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How do I make a good Facebook ID?

How do I make a good Facebook ID?

Having a good Facebook ID is important for creating a professional online presence. Your Facebook ID serves as your unique identifier on the platform and is the first thing people see when they visit your profile or search for you. Here are some tips on how to make a memorable, appropriate, and professional Facebook ID.

Keep it Simple

A good Facebook ID is easy to remember and straightforward. Avoid using obscure references or inside jokes as your ID that others may not understand. While you want it to stand out, convoluted or excessively complex IDs can be difficult for people to recall or search for.

Some examples of simple, easy to remember IDs:

  • FirstNameLastName
  • FirstNameMiddleInitialLastName
  • FullFirstNameLastName

Keep abbreviations and nicknames to a minimum. You want your ID to clearly represent your real identity so people can find you easily.

Use Your Real Name

Facebook’s real name policy requires users to provide their real identities. Your Facebook ID should reflect your authentic first and last name as it appears on your legal documentation (driver’s license, passport, etc).

While derivatives like abbreviations or nicknames are allowed, avoid creating an ID that does not closely resemble your real name. Facebook may prompt you to verify your identity if your ID appears fake or is far off from your legal name.

Avoid Numbers and Special Characters

Stick to basic alphanumeric characters for your Facebook ID. Avoid using numbers, underscores, periods, or other non-letter characters if possible. These types of characters can break up the continuity of your name and make it more confusing to search.

For example:

  • JohnSmith89 – hard to search and remember
  • John.Smith – period separates first and last name

Exceptions can be made for common abbreviations like Jr./Sr. appended to last names. But in general, keep numbers and special characters out of your ID.

Make it Professional

Remember your Facebook ID establishes your personal brand and identity. Especially if you use Facebook for professional networking or promotional purposes, your ID should be appropriate.

Some tips for a professional ID:

  • No profanity or offensive terms
  • Avoid controversial political or religious references
  • Do not include qualifications like Dr., Esq., etc. – keep it simple

Maintaining a professional ID prevents potential employers or clients from getting the wrong impression when looking you up on Facebook.

Secure Your Name

Facebook ID names are unique – only one user can hold a specific ID at a time. To ensure no one else claims your ideal ID, create your Facebook account as soon as possible.

Especially for those with common names, register your name before someone else takes it. Don’t risk someone impersonating your identity just because you waited too long to sign up.

You can also change your Facebook ID after creating your account. So even if you start with a different ID, you can adjust it to your preferred name later on.

Avoid Impersonation

Do not create an ID that is intended to impersonate or falsely represent someone else’s identity. Facebook bans accounts used for deception, including parody or fake accounts using the names of public figures.

Make sure your ID accurately reflects your real identity, not someone else’s. Impersonation violates Facebook policies and can result in your account being disabled.

Consider Alternatives to Taken Names

If your first name and last name combination is already taken, get creative with acceptable alternatives like:

  • Full first name instead of abbreviations (Christopher instead of Chris)
  • Middle initial or name inserted
  • Alternate spelling of common names (Sean instead of Shawn)

Minor adjustments like these can often help you secure your name if your first choice is not available. Just be sure variations still represent your real identity.

Tell Friends Your Chosen ID

Once you’ve created your ID, let close connections know what it is so they can find and friend you easily. Send out your new Facebook name in text messages or emails to current friends likely to look you up.

Posting your updated ID on other social networks can also help friends find your new Facebook profile and any existing connections request to add you.

Review the Rules

While these tips can help you create an ideal Facebook ID, make sure to review Facebook’s full name policies to avoid violations:

  • Must use real first and last name as it appears on legal documents
  • No offensive or harassing terms
  • No impersonation of fake accounts
  • No representing objects, fictional characters, Groups, etc.

Reviewing Facebook’s ID rules and community standards will keep your new profile in line with their policies.


Your Facebook ID is a key component of your profile and online reputation. With so many users, having a clear, professional ID that stands out is important for finding friends and making connections.

Keep it simple and focused on your real first and last names. Avoid numbers, special characters, impersonation or inappropriate references. Secure your name as soon as possible to prevent others from taking it. With some strategic thought, you can create a Facebook ID that represents your personal brand and leaves a positive impression.