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How do I log into Facebook if I lost my phone number?

How do I log into Facebook if I lost my phone number?

Losing access to your phone number can be a frustrating experience, especially if you use that number to receive login codes or reset passwords for important accounts like Facebook. However, there are ways to get back into Facebook even if you’ve lost your phone number.

Use Backup Email or Trusted Contacts for Code

When you first set up two-factor authentication with your phone number on Facebook, you likely also added a backup email address or trusted contacts to your account. Facebook allows you to have these backups in place specifically for situations where you lose access to your number.

If you go to log into Facebook from a computer and get a prompt for a two-factor authentication code, choose to enter a backup code. This will allow you to have the code sent to your backup email address instead of your phone number. As long as you still have access to that email, you can retrieve the code and complete the login process.

If you don’t have a backup email configured, Facebook will prompt you to contact one of your trusted contacts to receive a backup code. As long as you chose trusted contacts when you first set up two-factor authentication, you can reach out to them to get a login code.

Use Mobile Authentication App

If you had the Facebook mobile app installed on your phone and had set it up for two-factor authentication, you may be able to approve login requests using just the app. Even if you’ve lost your actual phone number, the mobile app may still be connected to your account.

On the two-factor authentication prompt during login, look for an option to approve the request using your authenticator app. As long as you still have that app installed on any mobile device, tap Approve and the request should go through.

Request Login Approval Codes by Email

If you can’t access any of your two-factor authentication backup options, you can request that login codes be sent to your email address instead. On the login screen, select the link that says “No longer have your phone?” or “I don’t have access to these.”

This will take you through a process to confirm your identity by answering some security questions and then allow you to add an email address to get codes sent to. As long as you can access the email you provide, you’ll then be able to receive and enter the codes to log into your Facebook account.

Reset Your Password if You Don’t Have Access to Codes

If you aren’t able to receive two-factor login codes by any method because you’ve lost access to your phone number, backup emails, and don’t have trusted contacts set up, you’ll need to reset your Facebook password. This is done through Facebook’s account recovery process.

On the login page, select “Forgot password?” and then go through the steps to confirm your identity. You’ll need to provide info like your full name, email or phone number on your account, date you created the account, locations you’ve logged in from, and potentially info about friends or photos. Answer any recovery questions as accurately as you can.

Once Facebook confirms enough details about you and the account, you’ll be able to reset your password. After doing this, you can login with your new password and will then want to update your recovery options with an accessible email and trusted contacts in case you ever get locked out again.

Steps to Reset Your Facebook Password

Here is a summary of the steps to reset your Facebook password if you’ve lost access to your phone number:

  1. Go to the Facebook login page and click “Forgot Password?”
  2. Enter your email or phone number on the account when prompted
  3. Select to receive a reset link by email if possible
  4. Open the password reset email from Facebook and click the reset link
  5. Provide details to confirm your identity through recovery questions
  6. Once identity confirmed, enter and confirm your new password
  7. Login to Facebook with your new password

Remove Your Phone Number from Account

Once you’ve regained access to your Facebook account, you’ll want to remove the old phone number that you can no longer access. Here are the steps to do this:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Select the Mobile tab on the left side
  3. Remove your old phone number by clicking the “X” next to it
  4. Enter a new valid phone number if you have one
  5. Click Save Changes at the bottom

This will unlink the phone number you lost so it can no longer be used for login codes or account recovery. Make sure to add an updated mobile number or backup email address as well.

Enable Login Approval on New Devices

It’s also highly recommended to turn on Facebook’s “Login Approvals” security setting after regaining access to your account. This requires you to approve new logins from devices Facebook doesn’t recognize.

This prevents someone else from attempting to access your account from another device even if they have your password. Here is how to enable it:

  1. Go to Facebook Settings
  2. Click Security and Login
  3. Toggle on Login Approvals
  4. Select to get codes via your new phone number or backup email

With login approvals enabled, you’ll get a prompt to approve or deny login attempts from new devices to add an extra layer of security.

Use Strong and Unique Passwords

Any time your Facebook account is compromised, it’s also good practice to change your password to something secure that you don’t use on any other sites. Here are some tips for creating a strong password:

  • Make it long – at least 12 characters
  • Include uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols
  • Avoid dictionary words or personal info
  • Don’t reuse the same password anywhere else

You can also use a password manager tool to randomly generate and store secure passwords for each of your online accounts.


