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How do I know if my Facebook Reels are monetized?

How do I know if my Facebook Reels are monetized?

With Reels being a relatively new feature on Facebook, many users are still figuring out how monetization works. Here are some quick answers to common questions about monetizing Facebook Reels:

What are Facebook Reels?

Facebook Reels are short, entertaining videos that live on Facebook and Instagram. They can be recorded and edited directly within the Facebook or Instagram apps. Reels allow creators to record multi-clip videos combined with audio, effects, and creative tools.

How do I know if I’m eligible to monetize my Facebook Reels?

To be eligible to earn money from your Facebook Reels, you need to meet these requirements:

  • You must be in a country where ReelsPlay is available. Currently, this includes the US, Canada, Mexico, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, and all of Europe.
  • You need at least 100 followers on your Facebook page or Instagram account.
  • Your account must not have any Community Guidelines violations.
  • Your Reels must meet Facebook’s content monetization policies.

How will I know when my Reels are monetized?

You’ll see a special “ReelsPlay” icon on monetized Reels. This icon means the Reel is eligible to earn money through Facebook’s ReelsPlay program. The icon will appear on Reels in your Reels tab or profile grid:

You may also see an ad overlay on your monetized Reels. This overlay will say “ReelsPlay Sponsored” and means an ad is running on your Reel.

What metrics can help me track Reels monetization?

Here are some key metrics to track how your monetized Reels are performing:

  • Reach: The number of unique accounts that have viewed your Reel at least once.
  • Views: The total number of times your Reel has been viewed.
  • Avg Watch Time: The average number of seconds people watch your Reel.
  • Shares: The number of times your Reel has been shared to another platform.
  • Comments: The amount of comments your Reel receives.
  • Saves: The number of times your Reel has been saved by viewers.

Higher engagement and view duration generally means more earning potential for your Reels. Aim to create engaging Reels that keep people watching!

How much money can I make from Facebook Reels?

Earnings from Facebook Reels vary greatly depending on the views, engagement, and overall performance of your videos. Here are some estimates on Reels earnings:

  • 1000 views = $2 – $4
  • 1 million views = $200 – $500
  • 10 million views = $2,000 – $5,000

Top Reels creators can earn anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per Reel. The more views and engagement your Reels get, the more you can earn. Brand sponsorships and promotions can also significantly increase your Reels income.

How many views do I need to make money on Reels?

There is no definitive view threshold you need to start earning money on Reels. However, most experts estimate you’ll need at least 30,000 – 100,000 views on your Reels before seeing significant earnings. Anything under 10,000 views is unlikely to generate much income.

Focus first on creating great Reels content and building your audience. Once you have a loyal following with high engagement, monetization will follow.

When do I get paid for my monetized Reels?

Facebook issues ReelsPlay payments on a monthly basis. Earnings arrive 30-60 days after the month your Reels accrued views.

For example, if you earned money from Reels in January 2023, you can expect payment to arrive in March 2023. Facebook will notify you when payments are processed to your selected payment method.

How does Facebook ReelsPlay payment work?

If you’re in the ReelsPlay program, Facebook will pay you directly for ad revenue generated from your qualifying Reels. Here’s how it works:

  1. You post engaging Reels frequently to build your audience.
  2. Facebook determines your Reels are eligible and begins serving ads on them.
  3. When people view your Reels with ads, revenue is generated.
  4. At the end of each month, Facebook tallies up the total revenue from your qualifying Reels.
  5. You receive a payment for your portion of the revenue around 30-60 days later.

The more views and engagement your monetized Reels receive, the more money you’ll earn from ReelsPlay.

How do I get paid for ReelsPlay?

To receive your ReelsPlay payments, you need to set up a payment method in your Facebook Monetization Manager. Facebook provides two options:

  • Direct deposit: Have payments deposited directly into your connected bank account. Must link bank account details.
  • PayPal: Have payments sent to your connected PayPal account. Must have a PayPal account.

Facebook pays out earnings in USD currency to creators worldwide. You can access Monetization Manager by going to “Settings > Monetization” in your Facebook app menu.

Can I earn money on Reels without being in the ReelsPlay program?

Yes, you have a few options to earn money from your Facebook Reels without being directly enrolled in ReelsPlay:

  • In-Stream Ads: Display non-interruptive banner ads during your Reels and earn a portion of the revenue.
  • Facebook Stars: Earn tips from viewers who send Stars during Reels live streams.
  • Third-Party Apps: Share Reels to apps like Vutue to earn rewards for engagement.
  • Brand Sponsorships: Promote brands/products in your Reels in exchange for sponsorship fees.

However, ReelsPlay remains the most direct way to earn the most money from Facebook Reels as a creator.

How do I increase views and engagement on my Reels?

Here are some top tips for getting more views on your Reels and maximizing earnings:

  • Use relevant and popular hashtags and songs
  • Post consistently at optimal times
  • Cross-promote your Reels across social platforms
  • Create episodic content to keep viewers coming back
  • Use trending AR filters for viral potential
  • Collaborate with other creators
  • Check analytics to optimize based on top-performing Reels
  • Run Reels ads to boost viewership

The more creative and strategic you can be with producing your Reels, the more views you’ll get! Analyze which types of Reels generate the most engagement and focus on making those even better.

Can I get banned from Reels monetization?

Yes, you can lose access to Facebook Reels monetization for violating platform policies or terms. Some common Reels monetization bans happen for:

  • Posting content that goes against Facebook’s guidelines (violence, adult content, hate speech, etc).
  • Using unauthorized copyrighted material like songs or clips.
  • Artificially inflating views, likes, or comments through prohibited third-party apps or services.
  • Repeated community standard violations or account bans.

To maintain access to ReelsPlay earnings, be sure you carefully follow all Facebook rules and policies when creating and promoting your Reels.

Reels Metric Benchmark
Views 1000+ per Reel
Engagement Rate 5%+
Avg Watch Time 30+ seconds
Shares 100+ per Reel

This table summarizes key benchmarks to aim for to increase Reels monetization potential.


Monetizing your Facebook Reels requires consistency, optimization, promotions, and adherence to platform policies. Focus on creating high-quality Reels that engage your target audience. Analyze performance data to constantly improve. With time and commitment, you can build a following and viewership that translates to earnings through ReelsPlay.

Remember to set up your payment method, follow best practices, and track analytics. With the right strategy, Facebook Reels provide an exciting new way for creators of all types to earn money directly from their entertaining short-form video content.