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How do I know if someone reported me on Facebook Marketplace?

How do I know if someone reported me on Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace allows users to buy and sell items directly through Facebook. As with any online marketplace, there are rules and guidelines that sellers must follow. If someone believes a seller has violated these rules, they can report the item or seller to Facebook.

So how do you know if someone has reported you on Facebook Marketplace? Here are some signs that may indicate your account or listing has been reported:

You receive a notification from Facebook

If your Marketplace account or a specific listing is reported, Facebook will typically send you a notification letting you know. The notification may say something like “Your listing has been removed for going against our Commerce Policies” or “Your account has been disabled due to complaints.”

So if you receive any kind of notification from Facebook mentioning a policy violation, complaint or listing removal, chances are your account or listing has been reported.

Your listing is removed suddenly

If one of your Marketplace listings is removed without explanation, there’s a good chance it was reported by another user and taken down by Facebook. Facebook does not notify sellers about every report, so sometimes the first sign is when the listing disappears.

Check if only one listing was removed, which may indicate it was specifically reported, versus all of your listings being gone, which more likely means your account was disabled.

You can no longer reply to buyers about a listing

When someone reports one of your listings, Facebook may restrict your ability to communicate with interested buyers about that item. So if you notice you can no longer reply to inquiries or messages about a particular listing, that suggests it was likely reported.

You see an unusual decrease in views or inquiries

If your listings typically get a certain amount of traffic and engagement, but you notice a sudden unexplained drop, it could be because your account has been “suppressed.”

Facebook may do this when they receive reports about your account but haven’t fully disabled it yet. Listings from suppressed accounts show up lower in searches, so you get fewer views.

You can no longer create new listings

In some cases when an account is reported, Facebook restricts the ability to create new listings before fully disabling the account. So if you suddenly can’t post any new Marketplace listings, it’s quite possible your account is on its way to being shut down due to reports.

You see messages that listings violate policies

If you try to create a new listing and get messages saying it goes against Facebook’s policies, your account may have been flagged for policy violations. Oftentimes accounts get flagged after receiving multiple reports.

This can happen even if your new listing seems totally innocuous and not in violation of any policies.

What types of things get sellers reported on Marketplace?

There are a few common reasons sellers get reported on Facebook Marketplace:

Listing prohibited items

Facebook prohibits listings for certain items like alcohol, weapons, drugs, medical drugs, tobacco, counterfeit goods, and more. Listing any prohibited items will likely result in reports.

Scams and misleading listings

Using fake pictures, incorrect information or highly misleading listings can understandably infuriate buyers. Interested buyers will report sellers who they feel are trying to scam them.

Inappropriate communication

Rude, abusive, harassing or otherwise inappropriate communication with interested buyers is grounds for reporting. Be professional and civil in all Marketplace interactions.

Price gouging

Excessively inflating prices, especially on highly demanded items and during emergencies or shortages, is frowned upon. Users often report price gouging.

Bot activity

Using bots or duplicate accounts to spam listings or communicate with buyers will get accounts shut down quickly when reported.

Policy violations

Any violation of Facebook’s Commerce Policies or Community Standards could potentially prompt a user report. Common violations include refusing to ship items, failing to deliver orders, etc.

How to find out if someone specifically reported you or your listing

Unless Facebook informs you of a report, there is no definite way to find out if a specific person made a complaint. But there are some clues that can help identify a likely source:

Angry or dissatisfied buyers

If a transaction went sour with an angry buyer, they may retaliate by reporting your account. Issues with shipping, payment disputes, returns and refunds often precede reports.


Overly competitive sellers sometimes report competitors’ accounts in hopes of reducing competition. If you have any known rival sellers, keep an eye out for signs of sabotage.

Someone you banned or blocked

If you preemptively banned or blocked someone from your listings, they may try to get revenge by reporting you.

Excessive negotiating

A buyer who aggressively tried negotiating an exceptionally low price may report you if negotiations broke down. Some feel reporting is a negotiating tactic.

Someone you accused of scamming

If you called out someone for scamming with fake listings or shill bidding, they may retaliate with a report, even if they’re guilty.

Recent blocks of communication

Reports sometimes come shortly after blocking communication with an interested buyer, especially if no reason was given for ceasing contact.

