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How do I link my profile to my Facebook page?

How do I link my profile to my Facebook page?

Linking your personal profile to a Facebook Page you manage allows you to post and interact with others as the Page rather than yourself. This keeps your personal profile separate from your public Page identity. Here’s how to link your personal profile to a Facebook Page:

Requirements for Linking a Personal Profile to a Facebook Page

To link your personal profile to a Facebook Page, you need:

  • An existing personal Facebook profile
  • Admin access to the Facebook Page you want to link to
  • The Facebook Pages Manager app installed on your personal profile (this happens automatically when you create a Page)

As long as you meet these requirements, you can connect your personal profile to any Facebook Page where you have an admin role.

Step 1: Access the Facebook Pages Manager

The Facebook Pages Manager is the app that allows you to switch between your personal profile and any Pages you manage. Here’s how to access it:

  1. Click the down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page
  2. Select “Manage Pages” from the dropdown menu
  3. This opens the Pages Manager toolbar at the top of your screen. All Pages you manage are listed here.

Step 2: Navigate to the Facebook Page

Once you’re in the Pages Manager, you can switch to any Page you admin:

  1. Click the profile picture of the Page you want to link to your personal profile
  2. This will take you to that Page’s profile. The Page name will now show up next to the home icon at the top left.

Step 3: Post as Your Page

Once you’ve switched to your Page profile, you can post, comment, react, and interact as that Page:

  • Create posts just like you would on your personal profile
  • Comment as the Page on other posts
  • Like and react to content as the Page
  • Send and receive messages through the Page

Anything you do while logged in as the Page will display publicly as that Page, not your personal profile.

Step 4: Switch Back to Your Personal Profile

When you’re ready to stop posting as your Page, simply navigate back to your personal profile:

  1. Click the arrow next to the Page name at the top left
  2. Select your own profile picture from the dropdown menu

You are now back to your personal profile and can interact as yourself again.

Tips for Managing a Linked Facebook Page

Here are some tips for seamlessly managing a Facebook Page linked to your personal profile:

  • Use the Pages Manager toolbar to quickly switch between profiles
  • Pay attention to which profile is active before posting, commenting, etc.
  • Use distinct profile and cover images for your personal and Page profiles
  • Consider creating a separate business account on Facebook to keep all Pages organized

Unlinking Your Personal Profile from a Facebook Page

If you ever need to unlink your personal profile from a Page you manage, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Facebook Page profile
  2. Click “Settings” below the cover image
  3. Select “Page Roles” from the left sidebar
  4. Find your name under “Admin Roles” and hover over it
  5. Click the “X” icon that appears to the right to remove yourself as an admin

This will unlink your personal profile from the Page without removing any content or history. You can always add yourself back as an admin later if needed.

Why Link a Personal Profile to a Facebook Page?

Here are some of the key reasons to link your personal profile to a Facebook Page:

  • Lets you easily manage and post as the Page
  • Allows switching between personal and Page profiles
  • Gives followers a real person to associate with the Page
  • Allows you to receive Page notifications on your profile
  • Provides insight into who is behind a public figure/brand Page

In general, linking your personal profile to a Page you manage makes it simpler to run that Page actively and genuinely interact with followers.

Potential Drawbacks of Linking Profiles

There are a few potential downsides of linking your personal Facebook profile to a public Page:

  • Followers will be able to see your personal information and activity
  • It can be harder to separate your personal and professional presences
  • You may get friend requests from people who only know your Page
  • Any controversial personal content could reflect poorly on your Page

To minimize these risks, be thoughtful about what you choose to share from your personal profile and maintain separate profiles for close friends vs. public Pages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I link my profile to a Page I don’t administer?

No, you can only link your personal profile to a Facebook Page if you are an admin of that Page. If you do not see the “Manage Pages” option, you do not have any admin roles on any Pages.

Do all admins of a Page have to link profiles?

No, it is optional for Page admins to link their personal profiles. Some may choose to administer Pages anonymously without linking.

Can I link multiple Pages to my profile?

Yes! You can link as many Pages to your profile as you administer. This allows managing all your Pages from one place.

Will linking notify my Page followers?

No, linking your profile does not automatically notify or post anything to your Page followers. However, they will be able to see your linked account info if they visit your Page’s “Info” section.

What if I want to unlink in the future?

You can easily unlink your profile from a Page at any time through the Page’s settings. Just removing your admin role will break the connection.


Linking your personal Facebook profile to a Page provides an easy way to manage and interact with that Page authentically as yourself. Simply access the Pages Manager, switch to the desired Page, and start posting! Be thoughtful about maintaining separate presences, and unlink if needed. With the right approach, linking profiles can be a valuable tool for admins.

Section Key Points
  • Personal profile
  • Admin access to Page
  • Pages Manager app
Linking Steps
  1. Access Pages Manager
  2. Navigate to Page profile
  3. Post, comment, interact as Page
  4. Switch back to personal profile
Pros of Linking
  • Easily manage and post as Page
  • Switch between profiles
  • Show followers a real person behind Page
  • Get Page notifications on personal profile
Cons of Linking
  • Followers see your personal information/activity
  • Harder to separate personal and professional presence
  • May get unwanted friend requests
  • Personal controversies reflect on Page


Linking a Facebook profile to a Page can be very useful for easily managing and engaging as that Page, but does come with some risks of blending personal and professional presence. Use Pages Manager to switch between profiles, be thoughtful about what you share personally, and unlink if needed. When approached carefully, linking provides valuable utility for active Page administrators.