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How do I like a comment on my Facebook post?

How do I like a comment on my Facebook post?

Liking a comment on your Facebook post is a simple way to show appreciation and acknowledgement for someone’s response. When you like a comment, a small thumbs up icon will appear next to that comment. Liking comments helps increase engagement on your posts and provides positive feedback to your friends or followers.

What happens when you like a comment?

When you like a comment on your Facebook post, a few things happen:

  • A thumbs up icon appears next to the comment to indicate you liked it
  • The number next to the thumbs up icon increases to show total likes
  • The person who posted the comment gets notified that you liked their comment
  • The comment is bumped up higher in the overall comments section

So liking a comment gives positive feedback, increases its visibility, and lets the commenter know their response was appreciated. It’s a simple way to acknowledge and react to comments without having to write a response.

How to like a comment on desktop

If you’re accessing Facebook on a computer, here’s how to like a comment:

  1. Go to the post where the comment was left and locate the specific comment
  2. Move your mouse over the comment you want to like
  3. Click the gray Thumbs Up icon that appears to the right of the comment
  4. The icon will turn blue to confirm you liked the comment

You can unlike the comment at any time by clicking on the blue Thumbs Up icon again. It will revert back to gray.

How to like a comment on mobile

Liking comments on mobile is just as easy:

  1. Find the post and comment you want to like
  2. Tap and hold your finger on the comment for 2 seconds
  3. A pop-up box will appear – tap “Like” to like the comment
  4. A thumbs up icon and like count will appear next to the comment

To unlike later, just tap and hold on the comment again and tap “Unlike” in the pop-up box.

How many likes can a comment get?

There is no limit to the number of likes a comment can receive. A popular comment can amass hundreds or even thousands of likes from your followers. The more viral your post, the more engagement comments will typically get.

Who can see liked comments?

When you like a comment, it’s public and visible to anyone who can view that post and its comments. There is no privacy setting for liking comments – it’s openly shown.

The number of likes on a comment is displayed next to the thumbs up icon for all to see. Individual people who liked it won’t be shown, just the total like count.

Can you see who liked your comment?

You can’t see a full list of who specifically liked your comment. However, you will get notified if the original poster (the person who made the post) likes your comment.

When the OP likes your comment, you’ll get a notification saying “[Poster’s Name] and others liked your comment on [Post Title].” It doesn’t name all the individuals, just the OP.

Does liking a comment notify the poster?

Yes, when you like someone’s comment on a post, they will get notified that you liked it. A common notification is “Your comment on [Post Title] was liked by [Your Name] and others.”

So liking a comment is a great way to provide positive feedback and let commenters know you appreciate their responses.

Can you see who likes your post?

While Facebook doesn’t show who likes individual comments, you can see who has liked your original post. To see post likes:

  1. Go to your post
  2. Click on the number of Reactions next to the post
  3. A box will pop up showing names of those who reacted (liked, loved, etc.)

This allows you to see who is engaging with your posts through likes. You can also see a full list of post likes by clicking “See All” in the Reactions box.

Does liking a comment increase reach?

Liking comments can indirectly boost your post’s reach and visibility. When you like comments, it keeps users engaged on your post. Greater engagement signals to Facebook’s algorithm that the content is interesting.

Facebook then shows your post to more people, increasing the reach. So liking comments encourages engagement that can lead to wider reach and more likes/comments.

Can page owners or admins pin comments?

Page owners and admins have the ability to pin comments to the top of the comments section. Pinned comments are highlighted right under the post itself for maximum visibility.

To pin a comment as a page admin:

  1. Hover over the comment and click the 3-dot icon
  2. Select “Pin Comment” from the drop-down menu
  3. The comment will be pinned to the top

You can unpin the comment at any time with the same steps.

Should you pin your own comment?

Page owners will sometimes pin their own comment to keep it at the top. This can be helpful for delivering an important announcement, update, or call-to-action you want seen first.

However, pinning your own comment too frequently may seem self-promotional to some users. Consider pinning your own comments sparingly and to highlight extremely important info.

Can you sort comments in different ways?

There are a few ways to sort the view of comments on your post:

  • Most Relevant – Top comments as determined by Facebook’s algorithm
  • Newest First – Newest comments shown first
  • Oldest First – Oldest comments shown first

On desktop, click the 3-line icon above the first comment to access sorting options. On mobile, tap the 3-dot icon next to the number of comments.

Try different sorting options to highlight the most useful, popular, or timely conversations.

