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How do I make my FB reels longer?

How do I make my FB reels longer?

Facebook Reels allow users to create and share short-form video content on Facebook and Instagram. While standard Reels are limited to 30 seconds, there are a few ways to extend the length of your Reels beyond the default 30 second limit.

Use Video Stitching to Combine Multiple Clips

The easiest way to make longer Reels is to stitch together multiple video clips within the Reels editor. You can record or upload multiple clips and combine them, allowing you to string together a cohesive Reel for up to 60 seconds.

To stitch clips:

  1. Open the Reels camera in the Facebook or Instagram app
  2. Record or upload your first clip, up to 30 seconds
  3. Tap the “Stitch” icon that appears at the end of the clip
  4. Record or upload your next clip, up to 30 seconds
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add additional clips
  6. Rearrange clips and add any edits, effects, audio etc.
  7. Post your multi-clip Reel, up to 60 seconds total

This stitching method allows you to integrate multiple clips into a longer Reel easily right within the Reels editor. You can combine any clips up to 60 seconds total. The transitions between clips will be automatically smoothed for a seamless, professional look.

Use Video Editing Apps to Extend Length

If you want to create Reels longer than 60 seconds, you’ll need to use third-party video editing apps. Apps like InShot, Kapwing, and iMovie allow you to combine clips with no maximum length.

Here are the basic steps:

  1. Record or export clips up to 30 seconds each
  2. Open your video editing app and import the clips
  3. Arrange and stitch clips together into a single video
  4. Export the final long-form video
  5. Upload the video to Facebook as a Reel

This process allows you to create Reels of any length. However, keep in mind that extremely long videos may not perform as well. Aim to keep your Reels under 5 minutes maximum for the best results.

Live Stream to Facebook

You can also go live on Facebook to create a long-form Reel. When you finish your live stream, the full video will be saved as a Reel on your profile.

To go live:

  1. In the Facebook app, tap the Live icon
  2. Go live for up to 8 hours
  3. End your live stream when finished
  4. The full video will be posted as a Reel

One benefit of live streaming is that viewers can comment and engage with you in real-time. However, not all audiences may have time to tune into a live broadcast. Pre-recorded Reels may reach a wider audience asynchronously.

Optimize Longer Reels for Maximum Impact

Once you’ve created a longer Reel, follow these tips to maximize your reach and engagement:

  • Hook viewers right away – start strong with an interesting first clip
  • Use transitions between clips to smooth over edits
  • Add music, effects, filters to amplify the vibe
  • Cut out dull moments – keep the energy up throughout
  • Tell a story or share useful information to keep viewers watching
  • Engage viewers with captions, hashtags, prompts to comment, etc.

Balancing length with compelling content takes experimentation. Analyze metrics like viewer drop-off rates to optimize your approach. Ideal Reel length depends on your audience and goals.

Length Limit Comparisons

Here is a comparison of maximum Reel lengths across platforms:

Platform Max Reel Length
Facebook 60 seconds (longer with editing apps)
Instagram 60 seconds (longer with editing apps)
TikTok 10 minutes
YouTube Shorts 60 seconds

As you can see, TikTok has the longest limit at 10 minutes. YouTube Shorts and Facebook/Instagram Reels cap at 60 seconds natively, but allow longer videos created externally.

Weigh the Pros and Cons of Longer Reels

Is longer always better for Reels? Consider these potential pros and cons:


  • More time to develop an engaging story
  • Increased watch time and lower drop-off
  • Higher ad revenue for longer videos
  • Deeper connection with audiences


  • More production time and resources required
  • Higher risk of losing viewer attention
  • May not align with audience usage patterns
  • Limits posting frequency vs. shorter videos

Weigh your goals, resources, and audience attention span when deciding optimal Reel length. Test a mix of longer and shorter content to see what performs best.

Tools to Make Long Reels

Here are some top tools for making long-form Reels:

Tool Key Features
InShot Combine clips, trim, rearrange, add effects
Kapwing robust editing features, collaborative editing
iMovie Automated movie creator, trailer templates
Adobe Premiere Rush Advanced tools, publish direct to social

Choose a video editing app that aligns with your skill level and specific production needs. Prioritize ease of use if you’re just starting out.


With a few simple tactics, you can extend your Facebook and Instagram Reels beyond the standard 30 second limit. Stitch clips in the native Reels editor, use third party editing apps, or live stream to create longer Reels. Balance length with quality content tailored to your audience. Experiment with both short and long-form video to determine the best performing lengths for your brand. The ability to make Reels of varying durations gives you flexibility to find the sweet spot based on your goals and audience preferences.