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How do I live stream privately?

How do I live stream privately?

Live streaming has become increasingly popular in recent years, allowing people to broadcast video content to an audience in real time. While public live streams on platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook allow you to reach a wide audience, you may prefer to live stream privately for a smaller group. There are several ways to live stream privately, depending on your needs.

Using built-in private stream options

Many popular live streaming platforms and services have built-in options for private streaming. This allows you to easily control who can view your live stream.


On YouTube, you can choose to live stream to a ‘private’ or ‘unlisted’ audience in your Video Manager settings. Private streams are only visible to users you explicitly invite. Unlisted streams won’t show up in YouTube search results or your channel page, but anyone with the URL can view it.


Twitch lets you password protect your stream or set it to ‘Subscriber-Only’ mode. This requires viewers to enter a password you provide or be subscribed to your channel. You can also limit it to only specified Twitch users you invite.


Facebook offers ‘Private’ and ‘Friends’ options when you start a Facebook Live stream. ‘Private’ limits visibility to people you’ve invited, while ‘Friends’ is viewable by your friends on the platform.


On Instagram, you can choose ‘Followers’ or ‘Close Friends’ when starting a live video. ‘Followers’ limits it to your Instagram followers, while ‘Close Friends’ narrows it further to accounts you’ve added specifically to your close friends list.

Using RTMP

If the platform you want to stream on doesn’t offer private streaming options, you can use RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol). RTMP allows you to broadcast your stream to a private server instead of a public platform.

To use RTMP:

  • Set up an RTMP server to receive your stream. This can be done locally using OBS or other software, or by using a cloud hosting provider.
  • Configure your streaming software to send your stream to the RTMP URL instead of a platform like YouTube or Twitch.
  • Share the viewer URL only with people you want to grant access to the private stream.

As long as your RTMP server is kept private and not publicly accessible, only those you’ve invited will be able to view the live stream.

Streaming on a private webpage

Another option is to stream privately on your own webpage. This involves:

  • Setting up a video player on a private webpage that uses HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) or Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH).
  • Configuring your streaming software to send the stream to a media server like Nginx or Wowza.
  • Having the media server transmux the stream into HLS or DASH and deliver it to the webpage player.

By putting the private stream on a non-public webpage, you control who can access the URL and view the live video.

Using peer-to-peer (P2P) streaming

P2P live streaming solutions work by distributing the stream directly between viewer devices, without using central servers. Some examples of P2P streaming tools include:

  • Peer5 – Embedded P2P streaming for web and mobile apps.
  • StreamRoot – P2P video delivery platform.
  • Livepeer – Open source P2P live streaming network.

With these tools, you can share the stream preview URL only with selected people. The stream data is then exchanged directly between their browsers or devices.

Securing access with authentication

If you live stream through a website or web page, you can add password protection or user authentication. This provides another layer of control over who can view the private stream.

Options include:

  • HTTP authentication – Browser built-in password prompt.
  • Web server authentication – Password protection at web server level.
  • User login system – Custom user accounts and login.

Requiring viewers to log in ensures that your private live stream is only available to people you have granted access.

Using invite links cautiously

Some live streaming platforms and tools allow you to invite people using invite links. However, be cautious about how widely you share invite links, as they may be passed on or accessed without your knowledge.

Consider these tips when using invite links:

  • Only share invite links directly with specific people, instead of posting publicly.
  • Regenerate or revoke invite links periodically if they may have been shared widely.
  • Use password protection or authentication in addition to invite links for more security.

Limiting access at the network level

You may also restrict access to your private live stream at the network level using:

  • Firewall rules – Only allow traffic to your stream from certain IP addresses or subnets.
  • VPN – Make your stream only accessible over a private VPN connection.
  • IP whitelisting – Specify approved IP addresses that can access your stream server or CDN.

This approach prevents anyone outside of your controlled private network from viewing the stream.

Using hardware encoders

Dedicated hardware encoders for live streaming often include controls for limiting stream access. For example:

  • Teradek’s Slice and Bond devices support password protection, IP limiting, and more.
  • Matrox Monarch streaming appliances have built-in web authentication and closed captioning.
  • Epiphan Video’s Pearl encoders enable password protected RTMP and RTSP streams.

Hardware encoders provide turnkey options for private live streaming without relying on public platforms.

Enabling encryption

Encryption provides another layer of protection for your private live streams by scrambling the video feed in transit. Options include:

  • RTMPS – Encrypts RTMP streams using TLS.
  • HTTPS – Encrypts HTTP video streaming with TLS.
  • SRTP – Secure RTP for encrypting streams over UDP.
  • AES-128 – Advanced Encryption Standard with 128-bit keys.

Encrypted streams prevent man-in-the-middle attacks where someone could intercept your private stream.

Controlling access across devices

When live streaming privately to invited viewers, you also want to limit stream availability across devices. Consider these tips:

  • Require login on all devices to access private streams.
  • Frequently change passwords and use strong credentials.
  • Disable guest access and automatic sign-in on devices.
  • Use device management tools to remotely sign out of accounts.

Consistent access controls across all viewers’ devices helps keep your private streams more secure.

Being aware of screen recording

Keep in mind that viewers may potentially record your private streams using screen capturing software. To mitigate this risk:

  • Enable screen recording protection in your streaming tools if available.
  • Watermark your stream with user IDs to identify leak sources.
  • Add a terms of use agreement prohibiting recording.
  • Selectively choose your private audience.

Reducing screenshots and recordings helps maintain privacy, but cannot be fully prevented in a digital stream.


Live streaming privately requires tools and techniques to limit your stream availability. Built-in platform restrictions, access controls, encryption, and prudent distribution of links help keep your private streams protected. Evaluate your specific use case, audience, and security needs when selecting an approach to maintain privacy.