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How do I list to the marketplace in a different location on Facebook?

How do I list to the marketplace in a different location on Facebook?

Facebook Marketplace allows users to list items for sale directly through Facebook. One useful feature is the ability to list items in a location other than where you currently reside. This can be helpful if you have a second home or are planning to move soon. Listing in multiple locations expands your reach and potential buyer base.

Here are some key things to know about listing to Marketplace in another location on Facebook:

You Must Have an Established Presence in the Location

Facebook requires that you have an established presence in the location where you want to list items for sale. This is to prevent users from listing in areas where they have no real connection simply to reach a broader audience.

To show you have a presence, your Facebook profile needs to reflect the alternate location. Some ways to do this include:

– Having friends in the area
– Being checked into the location on Facebook
– Listing the location as your hometown or current city
– Joining local groups related to the area

The more connections you can demonstrate in the location, the more likely Facebook will allow you to list there.

Switch Your Marketplace Location in Settings

Once you’ve established your presence, go to the Marketplace section of Facebook and click “Manage Locations” in the left sidebar. Here you can add a new location where you want to list items for sale. Make sure to toggle this additional location “on” so that it becomes active.

When adding the new location, choose an address or landmark in the area. The address does not have to be exact, but helps Facebook confirm that you have an established presence there.

Now when you go to create a new Marketplace listing, you will have the option to choose between your current and alternate locations.

Use Local Pickup as Your Shipping Option

Since you likely don’t reside in the alternate location, do not list shipped items there. Instead, only list items where local pickup is required. This prevents issues where buyers expect shipping from the listed location.

Clearly state in your listings that pickup is only available locally at the alternate address. This sets proper expectations with buyers. Require pickup within a reasonable distance from the address used to establish your Marketplace presence in that area.

Follow Marketplace Rules and Best Practices

As with any Marketplace activity, follow Facebook’s rules when listing in multiple locations. Don’t attempt to mislead buyers about shipping or item condition. Using another location just to reach more users still requires honesty from sellers.

Also employ best practices like strong titles, detailed descriptions, and high-quality photos to generate interest in your listings. Location broadens your audience, but engaging listings convert views into sales.

Step-by-Step Guide

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough for listing items on Facebook Marketplace in an alternate location:

Step 1: Build Your Presence

– Add friends who live in the alternate location to help establish connections.
– Check-in or tag yourself at local businesses, landmarks, or events there.
– Update your hometown, current city, or locations lived to reflect the area.
– Join and engage with local groups and Marketplace for the location.

Step 2: Add the New Location

– Go to Marketplace and click “Manage Locations.”
– Click “Add New Location.”
– Search for an address or landmark in the area and select it.
– Toggle the new location “on” to activate it.

Step 3: Create Local Pickup Listings

– When making a new listing, choose the alternate location.
– Select “Local pickup only” as the shipping method.
– Note the pickup location details in listing descriptions.

Step 4: Engage Users and Complete Sales

– Share listings in relevant local groups to gain exposure.
– Respond promptly to questions and inquiries.
– Arrange safe locations and times for local buyers to collect items.
– Review buyers once transactions are successfully completed.

Benefits of Listing in Multiple Locations

Posting Marketplace listings in more than one location has a number of potential benefits for sellers:

Reach a Wider Audience

More potential areas mean more Facebook users can find and view your listings. Even if each location only adds a few hundred or thousand possible buyers, this can quickly add up. Cast a wide net by listing in your current and any alternate areas.

Maximize Opportunities During a Move

When moving, list in both your old and new locations. You can find buyers for items not making the move and acquire new furnishings upon arrival. The extra exposure makes buying and selling easier during a transitional time.

Connect with Locals Before or After a Move

Listing in a new area pre-move helps you start connecting with locals also on Facebook. Once settled in, keeping old listings active helps maintain ties to your previous home. The connections and community can be invaluable during a move.

Sell Seasonal or Secondary Home Items

If you have a seasonal property or second home, put Marketplace to work when you aren’t there. Locals in the area are ideal buyers for items used only part-time each year.

Avoid Shipping Costs and Challenges

For bulky, heavy, or fragile items, selling locally is best. A wider local reach means you’re more likely to find a buyer willing to arrange pickup. No packing or long-distance shipping required.