Losing access to your phone number doesn’t have to mean losing access to your Facebook account forever. Make use of backup authentication methods, account recovery options, and enhanced security settings to get back in. With some dedicated effort, you can regain access to your account and prevent future lockouts.

The key takeaways are:

  • Use backup emails, mobile apps, or trusted contacts for codes
  • Reset your password via account recovery if needed
  • Remove old phone number and update account with new number/email
  • Enable login approvals for added security
  • Create a unique and complex new password

Following these steps will help you securely restore access to your Facebook account even without your phone number.

Recovery Option How to Use
Backup email Enter code sent to email to login
Mobile authenticator app Approve login request in app
Trusted contacts Contact to get code to login
Account recovery Reset password by confirming identity

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I remove my old phone number from my Facebook account?

Go to Settings – Mobile and click the “X” icon beside your old phone number to remove it. Then add your new phone number if you have one.

What if I don’t have access to my backup email for codes?

If you can’t access your backup email anymore, try using your mobile authentication app or contact a trusted contact to receive a code. If those aren’t options, you’ll need to go through account recovery to reset your password.

Can I still use Facebook if I don’t have a phone number added?

Yes, you can use Facebook without providing a phone number. However, it limits your options for securing your account via two-factor authentication. It’s recommended to add a phone number or backup email if possible.

How long does it take to reset my password through account recovery?

It usually takes less than an hour to receive the email confirming your identity and allowing you to reset your password via account recovery. The exact time will depend on how quickly you can provide accurate details about yourself and the account.

What should I do if someone else has access to my account?

If you believe someone else has gained access to your Facebook account, change your password immediately if you’re still able to log in. Then turn on Login Approvals and check your security log for any unknown sessions or logins you need to secure.

How to Strengthen Facebook Security

Recovering access to your Facebook account is just the first step – you’ll also want to lock it down to prevent future compromises. Here are some tips:

  • Enable two-factor authentication
  • Check login locations regularly
  • Log out of unused sessions
  • Change password frequently
  • Don’t use personal info in security questions
  • Review your privacy settings

Keeping your Facebook account secure takes vigilance, but is worth the effort to protect your privacy and data.

How to Choose Strong Security Questions

When setting up security questions on Facebook, avoid questions with answers that could be guessed or found online. Here are some examples of strong security questions:

  • What was your childhood nickname?
  • What is your oldest cousin’s middle name?
  • What was your elementary school mascot?
  • What was the make of your first car?
  • What is your maternal grandmother’s maiden name?

Choose obscure questions only you would know the answer to and don’t rely on common information like your mother’s maiden name or city you were born.

Recovering Access to Other Accounts

The steps covered here for accessing your Facebook account also apply if you’ve lost your phone number and need to recover access to other accounts like:

  • Gmail
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Amazon
  • eBay
  • Online banking

Most sites use email, backup codes, trusted contacts, or account recovery. Contact the site directly if you need help regaining access to your account without your phone number.

Key Recovery Steps for Other Accounts

Site Recovery Options
Gmail Backup email, mobile prompts, account recovery
Instagram Backup codes, Instagram support
Twitter Backup email or number, account recovery
LinkedIn Trusted contacts, account recovery
Amazon Authentication app, account recovery
eBay Backup number, security questions
Online banking In person verification, account recovery

Check your account settings and recovery options for the specific site to determine the best way to restore access without your phone number.

Securing Online Accounts

To keep all your online accounts safe, follow these security best practices:

  • Enable two-factor authentication
  • Use a password manager
  • Choose strong and unique passwords
  • Be selective with security questions
  • Watch for unauthorized access
  • Avoid public WiFi for logins

Carefully securing your online presence takes diligence, but is essential in the digital age. Protect your data and privacy by locking down account access and recovery methods.

How Password Managers Boost Security

A password manager provides these key security benefits:

  • Generates strong random passwords
  • Stores passwords securely
  • Automates logins
  • Syncs across devices
  • Offers password auditing

Top password managers like LastPass, 1Password, and Dashlane make account security easy. Evaluate them to determine which works best for your needs.