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How do I make my Facebook profile in memory?

How do I make my Facebook profile in memory?

Losing a loved one is incredibly difficult. One of the hardest parts can be seeing their social media accounts remain active, as it serves as a constant reminder that they are gone. Facebook profiles in particular can be challenging, as they often contain many photos, stories, and interactions with the deceased. While Facebook does have options to memorialize or remove accounts, many find it meaningful to keep their loved one’s profile active in remembrance. This guide will walk you through the best practices for honoring someone’s Facebook account after they have passed away.

Should I Memorialize or Remove the Facebook Profile?

When someone passes away, the first decision is whether to memorialize or delete their Facebook profile. Here are some key factors to consider:

Memorializing the profile

  • Allows friends and family to share memories on the person’s timeline
  • Profile remains viewable but is essentially “frozen” as a legacy account
  • No one can log into the memorialized account
  • Good option if you want to keep the person’s profile active for friends to engage with

Deleting the profile

  • Permanently removes the account and all its content
  • May be preferred if the content is very personal or sensitive
  • Results in total erasure of that person’s Facebook presence
  • Good option if the profile’s content could cause ongoing grief or pain for family and friends

Think carefully about the deceased’s wishes and consult with close family before choosing memorialization or deletion. Both options are irreversible.

Steps for Memorializing a Facebook Profile

If you decide to memorialize the account, here is the process:

  1. Gather the required documents. You will need the person’s death certificate and your own government ID.
  2. Fill out Facebook’s Memorialization Request Form. You can find this under the “Memorialization Settings” page.
  3. Submit the documents via the request form. Facebook will review and process within 24 hours.
  4. Once approved, the word “Remembering” will appear next to the person’s name.
  5. Manage any legacy contacts. These are people who can update the profile header or pinned post in remembrance.

Key things to note during memorialization:

  • No one can log into the account once memorialized.
  • Profile and tagged photos remain visible to the public.
  • Friends can continue to post on the memorialized timeline.
  • Account will not show up in ads suggesting people reconnect.

So while memorializing “freezes” the profile, it still allows for active engagement with the deceased’s timeline. Many find this meaningful.

Making the Most of a Memorialized Profile

Once you memorialize someone’s account, here are some ways to optimize it as a living memorial:

Update the profile picture

Choose a special photo for the profile picture, like from a happy memory or meaningful event. This image will represent their memorialized presence.

Update the cover photo

Just like the profile picture, select a meaningful cover photo image to remember the person by.

Pin an “In Memoriam” post

Write a post with a short bio, meaningful quotes, photos, or memories of the deceased. Pin this to the top of their profile.

Share a memorial video

Create a video collage, slideshow, or highlight reel of the person’s life. Post and pin this memorial video on their profile.

Write memorial posts

Share your favourite stories, memories, and reflections of the deceased via regular timeline posts on their profile.

Share a memorial fundraiser

If applicable, post links to any memorial funds, causes, or donations established in the deceased’s name.

Interacting with a Memorialized Profile

Here are some ways friends can interact with a memorialized Facebook account:

Post memories

Share your favourite stories, photos, or reflections of the deceased by posting to their memorialized timeline.

Wish them happy birthday

Memorialized accounts will still show the birthday reminder each year. Post a message wishing them a happy birthday.

Mark their death anniversary

On the anniversary date of their passing, share a note or remembrance on the memorialized profile.

Reply to their posts

Go back through the memorialized account’s previous posts and interactions. Reply or react just as you would with a friend.

Tag them in relevant posts

If you share a new memory or experience related to the deceased, tag their account to include them.

Troubleshooting Issues

You may encounter some issues when memorializing or interacting with a Facebook profile. Here is how to troubleshoot:

Account does not show as “Remembering”

Double check that you submitted the memorialization request form and required documents. If approved, “Remembering” will appear next to their name at the top of the profile.

Legacy contact cannot edit profile content

Be sure the legacy contact has accepted their invite to manage the memorialized profile. Both parties must consent before updates can be made.

Friends cannot find or tag memorialized profile

Others may need to refresh their browser or search again for the exact name to locate the memorialized account. Tagging requires precise spelling.

Memorialized profile is showing ads

Report any inappropriate ads on a memorialized profile to Facebook immediately. They should not be showing promotional content.

Posts unexpectedly deleted from memorialized account

This is likely due to Facebook’s automated content monitoring. Appeal the deletion by reporting the missing post via Facebook Help.


Memorializing someone’s Facebook profile can provide an ongoing place for friends and family to connect in remembrance of that person. With thoughtful updates and interactions, memorialized accounts can become living tributes to love ones. Manage the settings and content carefully, and troubleshoot issues as needed. Most importantly, use the memorial profile to share memories and find support after losing someone dear.