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How do I know if I m blocked from sending messages on Facebook?

How do I know if I m blocked from sending messages on Facebook?

Here are a few ways to check if someone has blocked you from sending messages on Facebook:

You can’t start a new conversation

If you try to start a new message thread with someone who has blocked you, it will fail to send. You may see an error saying “Couldn’t send message” or something similar.

Your messages may show as “Sent” but the other person won’t receive them

When you send a message to someone who has blocked you, it will show as “Sent” on your end, but the other person will not actually receive the messages. The messages will be blocked from their inbox.

You can’t see the person’s profile or add them as a friend

If you search for the person who blocked you on Facebook, their profile may not show up in search results. And if you try to send them a friend request, you’ll get an error saying you can’t add this person right now.

You don’t see their posts or updates

Someone who has blocked you will essentially disappear from your Facebook feed. You won’t see any of their posts, photos, updates or anything else they share.

You can ask a mutual friend

If you have a mutual friend with the person who you think may have blocked you, you can ask the friend to check if they can still see the person’s profile and send them messages. If your mutual friend can interact with them normally while you can’t, it’s a sign you’ve been blocked.

Use the browser trick

There’s a trick you can use to check if someone has blocked you on Facebook using your web browser (doesn’t work in the mobile app):

  1. Open Facebook in your browser and go to the profile page of the person you want to check.
  2. Right click anywhere on their profile and choose “View Page Source” or “Inspect Element”.
  3. Press Ctrl + F on your keyboard to open the browser search function.
  4. Search for the text string “fb_dtsg”.
  5. If you find a long string of numbers and letters next to “fb_dtsg”, it means the profile is viewable and you haven’t been blocked.
  6. If you don’t see the “fb_dtsg” code, it likely means the person has blocked you.

You’ll get an error when tagging

If you try to tag someone who has blocked you in a post or photo, you’ll get an error saying you “can’t tag this person”. This indicates you don’t have permission to tag them, likely because you’ve been blocked.


Being blocked by someone on Facebook can be frustrating and confusing if you don’t realize it has happened. Thankfully there are several ways to check if your messages and access have been restricted. Looking for the signs above like not seeing someone’s profile or posts, getting errors when messaging, or using the browser trick can help confirm if you’ve been blocked on Facebook.

Signs You’re Blocked What Happens
Can’t start a new message Your new messages to them fail to send
Your messages show as “Sent” The other person doesn’t actually receive them
Can’t see their profile Their profile doesn’t show up in searches
Don’t see their posts or updates They disappear from your Facebook feed
Get error when tagging them Tells you that you “can’t tag this person”

Other Facebook Blocking Effects

Being blocked on Facebook can have other effects beyond just restricting messages and posts:

  • You won’t be able to start a video call or voice call with a person who has blocked you.
  • You can’t add the person to any Facebook Groups if you manage a Group.
  • You won’t see any shared friends or interests you have in common with the person.
  • Friend requests you send to the person will be ignored or rejected.
  • You won’t be notified about major life events they post like engagements, weddings, child births etc.

What Happens When You Block Someone

For your reference, here is what happens when you block someone else on Facebook:

  • All your posts, photos and information are hidden from the blocked person.
  • The person won’t be able to start a conversation or send you any messages.
  • Any tags from the person on your posts or photos will be hidden.
  • You won’t receive any friend requests or be able to interact with the person.

Who Can See You’ve Blocked Someone

When you block someone on Facebook, that person is the only one who knows they have been blocked. To everyone else, it will seem like you are still friends. Facebook does not notify other users or post any public notice about blocked connections.

Unblocking Someone on Facebook

If you change your mind later on, you can unblock people you had previously blocked:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings.
  2. Click on the “Blocking” section in the left sidebar.
  3. Click on “Edit List” next to the People You’ve Blocked heading.
  4. Hover over the person’s name and click “Unblock”.

Once unblocked, you’ll be able to message each other and interact on Facebook again as normal.