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How do I make my custom conversion active on Facebook?

How do I make my custom conversion active on Facebook?

To track conversions from your Facebook ads, you need to set up the Facebook pixel and create custom conversions in Events Manager. Once you’ve created a custom conversion, you need to activate it before it can start tracking actions people take on your website after clicking your Facebook ads. Activating a custom conversion allows the Facebook pixel to monitor your site and track when people complete the action associated with that conversion. This article will walk through the steps to activate a custom conversion you’ve created in Events Manager so it can start gathering conversion data from your website.

Prerequisites to Activating a Custom Conversion

Before you can activate a custom conversion, there are a few requirements you need to fulfill:

Install the Facebook pixel

The Facebook pixel is a piece of code you place on your website that enables Facebook to track visits and conversions. You’ll need to install the base Facebook pixel on your website before you can setup custom conversions.

To add the Facebook pixel:

1. Go to the Events Manager in your Facebook Ads Manager.

2. Click the Pixel tab.

3. Click Set up Pixel and follow the instructions to install it across your website pages.

Create the custom conversion in Events Manager

You need to create the custom conversion you want to track in the Events Manager before you can activate it. This tells Facebook exactly what action on your site signifies a conversion.

To create a custom conversion:

1. In Events Manager, go to the Conversions section.

2. Click +Create Custom Conversion.

3. Enter a name and description for your conversion.

4. Select the conversion event – this tells Facebook when the conversion takes place (for example, when someone completes a purchase or signs up for a newsletter).

5. Add the pixels and parameters that will track the conversion action.

Once created, you will have a new custom conversion ready to be activated.

Have your Facebook pixel collecting data

Your Facebook pixel will need to be implemented and gathering data from your site for at least 7 days before a custom conversion can be activated. This allows Facebook to gather enough data to optimize your campaigns towards your conversion goals.

Make sure your Facebook pixel is properly tracking site traffic and loaded on all website pages before trying to activate your custom conversion.

Activating a Custom Conversion in Ads Manager

Once your Facebook pixel is up and running and you’ve created your custom conversion in Events Manager, go to Ads Manager to activate it:

1. Go to the “Conversions” section in Ads Manager.

2. Click the name of the custom conversion you want to activate.

3. Toggle the switch to activate the conversion from “Disabled” to “Enabled”.

4. Select the pixel that is installed on your website.

5. Click “Activate”.

It may take up to 24 hours for your custom conversion to be reviewed and approved by Facebook. You will receive a notification when the activation process is complete.

Once active, your custom conversion will start recording any matching events that happen on your website and attributing them to your Facebook ads and campaigns.

Next Steps After Activating a Conversion

Here are some important next steps to take after you’ve successfully activated a custom conversion:

1. Check conversion data

Give your conversion some time to start gathering data after it’s been activated – wait at least 24-48 hours. Then go to the Conversions section in Ads Manager and select your conversion to view a graph of conversion events being tracked. Make sure you are seeing accurate conversion counts being recorded.

2. Optimize campaigns

Now that your custom conversion is tracking actions people take on your site, you can start optimizing your ad campaigns around conversion events. In the campaign creation workflow, select your conversion as the campaign objective so Facebook will optimize for actions that drive that goal.

3. Analyze conversion results

Frequently check your conversion data and analyze the results. Look at which ad sets, campaigns, and types of audience targeting are generating the most conversions. Use these insights to improve your Facebook advertising strategy.

4. Troubleshoot issues

If you notice any problems with conversion tracking or are not seeing accurate conversion counts, there may be an issue that needs troubleshooting. Check that your Facebook pixel is loading properly on all pages. Make sure your conversion is tracking the correct event parameters. Work with Facebook support if you cannot resolve the issue.

Tips for Successful Conversion Tracking

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of activating custom conversions:

– Test conversion tracking before launching campaigns. Verify your pixel and custom conversion are set up correctly by completing test conversions yourself.

– Structure your conversion funnels with care. Plan a clear sequence of smaller conversions that build up to larger goals to gain more insight into your customer journey.

– Avoid similar conversion names. Give your conversions distinct, descriptive names so you can easily differentiate them when analyzing data.

– Monitor conversion results frequently. Check at least once a week to identify optimization opportunities as soon as possible.

– Keep your pixel and Events Manager up to date. Stay on top of updates Facebook releases so your tools are configured to gather the most accurate data.

– Take advantage of Facebook support. Work with Facebook’s technical support teams if you have trouble setting up conversions or need troubleshooting assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for a custom conversion to be activated?

It typically takes less than 24 hours for Facebook to review and approve a custom conversion activation request. You will receive a notification when the activation process is complete.

Can I activate a custom conversion immediately?

No, there is always a review period before a custom conversion can be activated. This allows Facebook to validate the conversion tracking parameters.

Why does Facebook need 7 days of pixel data before activation?

The 7 day pixel data requirement allows Facebook to gather enough site visitor information to properly optimize and target your ad campaigns for the conversion event.

How many custom conversions can I activate?

You can activate up to 45 custom conversions per ad account. There is no limit on the number of ad accounts you can create.

What happens if my pixel stops collecting data after activating?

If your Facebook pixel stops gathering website data for over 7 days, your custom conversions may be disabled until pixel activity resumes. Maintain continuous pixel tracking to keep conversions active.


Activating custom conversions is crucial to maximizing the value of your Facebook ads. By properly setting up conversion tracking, you gain the insight needed to understand your best-performing ad creative and audiences as well as identify opportunities to optimize campaigns for your most important business goals. Monitor your conversion data frequently and troubleshoot any tracking issues to ensure you are making the most informed decisions about where to invest your Facebook advertising budget. With conversion tracking activated and functioning smoothly, you can expect to see your Facebook advertising results continue to improve over time.