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How do I look offline on FB?

How do I look offline on FB?

Looking offline on Facebook is a useful way to get a break from constant notifications and appearances of being online. There are a few different methods you can use to appear offline temporarily or more permanently on both desktop and mobile.

Why Go Offline on Facebook?

Here are some common reasons people like to use Facebook’s offline features:

  • Avoid distractions and focus on important tasks
  • Take a break from social media
  • Prevent messages and chat requests
  • Keep online presence and activity private

Going offline gives you more control over your time on Facebook. It can be helpful for productivity, mental health, or just keeping parts of your online activities private from friends and contacts.

How to Go Offline on Facebook Desktop

On the desktop version of Facebook, there are a couple ways to appear offline or inactive to other users.

Enable Away Mode

Away mode lets you stay logged in while showing you as offline to others. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Click the arrow in the top right corner
  2. Select “Go offline” or “Away mode”

This will immediately make you appear offline to friends. Chat messages will be disabled during this time. To turn away mode off, just repeat the steps and select “Back online” or disable “Away mode”.

Log Out of Facebook

Logging out of Facebook entirely will also make you appear offline to others. Just click the arrow in the top right corner and select “Log Out”.

This logs you out of your account across all devices. It’s a more permanent way to stay offline if you don’t want to receive notifications for a longer period of time.

How to Go Offline on Mobile Facebook App

On the Facebook mobile app for iOS and Android, you have these options for appearing offline:

Enable Away Mode

The mobile app has the same away mode as desktop. To activate it:

  1. Tap the three line menu in the bottom right
  2. Tap “Settings & Privacy”
  3. Tap “Settings”
  4. Tap “Away mode”
  5. Toggle “Away mode” on

This will make you appear offline temporarily until you turn it off from the settings again.

Log Out of the App

You can also log completely out of the Facebook app by:

  1. Tapping the three line menu
  2. Scrolling down and tapping “Log Out”

This signs you out of the app across all platforms, making you offline everywhere until you log back in.

Other Ways to Appear Offline

In addition to the main offline and away modes, there are a few other things you can do to appear less active on Facebook:

  • Turn off chat – Prevents messages from delivering immediately.
  • Unfollow friends – Their posts won’t show up in your News Feed.
  • Remove app – Delete the Facebook app from your phone to prevent access.
  • Restrict information sharing – Adjust privacy settings to share less with others.

Using these features along with away modes can let you control your activity and online appearance on Facebook more.

How Long Does Offline Mode Last?

The duration of offline modes varies:

  • Away mode – Remains enabled until you manually disable it.
  • Log out – Remains offline until you log back in.

So away mode is a temporary solution for appearing offline for a set period of time. Logging out is better if you want to stay offline indefinitely.

Does Offline Mode Work on Messenger?

When you enable away mode or log out of Facebook, it also makes you appear offline on Messenger to your contacts. This stops chat messages and notifications from coming through.

To manage offline status specifically for Messenger, you can also:

  • Disable chat in Messenger settings
  • Log out of just the Messenger app

So Facebook’s offline features do sync across Messenger as well. Disabling chat or logging out of Messenger directly lets you hide your online status there specifically.

Who Can See You Are Offline?

Your offline status is visible to these people when enabled:

  • Friends and followers
  • Friends of friends
  • Anyone who visits your profile or tries to message you

Essentially anyone you’re connected with or could interact with on Facebook will see you as offline. But you remain invisible and difficult to contact while in that mode.


Appearing offline on Facebook is straightforward using away modes and logging out. These options give you greater control over notifications, messaging, and online visibility when needed.

Understanding the offline settings for both desktop and mobile allows you to:

  • Take breaks from Facebook activity
  • Avoid unwanted messages or chat requests
  • Focus without distractions from notifications
  • Keep your online times and activity private

So utilize Facebook’s offline features when you want to manage your online presence and take a break. A short time offline can be healthy and productive!