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How do I make my Facebook cover photo fit my mobile and desktop?

How do I make my Facebook cover photo fit my mobile and desktop?

Having a Facebook cover photo that looks good on both desktop and mobile can be tricky. The dimensions for desktop cover photos are quite different from mobile, so getting one image to work for both can take some careful planning and preparation.

In this article, we’ll walk through all the steps you need to follow to create a Facebook cover photo that looks great on all devices. We’ll cover the ideal dimensions, how to design for both desktop and mobile, tips for taking your own cover photo, and how to upload and adjust the final image on Facebook.

Desktop and Mobile Cover Photo Dimensions

The first thing to understand is the difference between the desktop and mobile dimensions for Facebook cover photos:

  • Desktop cover photos are 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall
  • Mobile cover photos are 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall

As you can see, desktop cover images are wider while mobile covers are taller. This means you’ll need to design your image with both aspect ratios in mind.

Designing for Desktop

When creating your Facebook cover photo, you should start by designing for desktop first. This is because it’s easier to scale the image down for mobile rather than make a taller mobile image work for desktop.

Some tips for designing a desktop cover photo:

  • Use the full 851 x 315 pixel dimensions – this will ensure high image quality on large monitors
  • Pick a horizontal image or photograph that works well in a wide, banner-style layout
  • Make sure any important information or focal points fall within the left and middle part of the image, avoiding the far right since on desktop that area will be obscured by the profile picture and other page elements
  • Consider adding text for branding or titles – make sure text is large enough to be legible on desktop

Adapting for Mobile

Once you have a desktop cover photo, you’ll need to adapt it for the square, 640 x 640 pixel mobile view. Here are some tips:

  • Crop your desktop image down to the mobile dimensions, keeping the key focus centered
  • Double check that any text is still readable
  • Consider enhancing the image for mobile by slightly increasing vibrance, contrast, and sharpness – this can help offset the decrease in resolution

You don’t need to create an entirely separate mobile cover photo. The same image can work across desktop and mobile as long as you focus the important elements in the center and crop appropriately.

Design Tips for Creating an Effective Facebook Cover Photo

Beyond just getting the dimensions right, there are a few best practices to follow when designing your Facebook cover photo for both desktop and mobile:

Pick an Engaging Image

Since your cover photo acts as the banner for your Facebook profile, you want to pick an eye-catching image. Great options include:

  • A beautiful landscape photo
  • An interesting architecture or cityscape photo
  • A close up portrait or creative design
  • Product photos or food photography

The image should represent your personal brand, interests, or business. Stay away from stock photos or generic images that don’t say much about you or your page.

Use Effective Text

Text can help enhance your Facebook cover photo and convey more information. When adding text:

  • Keep text short and use large fonts
  • Stick to one or two lines of text
  • Focus text in the left or center areas to remain visible
  • Use a high contrast color that stands out against the background

Text should complement the image rather than overwhelming it. Avoid long paragraphs of text which will not be readable at cover photo sizes.

Overlap with Profile Picture

On desktop, your profile picture will sit on top of the cover photo on the left side. Make sure any important information or focus areas in your cover image fall outside of this overlap area.

You can use an online Facebook cover mockup tool to preview where your profile picture will fall over the image.

Enhance Legibility

To make your cover photo look great across platforms, do some final touches like:

  • Increase contrast slightly to add definition
  • Boost vibrance for more vivid, engaging colors
  • Sharpen a bit to improve clarity, especially for text
  • Add a slight vignette to draw focus to the center

These enhancements can help offset the loss of resolution when condensing the image down for mobile.

Tips for Taking Your Own Facebook Cover Photo

Taking your own custom cover photo can give you a completely unique image tailored exactly to your brand or style. Here are some tips for capturing great photos to use:

Use Portrait Orientation

Since Facebook cover images are wider than they are tall, you’ll want to photograph in portrait orientation, holding your camera vertically. This allows you to get the full width needed.

Take High Resolution Images

Cover photos will be viewed on all different sized screens, so take the highest resolution image possible. Use at least a 12 MP camera, shoot on the highest resolution setting and save as JPG.

Include Branding or Text

If adding text, have a person hold a sign or banner with your desired text. Or add custom props that relate to your brand or business.

Style the Shot Creatively

Think outside the box for unique concepts like interesting framing with geometric shapes, using props, or a portrait style photo shoot.

Edit and Enhance Your Image

Use photo editing software to refine your image. Crop it to the ideal dimensions, sharpen, boost contrast and vibrance, and correct any flaws.

Uploading and Configuring Your Facebook Cover Photo

Once you have your desktop and mobile optimized Facebook cover image ready, it’s time to upload it:

  1. Go to your Facebook page and click the “Add Cover Photo” button
  2. Click “Upload Photo” and select your cover photo file
  3. Drag the image around to position it
  4. Click “Save Changes”

On mobile, you can pinch and zoom the image after uploading to get it positioned perfectly.

Here are some final tips for configuring your cover photo:

  • Position the photo so any important focus areas are visible
  • Make sure you haven’t cropped out anything essential
  • Check the alignment and positioning on both desktop and mobile
  • Consider adding a profile picture border for a clean look

Troubleshooting Issues with Facebook Cover Photos

If you run into any problems getting your cover photo looking right, here are some troubleshooting tips:

Too Small or Blurry on Desktop?

This is likely because your image isn’t high resolution enough. Try uploading a larger, higher quality version of the photo.

Appears Stretched or Distorted?

If your photo appears warped or stretched, it may not have the right aspect ratio. Double check that the image is sized properly for Facebook’s dimensions.

Looks Pixelated on Mobile?

Pixelation happens when an image is condensed too much. For crisp mobile quality, make sure to export your desktop photo at higher resolution before cropping for mobile.

Text Isn’t Legible?

Small text won’t be readable in cover photos. Increase the text size in your image or use less text. Keep text large and high contrast.

Important Elements Cropped Out?

Always preview the image cropping on both desktop and mobile. Adjust the position to ensure no key focus areas are trimmed off.


Creating a Facebook cover photo that works for all devices takes careful preparation. The most important tips are:

  • Design for desktop dimensions first, then adapt for mobile
  • Pick an eye-catching image that represents your brand
  • Add text sparingly, keeping it large and high contrast
  • Enhance the photo to maximize clarity and engagement
  • Position the image so critical elements are visible on desktop and mobile

With the right cover photo that looks great on both platforms, you can make a fantastic first impression on your Facebook profile and draw more attention to your posts and content.