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How do I let Facebook know someone has passed away?

How do I let Facebook know someone has passed away?

Losing a loved one is never easy. In the digital age, you may need to take some steps to memorialize their Facebook account or let their Facebook friends know about their passing. Here are some quick answers about how to handle a deceased person’s Facebook account:

Can I memorialize or delete someone’s Facebook account if they pass away?

Yes, Facebook does allow for deceased users’ accounts to be memorialized or deleted. You’ll need to provide proof that you are an immediate family member or executor of the estate in order to make changes to their account.

How do I memorialize someone’s Facebook account?

To memorialize an account, you’ll need to submit a special request form to Facebook. You’ll need to provide documentation proving your relationship to the deceased. Once memorialized, the word “Remembering” will be shown next to the person’s name. Their profile and photos will remain, but no one will be able to log into the account. Memorialized accounts also have heightened privacy settings.

What happens when a Facebook account is memorialized?

Here’s what happens when a Facebook account gets memorialized:

  • The word “Remembering” is added to the profile
  • The profile can’t be changed or logged into
  • Friends can still post on the profile wall
  • Account is removed from public spaces like friend suggestions
  • Sensitive information like contacts is removed

How do I request for someone’s account to be memorialized?

To request memorialization of an account, you’ll need to fill out Facebook’s special form. You’ll need to provide:

  • The deceased person’s name and Facebook URL
  • Your relationship to the deceased
  • Obituary or death certificate confirming death

How long does it take for a memorialized request to be processed?

Facebook aims to process memorialization requests within 24 hours. However, it may take up to a few weeks depending on the complexity of the request.

Can I delete a deceased person’s Facebook account instead?

Yes, you can request for Facebook to permanently delete a deceased person’s account instead of just memorializing it. This will remove the profile and all information completely. Submit the same request form for deletion instead of memorialization.

What’s the difference between memorializing and deleting an account?

Memorializing Deleting
Profile remains visible Profile is completely removed
Friends can still post on timeline All account information erased
Account not shown in suggestions Friends would have to find profile link to see it

How can I let the person’s Facebook friends know about their passing?

There are a few options for informing the deceased person’s Facebook friends that they have passed away:

  • Post a status update from your own account with information about funeral services and the passing.
  • Ask close family members to share the news on their own timelines.
  • Change the profile picture to a memorial image or photo.
  • Once memorialized, post a final update from the deceased person’s timeline to notify friends.

Can I post a final update on the memorialized Timeline?

Yes, Facebook does allow someone with access to post a final, closing update on a memorialized Timeline. Many families choose to post a farewell message, information about services, or a link to an obituary as a final update that friends will see.

How do I change the profile and cover photos to memorial images?

To change a deceased person’s profile and cover photos to memorial images or a favorite photo:

  1. Request memorialization of the account
  2. Once approved, log into the memorialized account
  3. Go to the profile picture and select “Update Profile Picture”
  4. Choose a meaningful photo and click “Use as Profile Picture”
  5. Go to the cover photo and click “Update Cover Photo”
  6. Select a memorial image or different photo

Can friends still share memories on a memorialized Timeline?

Yes. One benefit of memorializing versus deleting is that friends can still post memories, stories, photos and videos on the memorialized Timeline. They can post tributes on the memorialized profile just as they could on the active Timeline.

What are some memorialization privacy settings I should check?

Here are some key privacy settings to check after an account is memorialized:

  • Review timeline privacy under “Who can post?”
  • Check photo privacy settings
  • Confirm “Who can see friends list?” is set to desired audience
  • Verify memorialized account is not showing up in “People You May Know” or as suggested friends to others

Can I have a Facebook account deleted if there was no request from the user before death?

If there was no prior request from the deceased, Facebook still allows immediate family members to request account deletion. You’ll need to provide documentation proving your relationship. Parents, siblings, spouses and children have deletion rights.

What options are there if I’m not an immediate family member?

If you aren’t an immediate family member, there are still a couple options:

  • Report the account to Facebook for memorialization. Provide proof of death.
  • Ask an immediate family member to submit a request
  • Submit a special request yourself explaining your connection

Can I download data from a memorialized or deleted account?

Yes, Facebook does allow next of kin to request data from a deceased user’s account. You’ll need to submit a special request form and valid proof of authority. Facebook will then provide downloadable copies of data like photos, posts and profile information that were on the account.

How do I prove I’m an immediate family member to Facebook?

To prove you are an immediate family member authorized to make changes, you’ll need to provide one of the following:

  • Obituary mentioning your relationship
  • Death certificate identifying next of kin
  • Birth certificate demonstrating family relationship
  • Marriage certificate showing spousal relationship
  • Other legal documents establishing authority

Can I reactivate a memorialized account later if needed?

Typically accounts that are memorialized stay that way permanently. However, Facebook may consider a request to reactivate the account in special circumstances. For example, if it was memorialized by mistake or you later obtain authorization from other family members.

What steps can I take to manage my own Facebook account if I pass away?

To manage your own Facebook account in the event of your death, you can take these steps now:

  • Decide if you want your account memorialized or deleted
  • Assign a Facebook legacy contact to manage your account
  • Update your general account settings
  • Consider drafting special instructions for your legacy contact
  • Make your end-of-life preferences known to family and friends

How do I choose a Facebook legacy contact?

On Facebook, you can choose a legacy contact who can manage your account if it is memorialized after your death. To do so:

  1. Go to your General Account Settings
  2. Click “Memorialization Settings”
  3. Enter the name of the friend you want as your legacy contact
  4. They will receive a notification to confirm the role

What can my Facebook legacy contact do?

Your Facebook legacy contact will be able to:

  • Post on your profile and change profile/cover images
  • Respond to new friend requests
  • Update your profile information
  • Request the removal of your account

They will not be able to:

  • Log into your account or change previous posts/photos
  • Remove or change friends
  • See your private messages


Losing someone close is incredibly hard. With planning and working with Facebook, you can memorialize or delete their account appropriately. This will allow you, other family and friends to access their memories while securing their information. While emotional, remember to take care of yourself during the process as well.