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How do I make my Facebook likes private?

How do I make my Facebook likes private?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the most popular social media platform in the world. Many people use Facebook to connect with friends and family, share photos and life updates, and follow news and entertainment. A core feature of Facebook is the ability to “Like” content such as posts, photos, pages, and comments. Likes allow you to engage with content you enjoy and signal approval or interest to other users.

However, Facebook likes are public by default. This means anyone who visits your profile can see all the pages, posts, and photos you’ve liked. For some users, this level of visibility feels like an invasion of privacy. The good news is you can make your Facebook likes private and control who gets to see them.

Why Make Facebook Likes Private?

There are a few key reasons why you may want to make your Facebook likes private:

  • Avoid embarrassment – Your likes may reveal interests, guilty pleasures, political leanings, or other info you don’t want publicly visible.
  • Increase privacy – Likes can provide a window into your personality and views. Keeping them private limits what others can infer about you.
  • Reduce clutter – Your list of likes can become very long over time. Hiding them declutters your profile.
  • Control your image – For professional networking, you may want to limit visibility of likes unrelated to your career.
  • Avoid targeting – Keeping likes private could prevent some ad targeting and recommendations based on your interests.

The ability to make likes private gives you more control over your privacy and public image on Facebook. It’s a good option if you want to be selective about what you share publicly.

How to Make Facebook Likes Private

Making your Facebook likes private is a simple process that only takes a few steps:

Via Desktop

If you’re accessing Facebook on a desktop browser, here’s how to make likes private:

1. Click the arrow in the top right and select “Settings”.

2. On the left sidebar, click “Privacy”.

3. Select “Who can see your future likes and reactions on posts?”

4. Click the option for “Only Me”.

5. Click “Confirm” to save the setting.

Once you do this, only you will be able to see the posts, pages, and photos you’ve liked from that point forward. Existing likes remain public unless you go back and unlike them individually.

Via Mobile App

To make future likes private via the Facebook mobile app:

1. Tap the three-line menu icon in the top right.

2. Scroll down and select “Settings & Privacy”.

3. Select “Settings”.

4. Tap “Privacy”.

5. Tap “Activity Status”.

6. Under “Reactions and Posts”, tap “Who can see your future reactions and posts?”.

7. Select “Only Me”.

8. Tap “Back” to save.

This will make any new likes and reactions private moving forward. The process is slightly different on iOS and Android but generally follows these steps.

Things to Know

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about making Facebook likes private:

– Existing likes will remain public – You’ll need to manually unlike anything you don’t want visible.
– You can change the setting back at any time.
– Friends can still tag you in posts and photos publicly.
– Your name and profile pic may still appear in “Viewers” lists on public posts you interact with.
– Likes on friends’ public posts will remain visible.
– Groups you join will still be publicly listed on your profile.

While making likes private limits visibility, it doesn’t make your profile completely invisible. But it does give you much more control over what others can see you engaging with on Facebook.

How to Hide Existing Likes

Making new likes private only affects your future activity. Any likes you’ve accumulated up until changing the setting will still be publicly viewable.

If you want to hide existing likes, you’ll need to manually unlike them:

1. Go to your profile and click “Likes” under your cover photo.

2. This will display a feed of everything you’ve liked. Scroll through and unlike posts you want to hide.

3. You can also unlike pages, photos, and other content from your profile. Just click the “Liked” indicator to toggle it off.

This process can be tedious if you have hundreds or thousands of likes built up over years. Unfortunately there is no “hide all” button to make old likes private in bulk. You’ll have to go one by one unliking anything you don’t want public anymore.

Consider trimming this down to the most essential likes you want visible. For example, unliking funny memes, celebrities, or politics you no longer want associated with your profile publicly.

Limitations of Private Likes

While making likes private can improve your privacy, there are some limitations to be aware of:

– Friends can still see your likes, allowing info to spread by word of mouth.
– Your interactions may show up in “Viewers” lists on public posts.
– You can’t hide Profile and Cover photos you’re tagged in.
– Joining public or closed groups will show up on your profile.
– Hide Old Posts can only remove content less than a year old.
– Facebook still logs all your activity internally even if others can’t see it.

In essence, very little on Facebook is ever truly private. Your data informs advertising, recommendations, and more behind the scenes. Keep this mind and use common sense when engaging with content you want to keep private.

Other Facebook Privacy Tips

In addition to making likes private, here are some other steps you can take to lock down your Facebook privacy:

  • Review all your privacy settings under “Privacy Shortcuts”.
  • Limit old posts visibility with the “Limit Past Posts” tool.
  • Be cautious posting personal info like phone numbers, addresses, etc.
  • Avoid connecting with strangers who may misuse your info.
  • Use anonymous or pseudo accounts for sensitive topics.
  • Be wary of third-party apps requesting access to your data.
  • Disable facial recognition features.
  • Turn off ad personalization in Ad Preferences.

Examining all the options in Settings > Privacy is worth your time. Customize based on your comfort level for who sees what by default.

You can also download a copy of your Facebook data to see what information they have collected about you over time.


Facebook likes offer a low-friction way to engage with content you enjoy from friends, businesses, creators, public figures, and more. But not everyone wants their like history on full display. Making Facebook likes private limits visibility so only you can see the posts, pages, and people you interact with through liking.

It’s a simple setting change that can provide much more control over your public profile. New likes become hidden instantly while old likes require manually unliking. Even with private likes, some activity can still be visible, so continue exercising caution when engaging with sensitive subjects.

Combined with comprehensive privacy settings and vigilant sharing habits, making likes private can help you shape the version of yourself presented on Facebook.