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How do I make my reactions invisible on Facebook?

How do I make my reactions invisible on Facebook?

What are Facebook reactions?

Facebook reactions allow you to quickly respond to posts with various emotions beyond just “liking” them. The standard reactions are Like, Love, Care, Haha, Wow, Sad, and Angry. When you react to a post, the reaction icon will appear below the post and your name will show up in a list of people who reacted.

Why would you want to make your reactions invisible?

There are a few reasons why you may want your Facebook reactions to be invisible:

  • Privacy – To keep your interactions more private
  • Avoid conflict – To react without notifying the original poster or starting debates
  • Stalking concerns – To avoid letting certain people know you’ve seen their posts

Making your reactions invisible means people will not be notified when you react and your name will not appear in the list of reactors. You can still react, but it will be anonymous.

How to make reactions invisible on Facebook

There are a couple different ways to make your Facebook reactions invisible.

Method 1: Adjust News Feed Preferences

You can control whether your reactions are visible in your News Feed preferences:

  1. Go to your Facebook News Feed
  2. Click the 3 dot menu in the top right
  3. Select “News Feed Preferences”
  4. Under the Reactions heading, uncheck “Show Reactions on my posts”

This will prevent your reactions from showing up in your friends’ News Feeds. However, people will still be notified if you react to their posts directly.

Method 2: Use Privacy Shortcuts

Facebook’s Privacy Shortcuts menu provides quick access to make your reactions invisible:

  1. Click the down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page
  2. Select “Privacy Shortcuts”
  3. Click “Limit Past Posts”
  4. Toggle “Limit Old Posts” to On
  5. Under “Limit Audience for Old Posts”, select “Only Me”

This will limit all your old reactions and other activity to be visible only to you. New reactions will also be invisible moving forward.

Method 3: Use a Third Party Extension

Browser extensions like Who Reacted for Facebook allow you to hide your reactions with one click:

  1. Install the Who Reacted extension for your browser
  2. When on Facebook, click the extension icon in your toolbar
  3. Toggle “Hide my reactions” On

This will automatically hide all your reactions in real-time without changing any settings.

Pros and cons of invisible reactions

Making your Facebook reactions invisible has some advantages but also a few drawbacks to consider:


  • More privacy and anonymity
  • Avoid unwanted attention or debates over reactions
  • Keep your activity hidden from certain people
  • React honestly without worrying about offending people


  • Unable to publicly show support or appreciation for posts
  • Less engaging for friends who won’t see your reactions
  • Need to manually adjust settings or use extensions
  • Can’t undo for specific people or posts – it’s all or nothing

Who can see invisible reactions?

When you make your Facebook reactions invisible using any of the above methods, here is who can see them:

  • You – You will still see your own reactions
  • Facebook – Facebook stores all activity data regardless of settings
  • Page owners – People will see reactions on their own posts
  • Advertisers – Facebook provides aggregated reaction data to advertisers

So your reactions are still visible to a few parties, but anonymous to your friends and followers.

Do invisible reactions still impact rankings?

Yes, your invisible reactions still have the same impact on how Facebook ranks and distributes posts. Reactions are signals Facebook uses to determine what content is engaging and popular. So reacting can boost posts you enjoy, even if you hide your activity.

Can you undo invisible reactions?

If you change your mind and want your reactions to be public again, you can undo invisible reactions:

  • For News Feed setting change, toggle “Show Reactions on my posts” back On
  • For Privacy Shortcuts, change “Limit Audience for Old Posts” back to Public
  • For browser extensions, toggle “Hide my reactions” Off

This will make your reactions visible again moving forward. But existing reactions may require visiting posts individually to re-react publicly.


Making your Facebook reactions invisible gives you more control over your privacy and interactions. While you lose the ability to publicly show appreciation, you can react more freely without unintended social consequences. Just be aware it impacts your friends’ experiences too.

Method How To Pros Cons
News Feed Settings Adjust preferences Simple Limited control
Privacy Shortcuts Limit past posts Broad control Time consuming
Browser Extensions One click Real time Reliant on third party

Decide whether you value more transparency or privacy with your reactions. And you can always change your preferences later. With the right settings, you can enjoy Facebook interactions while keeping your activity invisible.