What to do if you have been reported

If you find out your Marketplace account or listings have been reported, here are some tips to handle it:

Stay calm

Try not to panic. Take a breath and proceed calmly and thoughtfully.

Be cooperative

Arguing or getting defensive will not help your case if contacting Facebook support. Be polite, honest and cooperative.

Remove any offending listings

Take down any listings that violate policies or seem questionable. Removing them proactively can help your case.

Reply to Facebook notifications

If Facebook contacts you about listings removed or account disablement, politely reply with any clarifying details that may help your appeal.

Submit an appeal

Use Facebook’s forms to submit an appeal explaining why you should regain access to your account and ability to sell.

Highlight unfair reports

If you have evidence a report was unjustified or submitted in bad faith, present it clearly in your appeals.

Wait patiently during appeal

Understand that the appeals process takes some time. Don’t harass Facebook support as that will likely hurt you.

Can you find out who specifically reported you?

No, Facebook does not share the identity of users who have reported Marketplace accounts or listings with the sellers who were reported. This is to protect the privacy of the reporters.

In very rare cases Facebook may reach out to a reporting user if they need more details or evidence regarding a serious issue. But they still would not reveal the reporter’s name or contact information to the seller.

Should you retaliate if you find out who reported you?

Absolutely not. Retaliating against or harassing someone who reported you will only make the situation much worse.

Getting revenge could prompt additional reports or even legal complaints against you. It could also completely torpedo any appeal efforts with Facebook.

As frustrating as an unjustified report may feel, the best course of action is always to take the high road and not retaliate.

How to reduce your chances of getting reported in the future

Here are some tips to help avoid getting wrongfully reported on Marketplace:

Follow all Facebook policies

Know and play by the rules to give users no reason to complain about policy violations.

Communicate professionally

Always be polite, courteous and reasonable in your communication as a seller.

Ship items promptly

Late shipments or unshipped sales are common report triggers, so fulfill orders responsibly.

Mediate disputes calmly

If issues arise with a sale, calmly work to resolve things before it escalates to a report.

Avoid arguments

Don’t let interactions escalate into heated arguments that may trigger emotional reports.

Be transparent in listings

Provide detailed photos and descriptions representing items accurately to prevent accusations of misrepresentation.

Reply to inquiries promptly

Respond to buyer messages and questions as quickly as possible to prevent frustrations.

Price fairly

Don’t use unfairly inflated prices that buyers may perceive as gouging and report.

Avoiding some of the most common seller mistakes and using good business practices can go a long way in keeping your Marketplace account in good standing!

Dealing with false reports

Getting falsely or unfairly reported can be incredibly aggravating. Here are some tips if it happens to you:

Stay calm

As frustrating as it is, keep a level head when responding.

Be polite and professional

A rude or aggressive tone will not help your case if you contact Facebook about a false report.

Thoroughly document evidence

Compile proof like screenshots clearly showing the report was false or unfounded.

Patiently go through appeal process

Provide your documentation to Facebook support and politely keep following up until the issue is resolved.

Request arbiters review evidence

If appeals are unsuccessful, ask for a supervisor, arbiter or policy expert to review your detailed evidence.

Consult Facebook reporting policies

Cite Facebook policies showing false reporting is itself a policy violation to report.

Avoid retaliation

As tempting as it may be, do not retaliate against the false reporter, which will only worsen the situation.

Can someone see if you reported them?

No, Facebook does not notify sellers when someone has reported their Marketplace account or listings. Reporting is anonymous.

If Facebook moves forward with a policy violation case, they may reach out to the reporter for more details to aid investigation. But the reporter’s identity would still not be revealed to the offending seller.

So if you report a Marketplace account or listing, rest assured the seller has no way of finding out you submitted the specific complaint, unless you choose to tell them yourself.


Getting reported on Facebook Marketplace is an unpleasant experience but not necessarily a catastrophic one. Minor first offenses typically result in warnings or temporary restrictions before permanent disablement.

By being cooperative, transparent and keeping your cool with Facebook support, many sellers are able to successfully overturn wrongful reports and regain their selling privileges. Persistence and politeness in the appeals process is key.

The best protection, however, is being a responsible seller who follows policies, communicates professionally and fulfills orders reliably. Avoiding the common pitfalls that trigger reports greatly reduces your chances of being unfairly targeted with complaints.

With caution and common sense, most sellers are able to maintain good standing and sell successfully on Marketplace without issue!