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How do I make my FB name unsearchable?

How do I make my FB name unsearchable?

If you want to make your Facebook name unsearchable, there are a few options you can try. The easiest way is to change your profile settings so your name doesn’t show up in public search results. You can also restrict who can send you friend requests or see your friends list. Using a nickname instead of your real name will also make you harder to find. There are also some third-party apps that claim to remove you from public listings, but they don’t always work perfectly. Keep reading for more details on how to make your FB name unsearchable.

Change Profile Settings

The simplest way to make your Facebook name unsearchable is to adjust your profile privacy settings. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your profile and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Select “Settings & Privacy” then “Settings.”
  2. Go to the “Privacy” section on the left sidebar. Click on “How people find and contact you.”
  3. Under “Who can see your future posts?” select “Friends” instead of “Public.”
  4. For “Who can look you up using the email address you provided?” select “Friends.”
  5. Under “Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile?” select “No.”

With these settings, your profile won’t show up in public Facebook searches. Only your friends will be able to find and contact you directly. Your profile may still appear in search results for your friends’ profiles or posts you’ve interacted with though.

Restrict Friend Requests and Viewers

Another way to improve your privacy is by restricting who can send you friend requests or see your friends list. Here’s how to do this:

  1. Go to your profile and click “Friends” on the left sidebar.
  2. Click the gear icon in the top right and select “Edit Privacy.”
  3. Under “Who can send you friend requests?” you can choose from options like “Friends of Friends” or “Only Friends of Friends.” The more restrictive, the better for privacy.
  4. Do the same for “Who can see your friends list” and choose “Only Me” for maximum privacy.

This will prevent random strangers from being able to find and connect with you on Facebook. Only people in your extended social network will be able to send friend requests or see who you’re connected to.

Use a Nickname

Using a made-up nickname instead of your real name is another simple way to be unsearchable. Here’s how to add a nickname:

  1. Go to your profile and click “Add Nickname” under your name.
  2. Type in the nickname you want to use and click “Save Changes.”

Your nickname will now show up instead of your real name on your profile, posts, and to friends. People searching for your real name won’t find your account. You can still be found through friends or networks though.

Remove Profile from Public Searches

There are third-party apps that claim they can completely remove your Facebook profile from public directory searches outside of your friends network. They work by submitting removal requests on your behalf. Here are two popular options:

  • F myelife – Browser extension that automatically opts your profile out of public listings.
  • Privacy Tools – Submits removal requests to Facebook, WhitePages, Spokeo and others.

These tools can help get your name and profile out of some public databases. However, they aren’t 100% comprehensive. Your profile can still show up in some search engines or directories. They also have to continually resubmit removal requests for ongoing effectiveness.

Delete Facebook Account

The nuclear option to make your FB name totally unsearchable is to delete your Facebook account altogether. You’ll lose access to everything associated with the account:

  • Profile info
  • Photos and posts
  • Friends list and messages
  • Facebook groups
  • Linked apps and websites

It’s a drastic step that will completely remove you from Facebook searches. But you won’t be able to retrieve anything from the deleted account. Make sure to backup or download anything important before deleting.

To delete your account:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings.
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left column.
  3. Select “Deactivation and Deletion.”
  4. Click “Continue to Account Deletion” and follow the steps.

Facebook will deactivate your account for 30 days before permanent deletion. You can still reactivate it during this time if you change your mind.


Making your Facebook profile unsearchable takes a bit of effort, but it can be done. The easiest options are changing your privacy settings, using a nickname, or restricting who can find you. Third-party removal tools can also help. Completely deleting your account is the only foolproof way to be totally unfindable, but you’ll lose access to everything associated with your profile.

Ultimately it’s a tradeoff between privacy and convenience. You’ll have to decide how invisible you want to be versus having access to all of Facebook’s features. There are steps you can take to be unsearchable without losing your account entirely.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I hide my Facebook completely?

It’s not possible to completely hide or delete your Facebook profile while keeping your account active. However, you can make your profile very difficult to find by changing privacy settings, using a nickname, restricting findability options, and removing yourself from public databases.

Does deactivating Facebook remove it from search results?

No, deactivating your Facebook account does not remove you from search results. Your profile remains visible but is put in an inactive state. You need to permanently delete your account to be removed from search listings.

Can someone find me on Facebook by phone number?

It is possible for someone to search for your Facebook profile by phone number if you have added and verified a phone number to your account. To prevent this, remove your phone number from your profile or set your visibility settings to friends only.

Is it better to deactivate or delete Facebook?

Deactivating will temporarily disable your account while deletion is permanent. If you think you may want to rejoin, deactivate first. But if you never want to use Facebook again, fully deleting your account is better for privacy.

Can you tell if someone searched your name on Facebook?

No, there is no way to tell if someone has searched for your name or profile on Facebook. Search activity is private and not shown to users. You will only know if someone sends a friend request or tries to interact with your profile.

Additional Privacy Tips

  • Review all of your privacy settings under the Settings menu. The default options are often very public.
  • Go through your profile and remove personal details like your address, workplace, or contact info.
  • Be cautious about joining public Facebook groups or events which add you to search listings.
  • Never “check in” to locations on Facebook from your phone as this tags your location.
  • Consider using a P.O. box or virtual address if you add any address to your profile.
  • Block search engines and social media crawlers using robots.txt on your own website if applicable.

Warnings about Unsearchable Profiles

While you may want privacy, here are some downsides to be aware of if you make your Facebook profile unsearchable:

  • Friends may have a hard time finding you or connecting.
  • Legit recruiters won’t be able to locate your profile.
  • It can seem suspicious if people can’t find anything about you online.
  • You’ll miss out on people looking for you with positive intentions.
  • Scammers will still find ways around privacy settings if targeted.

Consider if you can find a balance between being unsearchable and remaining approachable online. You don’t necessarily have to be completely hidden to gain more privacy.

Other Identity Protection Tips

Facebook is just one part of your online identity. Here are some other ways to protect your privacy:

  • Search for your name online to find and remove other profile listings.
  • Set social media accounts to private and remove personal details.
  • Use a virtual mailbox instead of your home address when possible.
  • Opt out of data brokers sites that aggregate your information.
  • Enable two-factor authentication on important logins.
  • Change passwords frequently and use a password manager.

Monitoring your digital footprint and minimizing personal details available takes diligence. But it helps avoid identity theft or online harassment.


Making your Facebook profile unsearchable takes effort but can be achieved. Adjust privacy settings, use a pseudonym, delete your account, or utilize third-party removal tools. However, weigh the benefits of being unfindable against networking and connecting with people.

Online privacy and identity protection involves diligence across all social media and websites. But implementing even small measures can minimize your digital footprint and help avoid risks like fraud or hacking.