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How do I link my Facebook page to a website?

How do I link my Facebook page to a website?

Linking your Facebook page to your website can be a great way to drive more traffic to your site. Here are some tips on how to connect the two:

Why Link Your Facebook Page to Your Website

There are a few key reasons you may want to link your Facebook page to your website:

  • Drive traffic – Having a link to your website on your Facebook page makes it easy for people to click through to your site. This can result in more visitors and potential customers.
  • Credibility – A link to your website lends legitimacy to your Facebook page and business. People can easily verify that your Facebook presence matches your actual business website.
  • SEO – Links are a signal to search engines that your website is reputable and should rank well in results. A link from Facebook can improve your website’s SEO.
  • Engagement – When you share your website content on your Facebook page, it provides another way for people to interact and engage with your brand.

How to Add Your Website Link to Facebook

Adding your website link to Facebook only takes a couple quick steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click “About” below your cover photo
  3. Scroll down to the “Contact Info” section
  4. Click the pencil icon to edit this section
  5. Enter your website URL in the field labeled “Website”
  6. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom

Your website link will now appear on your Facebook page for all visitors to see. When people click this link, they will be redirected to your actual website in a new browser tab.

Tips for an Effective Facebook-Website Connection

Here are some tips to ensure your Facebook page and website complement each other effectively:

  • Use the same profile photo and cover image on both Facebook and your website for a cohesive look.
  • Make your Facebook page “public” so it is visible to all users and can easily be found.
  • Share website content regularly on Facebook to drive traffic. For example, blog posts, new products, special offers, etc.
  • Embed Facebook content on your website like your feed, reviews, Like box, etc. to boost engagement.
  • Include Facebook share buttons on key website pages so visitors can easily share your content.
  • Track website traffic from Facebook using analytics to see how effective the link is.

Optimizing Your Website for Traffic From Facebook

To maximize the amount of traffic you get from your Facebook page, optimize your website experience. Here are some tips:

  • Ensure website pages load quickly – Slow load times lead to high bounce rates.
  • Make calls-to-action visible – Have clear CTAs telling visitors what to do next, like “Shop Now” or “Download Free Guide.”
  • Personalize for mobile – Many Facebook users will click over on mobile, so ensure your website is mobile-friendly.
  • Make key landing pages – Send Facebook traffic to specific landing pages that are highly relevant to what was clicked.
  • Use Facebook pixels – This allows you to retarget website visitors with Facebook ads later.
  • Add value – Website content should be useful and engaging to visitors coming from Facebook.

Driving Traffic Back to Facebook From Your Website

It’s also important to facilitate traffic flowing back to your Facebook page from your website. Here are some ideas:

  • Add a Follow button – This lets website visitors easily follow your Facebook page.
  • Promote your page – Mention your Facebook presence throughout relevant website content.
  • Link to Facebook in menus/footers – Make your Facebook page link visible throughout your website.
  • Share website content on Facebook – Posting content from your site back to Facebook completes the loop.
  • Run retargeting ads – Use Facebook pixel data to show ads to website visitors.
  • Encourage social sharing – Add social media share buttons to website content to spread the word.

Using Facebook’s Built-In Tools

Facebook also offers some built-in tools to help connect your page and website:

  • Facebook Business Manager – This central hub allows you to link your Facebook page, Instagram, and websites together under one account.
  • Facebook for Developers – Developer tools can help you customize and enhance how your website and Facebook page interact.
  • Facebook Pixel – This tracking pixel provides analytics on website conversions and allows for retargeting.
  • Social plugins – Tools like the Like and Share buttons help website visitors interact with your Facebook content.

Common Questions

Why isn’t my website link showing up on my Facebook page?

If you don’t see your website link on your Facebook page even after adding it, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you clicked “Save Changes” after entering your URL in the Contact Info section.
  • Be sure the link you entered is valid and goes directly to your website home page.
  • Check that your Facebook page is published and publicly visible to all users.
  • Try re-entering the website link using the steps outlined earlier.
  • Clear your browser cookies/cache in case it is a caching issue.

Can I link multiple websites to my Facebook page?

Unfortunately Facebook only allows you to link one website in the Contact Info section of your Facebook page. If you have multiple sites, pick the one you want to promote the most on Facebook for now.

However, you can link to additional websites from the content you post on your page, like sharing links to blog posts from different sites.

Is linking my website to Facebook bad for SEO?

Generally speaking, linking your Facebook page and website together will not harm your search engine optimization. As long as the links are relevant and natural, search engines like Google do not penalize websites for having Facebook links.

In fact, a link from an authoritative social media site like Facebook can actually boost your site’s SEO by demonstrating trust and relevance. Just be sure not to spam excessive Facebook links on your website.


Linking your Facebook page and website together provides tremendous mutual benefits for both platforms. Your website gains more traffic and exposure, while your Facebook presence gains more legitimacy and engagement.

With a few simple technical steps to connect the two, plus optimizations like strategic cross-promotions and leveraging Facebook’s tools, you can maximize the impact. Just be sure to continuously promote great content that provides value for your audience.