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How do I know if I will get a Facebook settlement?

How do I know if I will get a Facebook settlement?

If you had an active Facebook account between April 2010 and September 2021 and lived in an eligible country, you may qualify for a payment from the recent Facebook class action settlement. This settlement resolves lawsuits accusing Facebook of violating user privacy by tracking browsing activity even after users logged out of the platform. Keep reading to learn more about eligibility requirements, how to file a claim, when payments will be issued, and other key details about the Facebook settlement.

What is the Facebook class action lawsuit about?

In 2018, Facebook was sued in a class action lawsuit alleging the company tracked users’ internet browsing activity even after they had logged out of Facebook. The plaintiffs claimed this violated federal wiretap laws and their privacy rights.

According to the lawsuit, Facebook used “cookies” and other technologies to track users’ visits to external websites that contained Facebook features like the “Like” or “Share” buttons. This tracking occurred without the users’ knowledge or consent.

The plaintiffs accused Facebook of violating the Federal Wiretap Act, the Stored Communications Act, and the California Invasion of Privacy Act. They sought financial compensation on behalf of all affected Facebook users.

In 2021, after years of litigation, Facebook agreed to a $650 million settlement to resolve the class action lawsuit.

Who is eligible for a payment?

The settlement class includes Facebook users located in the United States who between April 2010 and September 2021 logged into Facebook at least once.

To be eligible, you must have:

  • Had an active Facebook account at any time between April 2010 and September 2021
  • Lived in the United States at the time you had an active account

Based on Facebook’s records, there are approximately 1.6 million eligible settlement class members in the United States. Unfortunately, users outside of the U.S. are excluded from the settlement.

How much will individual payments be?

The settlement fund provides $650 million to pay valid claims, attorney’s fees, costs, taxes, and other expenses.

Facebook estimates individual payments will likely be around $200 to $400 per person. However, the final amounts could be higher or lower depending on how many valid claims are submitted and the total costs deducted from the fund.

Keep in mind that 1.6 million Facebook users are estimated to be eligible to file a claim. If every single eligible person submitted a valid claim, the average payment would be around $400. In reality, it’s likely that not everyone will make a claim, so individual payments may exceed $400 on average.

How can I file a claim?

To receive a settlement payment, you must complete and submit a valid Claim Form online or by mail by the deadline.

The easiest way to file is to visit the official Facebook settlement website and submit an online claim form. You’ll need to provide your name, contact information, and Facebook account information.

The deadline to file online claims is September 22, 2022.

You can also download a paper claim form from the settlement website and mail it to:

In re Facebook Biometric Information Privacy Litigation Settlement Administrator
P.O. Box 43401
Providence, RI 02940-3401

Mailed claim forms must be postmarked by September 22, 2022.

Make sure to follow all instructions carefully and provide accurate information. Invalid claims will be rejected.

When will settlement payments be sent out?

The courts still need to give final approval to the settlement before payments can be distributed. Final approval hearings are scheduled for October 2022.

If the settlement receives final approval, payments are expected to be issued in early 2023. This timing depends on any appeals and how efficiently claims can be processed.

Claimants will be notified by email and mail when payments are ready to be distributed. Make sure to keep your contact information updated if you move or change email addresses before payments go out.

Payment methods may include digital payments like PayPal, paper checks sent in the mail, or prepaid cards/vouchers. The settlement website will be updated with the final details once available.

What are the options if I don’t want to participate?

Class members who want to retain their rights to sue Facebook over the issues in this case must opt out of the settlement class by September 22, 2022. You can opt out by submitting an online form on the settlement website or mailing a signed letter to the claim administrator.

If you opt out, you will not receive any payment but you keep your individual legal rights related to these privacy claims.

You also have the right to object to the terms of the settlement by September 22, 2022 if you disagree with any portion of it. The court will consider objections before deciding whether to give final approval.

What am I giving up if I stay in the class?

Settlement class members who do not opt out give up their right to sue Facebook for the same legal claims covered in this lawsuit. This includes claims related to Facebook tracking users’ activity without consent after they logged out of their accounts.

