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How do I link my PayPal to Facebook for donations?

How do I link my PayPal to Facebook for donations?

PayPal is one of the most popular online payment processors, allowing people to easily send and receive money online. Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform, with billions of users. By linking your PayPal account to your Facebook page, you can seamlessly accept donations from your Facebook followers.

Accepting donations on Facebook is a great way for businesses, nonprofits, creators, and fundraisers to collect money for their cause. Your followers can donate right from your Facebook page without leaving the platform. PayPal and Facebook make the entire donation process quick and easy.

In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to connect your PayPal account to your Facebook page to accept donations. We’ll cover:

  • The benefits of accepting Facebook donations
  • How to add a PayPal donate button to your Facebook page
  • Steps to link your PayPal and Facebook accounts
  • How your donors can make Facebook donations
  • Tips for raising more Facebook donations

Whether you’re collecting donations for a nonprofit, raising money for a cause, accepting tips for your content creation, or want to add a new revenue stream, this guide will teach you how to easily link PayPal and Facebook.

Benefits of Accepting Donations on Facebook

Here are some of the key benefits of accepting donations directly on your Facebook page:

  • Reach a huge audience – Facebook has 2.9 billion monthly active users. That’s a massive potential donor base you can tap into.
  • Make donating convenient – Allowing donations directly on your Facebook page removes friction from the donor process. Donors can give to your cause without leaving Facebook.
  • Increase donation conversion rates – Donate buttons lead to higher conversion rates. People are more likely to give when the donation process is quick and easy.
  • Lower donation processing fees – PayPal charges lower fees for donations received through Facebook compared to standard credit card processing rates.
  • Gain insight into your donors – You can view donor Facebook profiles to learn more about who is supporting your cause.

Bottom line – Adding a PayPal donate button seamlessly into your Facebook presence makes it easier for your followers to become donors.

How to Add a PayPal Donate Button to Facebook

Adding a PayPal donation button into your Facebook page is a quick and easy process. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Get a PayPal Account

If you don’t already have one, sign up for a PayPal business account. This allows you to accept payments through PayPal.

You can sign up for a free personal account or upgrade to a business account. With a business account you get features like:

  • The ability to create donate buttons
  • Shopping cart integrations
  • Invoicing capabilities

Upgrading to a business account is essential if you plan on collecting donations.

Step 2: Create a PayPal Donate Button

Log into your PayPal account and follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Tools” tab and select “Create payment buttons”
  2. Choose the “Donations” button type
  3. Enter your donation button details:
    • Button Title – The text displayed on your button
    • Donation Amounts – Fixed or customizable amounts
    • Processing Fee – Cover or pass to donor
  4. Customize the appearance
  5. Choose button style and color
  6. Select button language
  7. Click “Create Button” to generate the code

This will generate the HTML code needed to create your customized PayPal donation button.

Step 3: Get the PayPal Button Code for Facebook

When you create your button, you’ll see options to integrate it. Click on the option for Facebook:

  • This will bring up the button code tailored for Facebook
  • It will be an HTML iframe code block that you’ll add to your Facebook page
  • Make sure to select the option to save donor info
  • Copy this button code

Now you have the customized button code needed to embed a PayPal donation button into your Facebook page.

Step 4: Add the Code to Your Facebook Page

Go to your Facebook page and follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Page Admin Panel
  2. Select “Templates and Tabs” from the left menu
  3. Choose “Edit Page”
  4. Paste the PayPal button code into the HTML section
  5. Position the button code where you want it to appear on your page
  6. Click “Save Changes” to publish your updates

The donate button will now be live on your Facebook page!

Linking Your PayPal Account to Facebook

While adding a donate button allows you to accept donations, you still need to link your PayPal account with Facebook to get access to key features.

Connecting your accounts allows you to:

  • View donor Facebook profiles right within PayPal to learn more about supporters
  • Save donor Facebook information with transactions
  • Send targeted Facebook ads to previous donors to turn them into repeat donors

Here are the steps to link your accounts:

Step 1: Connect Facebook to PayPal

Log into your PayPal account and go to “Settings”. Under “Integrations”, select “Facebook”:

  • Click “Connect with Facebook”
  • Enter your Facebook login details to authorize connecting your accounts
  • PayPal will now be connected to your Facebook profile

Step 2: Set Up Facebook Pixel

The Facebook pixel allows you to track donations as Facebook conversion events:

  1. Copy your Facebook Pixel ID from the Facebook Ads Manager dashboard
  2. Go to PayPal, click “Tools” and select “Marketing Tools”
  3. Click “Add Pixel” under Facebook Pixel
  4. Paste your Facebook Pixel ID and click “Add”

This will install the Facebook Pixel on your PayPal account.

Step 3: Privacy Settings

Adjust your PayPal privacy settings to share donor info with Facebook:

  • Go to “Account Settings” then “Privacy”
  • Under “Sharing with Social Media”, check the boxes:
    • “Share my personal data with Facebook”
    • “Share my transactions and donations data with Facebook”
  • Click “Save” to apply the changes

Your PayPal and Facebook accounts are now linked to share donation data!

How Donors Can Make Facebook Donations

On your end, accepting Facebook donations is easy once your accounts are connected. But how does the process work for donors?

When a donor clicks your PayPal donate button on Facebook, it will open up a PayPal payment window for them to complete the donation.

The steps donors take to complete a Facebook donation include:

  1. Click the PayPal donate button on your Facebook page
  2. Select their donation amount on the PayPal payment page
  3. Log into PayPal to complete payment, or pay as a guest by entering their card details
  4. Fill out any additional info required by the merchant (name, address, etc)
  5. Click pay to submit the donation to the merchant
  6. They receive a PayPal receipt confirming the Facebook donation

For the donor, the process is straightforward and all done through a familiar PayPal flow. Logging into PayPal makes completing the Facebook donation fast and easy.

The key is that donors never have to leave your Facebook page. Embedding the donate button allows them to give to your cause right from your Facebook content.

Tips for Increasing Facebook Donations

Here are some top tips for raising more donations on Facebook:

Tell a compelling story

Describe who you are helping and why donations are needed. Storytelling builds an emotional connection with donors.

Post engaging content

Use images, videos, infographics, and live videos to showcase your cause. Engaging content leads to more donations.

Go live frequently

Live videos let you directly ask viewers for donations in real time. Go live often to drive more giving.

Promote donation milestones

Spotlight key donation goals reached to show supporters their impact. This creates more momentum.

Run targeted Facebook ads

Advertise to specific demographics aligned with your cause to find potential new donors.

Retarget past donors

Use Facebook Pixel data to reconnect with previous donors and inspire repeat donations.

Highlight donor benefits

Communicate perks like donor walls, merchandise, and events access to increase support.

Partner with influencers

Collaborate with influencers to expand your reach and tap into their engaged follower base.

Utilize Facebook Fundraisers

Let supporters run personalized fundraisers for your cause to further extend your impact.


Accepting donations on Facebook allows you to tap into the platform’s vast user base and receive funding right within the social network.

By adding a PayPal donate button and linking your Facebook and PayPal accounts, you can seamlessly accept donations from your followers.

Facebook donors complete transactions easily right from your page without friction. Driving more donations comes down to using compelling content and smart marketing tactics.

Utilize this guide to start collecting donations from your Facebook community. The convenient giving experience leads to higher conversion rates and larger donations for important causes.