an “admin” role for events. The only two options are:

  • Organizer – Full management control
  • Guest – View only access

Sometimes people refer to organizers as “admins” informally, but there is no special admin designation. Organizers have complete access to edit all event details, messaging, promotions, and more.

Should I make everyone an organizer or only trusted helpers?

It’s generally best to limit your Facebook event organizers to 1-3 trusted helpers instead of making everyone an organizer. Here’s why:

  • Too many organizers can lead to confusion
  • Giving everyone full perms could result in unintended changes
  • You may not want to share total control with all guests
  • More organizers increases chances of miscommunications
  • Tough to coordinate if many people are making edits
  • Easier to keep things organized with core team of helpers

Pick 1-3 key people to be organizers instead of making everyone one. This maintains better control and coordination for a successful event!


Making someone a co-organizer for your Facebook event is simple and grants them full management permissions. Choose helpers carefully, communicate expectations clearly, limit to key people, and remove access when appropriate. With the right coordinators, you can work as an effective team to create an amazing event!