Tips for Success with Multiple Locations

Optimizing your experience with listing in more than one Marketplace location involves the following tips:

Reflect Both Locations Accurately on Facebook

Having a profile that accurately represents your ties to all locations keeps Facebook from rejecting new adds. Avoid raising red flags.

Respond Quickly to Buyer Messages

Be diligent about checking and replying to inquiries from both locales. Lagging response times can result in missed sales. Set up notifications so you are promptly alerted.

Remain Agile and Adjust Listings

Your needs may change over time. Keep on top of all your listings in both spots. Fine-tune or remove them as needed so they best serve you in the moment.

Delete Outdated or Sold Listings

Stale, irrelevant listings clutter up Marketplace results for buyers. Remove any that are no longer needed in either location. Keep each area clean and current.

Enhance Listings with Strong Photos

Have a mix of photos showing different angles, details, uses, and scale for items. Quality images grab attention and convey important information to buyers.

Market Regularly in Relevant Groups

Don’t just rely on general Marketplace browsing. Regularly share and re-promote your listings in hyper-local buy/sell groups within each community.

Practice Good Communication Skills

Clear communication is essential when coordinating pickup of sold items. Verify buyers have all the necessary pickup details and establish mutually convenient times.

Learn from Experience and Improve

Pay attention to which listing strategies and practices produce the best results in each area. Adapt and refine your approaches to maximize success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions around posting to Marketplace in multiple locations:

How many locations can I list in on Marketplace?

Facebook currently allows users to add one alternate location in addition to their primary current location. You can toggle between two total areas when making listings.

Can I ship items from my alternative listing location?

Facebook recommends only doing local pickup when selling items listed in a location other than your primary residence. Shipping often causes confusion for buyers.

Does my alternate location need to be a second home address?

No, your other Marketplace listing location does not have to be a residential address. It can simply be another area where you have local connections and plan to arrange in-person exchanges.

What if I don’t know the exact address?

The alternate location address does not need to be your precise home address or even a residential address at all. When adding the location, search for a known landmark that Facebook can map to verify the general area.

Can I list in areas I frequently travel to?

Only list in locations where you have established ongoing local connections and plan to return to regularly. Random travel destinations likely won’t have sufficient Facebook presence for Marketplace.

What if my local pickup address changes?

If your local pickup details change, immediately update the pickup location specified in current listings. Also update the alternate address under Marketplace settings.

How often do I need to check back on my other location?

Plan to check any alternate location listings at least 2-3 times per week. More if you have many current listings. You want to promptly respond to buyers and keep listings updated.

Can I reuse photos across locations?

Absolutely. No need to take new photos for the same items listed in multiple locations. Just be sure to accurately represent condition and attributes.

Is there a fee to list in multiple markets?

Facebook does not charge any fee to users who add an additional Marketplace listing location. There is no limit on the number of listings you can create.

Pros and Cons

Listing items for sale on Facebook Marketplace in more than one location has both advantages and potential drawbacks:


  • Reach more potential buyers
  • Sell items related to an upcoming or recent move
  • Connect with your community before/after moving
  • Sell off underutilized items from a second home
  • Avoid shipping costs for bulky or fragile items


  • Can be time consuming to manage listings across multiple locations
  • Need to regularly check for and respond promptly to inquiries
  • Possible confusion among buyers about shipping
  • Facebook may reject an additional location if presence seems insufficient
  • Harder to complete exchanges if not local to alternate area

The Bottom Line

Posting items for sale on Facebook Marketplace in an alternate location takes some extra effort but can be rewarding. Follow Facebook’s requirements, communicate clearly with buyers, and manage all your listings diligently. With a smart cross-location selling approach, you can unlock new opportunities and maximize your sales reach.


Facebook Marketplace’s ability to list items in a location other than your primary residence is a handy feature – if used properly. It allows you to connect with more potential buyers, sell off items associated with a move, and avoid shipping costs for bulky items.

However, there are also challenges that come with managing postings across multiple locations. Success requires building your local Facebook presence, coordinating safe in-person exchanges, frequently updating listings, and employing best practices that keep the experience smooth for buyers. Put in the necessary effort and listing across locales can significantly expand your selling opportunities.