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How do I live stream on Facebook from my phone?

How do I live stream on Facebook from my phone?

Live streaming on Facebook from your phone is a great way to connect with your friends, family, and followers in real time. Whether you want to broadcast a special event, share what you’re doing throughout your day, or just chat with your viewers, going live on Facebook is free and easy to set up on both iPhone and Android devices.

What You Need to Live Stream on Facebook

To live stream from your phone, you’ll need:

  • An updated Facebook app
  • A Facebook profile or page
  • A strong internet connection (WiFi is best, but LTE/4G works too)
  • A phone mount or tripod (optional, but helps keep your video stable)

As long as you have these basics covered, you’re ready to start broadcasting on Facebook Live.

How to Go Live on Facebook from an iPhone

Streaming live video from an iPhone using the Facebook app only takes a few taps. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap on the “Live” icon at the bottom of the screen (it looks like a video camera inside a wi-fi symbol).
  2. The “Live With” screen will appear. Select the profile or page you want to stream from at the top.
  3. Tap the status box and type a description of your live stream.
  4. Frame your shot and tap “Go Live.” Your video will start broadcasting immediately.
  5. Interact with viewers as they start watching by responding to their comments.
  6. When you’re ready to finish, tap “Finish” to end the live stream.

It’s quick and easy! You can access filters, add fun effects, switch between cameras, and bring in a guest all while live. Play around with the options to make your broadcast unique.

How to Go Live on Facebook from an Android Phone

You can also live stream to Facebook using their Android app. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap on the “Live” icon.
  2. Select the profile or page you want to stream from.
  3. Tap the “What’s on your mind?” status box and type a description.
  4. Frame your shot then tap “Go Live.”
  5. Interact with viewers by responding to their comments.
  6. When finished, tap “Finish” to end the stream.

The process is very similar to broadcasting live video from an iPhone. You’ll have the same options for adding fun effects, going split screen, and engaging with your viewers in real time.

Live Streaming Tips for Facebook

Here are some tips to help you create better live streams on Facebook:

  • Test your connection first: Do a test broadcast before going live to make sure your signal is strong. This avoids issues or buffering once you’ve started streaming.
  • Use good lighting: Position yourself near a window or lamp for flattering lighting. Dark videos are harder to watch.
  • Hold your phone horizontally: Landscape orientation fills more of the screen rather than awkward vertical video.
  • Use a tripod or mount: It’s hard to hold your phone steady for very long. Use a mount for a professional, stable broadcast.
  • Interact with viewers: Respond to comments and questions to keep your audience engaged.

Keep these tips in mind, and your live streams will look polished, engaging, and professional.

Why You Should Live Stream on Facebook

There are many great reasons to go live on Facebook:

  • It’s more authentic and raw than prerecorded video.
  • You can easily share your life, travels, interests, and more.
  • Viewers feel more connected when they can comment and interact in real time.
  • You have access to a huge built-in audience of 2.9 billion Facebook users.
  • It helps you build stronger relationships with your current followers.
  • It’s fun, free, and easy to start broadcasting live video.

Live streaming is the perfect way to exercise your creativity, share an experience, or make a personal connection with your audience. It’s a powerful communication tool at your fingertips.

Creative Uses for Facebook Live Streaming

Here are some creative ways you can use Facebook Live to your benefit:

  • Give your followers a “day in the life” look at your daily routine.
  • Share a behind-the-scenes view at your business, workspace, or event.
  • Broadcast Q&As, how-tos, interviews, or tutorials to help your audience.
  • Go live at a concert, sporting event, or speech to give a firsthand view.
  • Stream product launches, promotions, and sales at your business.
  • Broadcast inspiring, informative, or entertaining content.
  • Collaborate with other creators through multi-person live streams.

You have the power to live stream just about any experience imaginable. Get creative with unique types of content that will resonate with your followers.

Facebook Live Video Privacy Settings

When you broadcast live, you have control over the privacy settings. Here are the options you can choose from:

  • Public: Anyone can view your live video.
  • Friends: Only your Facebook friends can watch.
  • Friends except acquaintances: Friends watch, except those you aren’t very close with.
  • Specific friends: Only the friends you select can view your stream.
  • Only me: Keep the video private as you test settings and practice.

Think about your audience, goal, and comfort level when choosing who can watch your live streams. You can change the privacy setting each time you go live in the Facebook app.

How to Add a Facebook Live Stream to Your Profile

Want to feature one of your live streams on your profile for visitors to watch later? Here’s how to post a Facebook live video to your profile or page:

  1. Once your broadcast has ended, go to your page or profile on Facebook.
  2. Click on the “Videos” tab under your cover photo.
  3. Find your most recent live stream and click on the three dots next to it.
  4. Select “Embed Live Video” from the dropdown menu.
  5. Choose “Embed Post” then copy the provided embed code.
  6. Go back to your profile, click “Add Story,” paste in the embed code, and post!

Now your live broadcast will be featured right on your profile for all to see. You can also delete live videos at any time if you change your mind.

Top Live Streaming Mistakes to Avoid

Steer clear of these common live streaming mistakes:

  • Starting without a plan – Have a general outline before you go live.
  • Ignoring viewers and comments – Interact with your audience in real time.
  • Filming in a messy environment – Make sure your background is clean and tidy.
  • Standing in poor lighting – Position yourself near a lamp or window.
  • Holding your phone – Use a tripod or mount for stability.
  • Forgetting to promote your stream – Share the live video on your other social channels.
  • Ending abruptly – Tell viewers you’re wrapping up before ending the broadcast.

Avoid these mistakes and your live streams will look professional, engaging, and purposeful.

What You Need to Know About Facebook Live

Here are some key things to know about live streaming on Facebook:

  • You can go live for up to 8 hours at a time.
  • Anyone can watch your live videos for free.
  • Live streams live on in your video library after you finish.
  • Use titles and descriptions so videos make sense later.
  • Streams are public by default unless you change settings.
  • You’ll get notifications when friends go live.
  • Watch your data usage as streaming uses more than regular browsing.

Keep these tips and limitations around Facebook Live in mind as you plan and broadcast your streams. Understanding how live video works will help you use it more effectively.


Broadcasting live video on Facebook from your mobile device is fun, easy, and a great way to engage with your friends or followers in real time. Simply open up the Facebook app, tap the “Live” icon, set your stream details, and go live at any time. Use creative content, interact with viewers, and avoid common mistakes to take your live streams to the next level. Happy broadcasting!