However, you are only releasing claims up until September 2021, when the settlement was reached. You retain the right to pursue any other claims against Facebook that arise after September 2021.

Who are the lawyers representing the class?

The Court has appointed lawyers from two law firms to represent the settlement class as “Class Counsel”:

  • Keller Lenkner LLC
  • Labaton Sucharow LLP

You do not need to hire your own lawyer. Class Counsel works on behalf of all settlement class members. However, you have the right to hire your own lawyer at your own cost if you want individual legal advice related to this case.

Class Counsel will request attorneys’ fees and costs to be paid from the settlement fund. Their fee request will be filed before the final approval hearing and posted to the settlement website.

When is the final approval hearing?

The Court has scheduled a Final Approval Hearing for October 2022 to decide whether to approve the settlement. The hearing date and time will be posted on the settlement website once scheduled.

Any settlement class member has the right to appear at the final approval hearing. However, you do not need to attend unless you want to speak at the hearing – for example, if you want to object to the settlement.

The Final Approval Hearing will take place at the United States District Court for the Northern District of California in San Francisco. The exact courthouse location will be listed on the settlement website.

Where can I learn more about the settlement?

For the latest updates and complete details about settlement eligibility, benefits, filing claims, exclusions, objections, release of claims, Final Approval Hearing, and more – please visit the official Facebook Biometric Information Privacy Settlement website at [settlement website URL].

You can also call the toll-free number [support number] to reach the Claim Administrator by phone if you have any other questions not answered on the FAQ page.

This Facebook settlement involves an important data privacy issue that impacted millions of users. Make sure to understand your rights and options for participating in the settlement – or opting out if you prefer to retain your rights to sue Facebook separately. Carefully review the information provided on the settlement website as you consider how to proceed before the September 2022 claims deadline.

Table summarizing key dates

Event Date
Claim Filing Deadline September 22, 2022
Exclusion and Objection Deadline September 22, 2022
Final Approval Hearing October 2022 (date TBD)
Settlement Payments Distributed (Estimated) Early 2023

Be sure to check the settlement website for the latest updates and official dates for deadlines and distribution of payments. If the Court grants final approval, payments are expected to be distributed in early 2023 via digital payment, check, or prepaid card/voucher.

This has provided an overview of how to know if you qualify for a payment, how to file a claim, what deadlines apply, and when the Facebook settlement payments may be distributed if finally approved. Visit the official settlement website at [URL] for more details and FAQs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is included in the Facebook settlement?

The settlement class includes all Facebook users located in the United States who logged into Facebook at least once between April 2010 and September 2021. Based on Facebook’s records, an estimated 1.6 million users in the U.S. are eligible.

How much will individuals receive?

Payments are estimated to be around $200-$400 per person, but the final amounts depend on how many claims are filed and other factors. Facebook is providing $650 million for the settlement fund.

How do I file a claim?

You can file a claim online at [settlement website URL] or by mailing a paper claim form by September 22, 2022. Follow all instructions carefully to submit a valid claim.

When will I get a payment?

If approved, payments are expected to be mailed or digitally distributed in early 2023. Timing depends on final approval and processing time for claims.

What if I don’t want to be part of the settlement?

You can opt-out of the settlement class by September 22, 2022 if you want to retain your own rights to sue Facebook. Use the online form or mail an exclusion request.

Can I object to the settlement?

Yes, you can object in writing by September 22, 2022 if you disagree with any portion of the settlement terms.

Who are the lawyers representing the class?

The Court appointed attorneys from Keller Lenkner LLC and Labaton Sucharow LLP as Class Counsel. You may hire your own lawyer if desired, but don’t need to.

When is the final approval hearing?

The Final Approval Hearing is scheduled for October 2022. Date and location details will be posted on the settlement website.


In summary, Facebook users located in the U.S. between 2010 and 2021 are eligible for payments from the $650 million class action settlement related to privacy violations. Each valid claimant is estimated to receive around $200-$400, but amounts may vary higher or lower. To receive your payment when the settlement is distributed in 2023, make sure to file a timely and valid claim online or by mail before the September 2022 deadline.