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How do I make my Facebook cover picture fit?

How do I make my Facebook cover picture fit?

Having the right Facebook cover photo is important – it’s the first thing people see when they visit your profile. But with different device sizes and resolutions, getting your cover photo to fit perfectly can be tricky. Here’s a guide on how to make sure your Facebook cover picture looks great on all devices.

What are the Facebook cover photo dimensions?

Facebook displays cover photos at 851 pixels wide x 315 pixels tall on desktop. On smartphones, the dimensions are 640 x 360 pixels. So when designing your cover image, you need to make it 851 x 315 pixels to fit desktop properly. But keep in mind it will be cropped for mobile.

How do I create a Facebook cover photo?

You have a few options for actually making your Facebook cover photo:

  • Use Canva’s pre-sized Facebook cover templates.
  • Design in Photoshop, Illustrator or other image editing programs.
  • Take a photo with your phone camera and upload it.

If you don’t use a pre-sized template, be sure to set your image to 851×315 pixels at 72 dpi resolution. Using 72 dpi ensures the image will look sharp on high resolution displays.

How do I get my cover photo to fit all screen sizes?

Facebook dynamically crops cover photos to fit different device resolutions. For example, on mobile it will zoom and crop to the center portion of your image.

To make sure your cover photo looks great when cropped, follow these tips:

  • Place your main subject in the center of the image.
  • Avoid putting text on the far left or right edges where it may get cut off.
  • Add visual elements at the edges to allow for cropping, like extensions of the background.

You can preview how your cover photo will look on mobile in Facebook’s Cover Photo tool. Upload your image and select “See How It Looks on Mobile” to test different crops.

How do I position my cover photo?

In addition to cropping, you can also adjust the positioning of your Facebook cover photo:

  • Drag your photo left/right/up/down after uploading.
  • Use the “Reposition Cover Photo” tool to shift your image.
  • On mobile, pinch and zoom on your cover photo to reposition as desired.

Typically you will want to position your photo with the key focus area in the top left. This ensures your main subject will be visible and not covered by your profile picture or other page elements.

How do I check my cover photo fits different screens?

To see how your Facebook cover photo looks on different devices, you can:

  • Preview it on mobile in Facebook’s Cover Photo tool.
  • Use the Facebook mobile app or Facebook mobile site.
  • Check Facebook in browser responsive mode at different widths.
  • Ask friends with different devices to check it out.

Taking the time to test your cover photo across screen sizes will ensure it’s displaying properly for all your followers.

What common cover photo mistakes should I avoid?

Some common Facebook cover photo mistakes include:

  • Incorrect dimensions – Make it 851×315 pixels.
  • Pixelated images – Use high resolution photos.
  • Busy backgrounds – Choose simple, uncluttered images.
  • Off-center focus – Place key elements in the middle.
  • Text too close to edges – Leave margins when adding text.
  • Insensitive or inappropriate content – Keep it clean.

Proofing your cover photo thoroughly before publishing can help you avoid these errors.

Do I need text or graphics on my cover photo?

You don’t necessarily need to add text or graphics to your Facebook cover photo. A nice landscape, pattern or other clean image can work well on its own. But some additional design elements can make your cover photo pop, like:

  • Your name or page title
  • A motto or tagline
  • Icons or logos
  • Graphics reinforcing your brand

Just be sure any text and graphics are sized appropriately and positioned in the safe zone where they won’t get cropped out.

What apps help make cover photos?

Some popular apps for making custom Facebook cover photos include:

  • Canva – Free design app with cover photo templates.
  • Adobe Photoshop – Most powerful photo editing software.
  • Adobe Illustrator – Vector graphics editor.
  • GIMP – Free Photoshop alternative.
  • PicMonkey – Online photo editor and collage maker.
  • Snapseed – Great mobile photo editing app.

Try using an app to create a custom, eye-catching photo to make your Facebook profile stand out.

Can I use videos as my Facebook cover photo?

Unfortunately Facebook does not support video covers at this time. Your cover image must be a static photo. However you can use a still frame from a video if desired.

Some tips for choosing a frame from a video:

  • Pick an interesting moment that encapsulates the video.
  • Avoid fast action that will look blurry as a still.
  • Consider text or logos overlaid on the frame.
  • Export frame at high resolution for best quality.

While you can’t directly use a video, selecting the perfect frame can help promote video content on your page.

Should I design different cover photos for desktop and mobile?

In most cases, it’s not necessary to create separate cover photos for desktop and mobile. With a single well-designed image optimized for both, you can reduce workload without sacrificing quality. Some tips:

  • Stick to 851×315 pixel size for desktop.
  • Focus subject in center to maximize visibility when cropped.
  • Avoid text/graphics too close to edges.
  • Use Canva templates sized for both.
  • Test final image on all devices.

Having distinct desktop and mobile cover photos can provide more customization. But a single cover photo is often sufficient and simpler for most purposes.

Should I include my logo or branding on my cover photo?

Including your logo, branding colors, or other identifiers can be a nice touch on a Facebook cover photo. It helps reinforce recognition of your brand. Some tips:

  • Make sure logo is sized appropriately, not too big/small.
  • Use brand color schemes, fonts, and imagery.
  • Position identifiers like logo in safe middle area.
  • Keep text brief – focus on key brand motto or title.
  • Use transparent png logos over imagery for clean look.

You don’t need to overtly advertise. Subtle touches of branding make a connection without overwhelming the cover design.

What is the optimal image quality for Facebook cover photos?

For best image quality on your Facebook cover photo:

  • Use high resolution images (300+ dpi recommended).
  • Minimum acceptable resolution of 72 dpi.
  • Save images as compressed JPG files to reduce file size.
  • Avoid excessive compression that degrades image.
  • Keep images under 100MB for easy uploading.

Having an image that is at least 300 dpi, saved as a 90-95% compressed JPG, will optimize the balance of resolution and file size.

Should I include text on my Facebook cover photo?

Text can enhance a Facebook cover photo, but has to be used with care. Some tips on including text:

  • Limit text to key elements like titles, slogans, or logos.
  • Keep text brief and easy to read when small.
  • Use large point sizes and thick fonts.
  • Place text in safe middle zone away from edges.
  • Use contrasting colors that stand out.
  • Avoid long blocks of text that clutter design.

The ideal is around 5-15 words of key text for branding. Paragraphs of text are difficult to read and distract from cover photo visuals.


Creating the perfect Facebook cover photo takes effort but is worth it. A striking, well-designed cover immediately makes an impression on your profile visitors. By optimizing your image for multiple screen sizes, choosing visually captivating imagery, and reinforcing branding, you can make your Facebook cover photo really stand out.