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How do I make myself admin on a group page?

How do I make myself admin on a group page?

Becoming an admin on a Facebook group page allows you to have more control over the group. As an admin, you can approve posts, delete inappropriate content, ban members, create events, and more. Here are the steps to make yourself an admin of a Facebook group:

Check If You’re Already an Admin

Before doing anything else, confirm whether you’re already an admin of the group. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the group page
  2. Click on Members in the left sidebar
  3. Scroll through the list to see if you have an admin badge next to your name

If you see the admin badge, then there’s no need to take any further steps. You already have full admin permissions for that group.

Ask the Current Admin to Add You

If you aren’t yet an admin, the easiest way to become one is by asking the current admin to add you.

Here are some tips for getting added by the admin:

  • Send them a direct message explaining why you need admin access and how you will help the group.
  • Make sure you have been active in the group with helpful posts and comments.
  • Tell them you wish to help manage content or create events for the group members.
  • If there are multiple admins, message them all to increase your chances.
  • Be patient and polite even if the admin says no at first.

Hopefully the current admin will add you once they understand you just want to contribute more to the community. This is the quickest and easiest way to become a group admin.

Claim Admin Rights If the Group is Unowned

Sometimes a Facebook group has no active admins left. When a group has no admins, it enters an “unowned” state. If you discover a group you belong to is unowned, you can claim admin rights over it.

Here is the process to claim admin privileges over an unowned Facebook group:

  1. Go to the group and click Members in the left sidebar
  2. Scroll through the member list to confirm there are no admins
  3. Click on the Settings tab and select Claim Group at the bottom
  4. Select a reason why you need to manage the group
  5. Click Claim Group once more to confirm

After following these steps, you should gain full administrator access to the unowned group. Treat your new powers judiciously by removing spam, setting group rules, and adding other trustworthy members as admins.

Take Over an Inactive Group

Sometimes a Facebook group has admins, but they’ve been inactive for a long time. If an admin hasn’t posted or moderated in at least 30 days, Facebook considers the group inactive.

If you’ve been an active member of such a group, you can petition Facebook to give you admin rights. Here’s how the inactive group takeover process works:

  1. Join the group you wish to takeover if you haven’t already
  2. Make engaging posts and comments in the group for a few weeks
  3. Go to Group Settings and click Request Admin Rights
  4. Choose an option explaining why you deserve to be admin
  5. Click Submit Request and wait for Facebook to review

Facebook will review your request and the activity levels in the group before deciding. So your chances are better if you have a long history with the group and the current admins are completely inactive. This method does involve some waiting, but it allows you to take over even without the original admin’s cooperation.

Petition Facebook

If all else fails, you can petition Facebook support directly to request admin privileges. Here are some cases where you may need to contact Facebook about a group:

  • The original group creator deleted their account
  • The current admins are violating Facebook rules
  • Admins are promoting illegal or unethical content
  • You created the group but lost admin rights
  • Admins are kicking members out for no valid reason

To petition Facebook, visit the Help Center and select the Get Support button. Explain your situation in detail and they may grant you admin access if your petition is reasonable.

Keep in mind Facebook will only do this as a last resort. They prefer to let current admins determine new ones. But if you make a compelling case, you may win your appeal. Be ready to explain why it benefits the community for you to manage the group.

Things to Do Once You’re Admin

Once you gain administrator access, here are some tips on managing your new role:

  • Add other trustworthy members as admins too so you have help moderating
  • Delete any spam posts or inappropriate content to clean up the group
  • Change the group’s cover photo, description, or settings
  • Create new rules or pin important info posts to guide members
  • Engage with members by replying to comments and approving join requests
  • Post regularly to keep the community active and vibrant

While it takes some effort, becoming a group admin allows you to ensure the community stays helpful, positive, and active. Use your powers wisely as you shape the group’s future.


Becoming a Facebook group administrator enables you to more deeply support the community. The best approach is to first politely ask existing admins to add you. If that fails due to inactivity or unowned groups, you can claim admin rights or petition Facebook. Use your new privileges to manage content, create events, and keep the discussions engaging. With the proper care and moderation, your group can thrive for many years to come.

Method When to Use Difficulty
Ask current admins You want more responsibility to help the group Easy if admins know and trust you
Claim unowned group The group has no active admins currently Straightforward if group is truly unowned
Take over inactive group Current admins have abandoned the community Moderate difficulty convincing Facebook
Petition Facebook No other options available to gain admin rights Hard getting Facebook support to agree

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Facebook group admins can there be?

Facebook allows unlimited admins for a group. However, it’s best to only add those who need privileges to help manage the community.

Can a group admin remove other admins?

Yes, admins can remove fellow admins. Once you’re an admin, go to Manage Admins under the group’s Settings to revoke privileges.

Is it possible to remove original group admins?

No, the creator of the group can never be removed as admin by other admins. Only Facebook could demote an original admin.

What happens if all admins leave a Facebook group?

If all admins leave, the group will enter an unowned state. Any member can then claim admin rights over an unowned group.

How do I remove myself as a Facebook group admin?

Go to Manage Admins in the group’s Settings menu and click on your name. Select Remove Admin next to your name to step down.

Gaining administrator access to a Facebook group allows you to ensure conversations remain positive and helpful. Use a constructive approach and lead by example as an admin. With active moderation, your group can continue to thrive and grow.