Can you like an edited comment?

Yes, you can like a comment even if it has been edited. The person who posted it can edit their comment to fix typos, add info, etc. at any time.

You’ll be able to like the updated version. Edits don’t remove existing likes. However, editing a heavily-liked comment will reset it to zero likes again as if it’s brand new.

Can you tag people in comments?

When commenting on a post, you can tag friends or other profiles in your comment with @mentions. This functions similarly to tagging people in the main status post.

To tag someone in a comment, type @ followed immediately by their name or profile handle. A list of matching profiles will pop up to select from.

Can you tag friends in comment images?

If you upload an image to include with your comment, you can tag friends in that image. Tag them the same way you would in a regular post image.

Tap the photo after commenting, then tap “Tag Photo” and select people. This tags them in that image, even though it’s within a comment.

Can you reply to existing comments?

You can reply directly to another comment to keep conversations organized in threads. To reply to a comment:

  1. Hover over it and click “Reply”
  2. The reply field will indent under that comment
  3. Type your reply and click Post

All replies to that original comment will be grouped together for easy discussion. You can like and reply to replies as well.

How do you mention someone in a comment reply?

When replying to a comment, you can mention or tag the person you’re directly responding to using @ and their name.

For example, replying to a comment by John Smith would look like:

@John Smith – I agree with your point! Thanks for the feedback.

This tags John in your reply so he’s notified. Mentioning people when replying helps tie conversations together.

Can you delete or report comments?

As the original poster, you can delete or report other people’s comments on your own posts. To manage a comment:

  1. Hover over it and click the × or ! icons
  2. Choose to delete or report/spam the comment

Deleted comments are removed entirely. You can select a reason for reporting potentially offensive or spam comments.

Can the original poster pin your comment?

Yes, if you comment on someone’s post, the original poster has the ability to pin your comment to the top. They may do this to highlight an important point or follow-up question.

When your comment gets pinned, you’ll receive a notification that the OP pinned your comment on their post. Pinning helps get your comment maximum visibility.

Can you edit or delete your own comment?

You can always edit or delete comments you’ve posted, even if they have likes already. To manage your own comment:

  1. Hover over your comment and click the 3-dot icon
  2. Choose Edit or Delete

Edits will update the existing comment. Deletion removes it entirely. Use wisely!

Can you link websites in comments?

Yes, you can include hyperlinks in your comments to other websites or resources. Paste the full URL into your comment to create a live link.

For example, a comment with a link would look like:

This page has more details:

Comments with relevant links tend to get more engagement. Links also make great recommendations for credit or sources.

Can you post code snippets in comments?

For developers or tech-related posts, you may want to include small code snippets in your comments. To post code:

  1. Surround the code with backticks (`) to format as inline code
  2. Use three backticks (“`) before and after code blocks

For example:

`let x = 10;`


let x = 10; 


This helps preserve code formatting in comments. You can also use Facebook’s preset tag when commenting to create highlighted code blocks.

Can you @ mention Facebook pages in comments?

When commenting, you can mention or tag other Facebook pages or profiles with @ – just like mentioning friends. This notifies pages of mentions.

To tag a page, start typing @ and select the page name. Public figures, brands, media, and organizations can all be mentioned.

Can business accounts reply to comments?

Facebook business accounts have special features for managing comments at scale. As a business page owner, you can:

  • Reply to comments directly from page notifications
  • Assign comments to other page admins
  • Filter and moderate comments with rules
  • Enable auto-replies to common questions

Pages should actively reply to questions, concerns, and feedback in comments. This builds relationships with customers.

Can you tag products from Shop on comments?

If you have an online shop connected to your page through Facebook Shop, you can tag your products in comments. This helps promote them.

Start typing @ and select your product name from the list. The product’s photo will appear in your comment.

Can businesses run comment ads?

Facebook offers “comment ads” specifically for businesses. These sponsored comments appear directly in the comments section of relevant posts.

Comment ads stand out as “Sponsored” and reach viewers likely to be interested. They can be used for promotions, links, holiday greetings, etc.


Liking and engaging with comments is a key part of succeeding with Facebook posts. Use likes to show appreciation, replies to have meaningful discussions, and tools like pinning or tagging to highlight important points.

Managing and moderating comments also helps maintain a positive environment. By liking great comments from your audience, they’ll be encouraged to keep the conversation going.

Comment sections allow for deeper connections beyond just likes and shares. Take advantage of all the options for interacting to boost engagement on your posts and foster community.