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How do I know if I accidentally sent someone a friend request on Facebook?

How do I know if I accidentally sent someone a friend request on Facebook?

Quick Answer

There are a few ways to know if you accidentally sent someone a friend request on Facebook:

  • Check your Outgoing Friend Requests list – This can be found by going to your profile, clicking Friends, and then clicking Sent Requests. Any pending friend requests you’ve sent will be listed here.
  • Look for a notification – If the person accepts your friend request, you may get a notification saying “[Person’s Name] accepted your friend request.” This indicates you did send them a request.
  • See if they show up as a friend suggestion – Go to your profile and click Find Friends. If the person shows up here as a suggestion, it means you likely sent them a request already.

So in summary, review your Sent Requests list, watch for any related notifications, and check your friend suggestions. That should confirm if an accidental request was sent from your account.


Sending someone a friend request on Facebook allows them to view your profile information and content you post. You may not always intend to send certain requests, so it’s understandable to want to know if you accidentally connected with someone.

There are a three main ways you can check if an unintentional friend request was sent:

Review Your Outgoing Friend Requests

The most straightforward way is to look at your pending outgoing friend requests. Here’s how:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner
  2. Select “Friends” from the dropdown menu
  3. Click on “Sent Requests” on the left side

This will display a list of all the people you’ve sent friend requests to who haven’t yet responded. Look through the list for anyone you don’t remember sending a request to – that likely means it was accidental.

Check for Notifications

If the recipient accepts your request, you may get notified. A request that says “[Person’s Name] accepted your friend request” means your request definitely went through.

Keep an eye on your notifications in the top right corner of Facebook. Any note about a accepted request could indicate an accidental send.

See if They’re a Friend Suggestion

Another hint is if the person appears as a recommendation in your “People You May Know” section. You can view these suggestions by:

  1. Going to your profile
  2. Clicking on “Friends” in the left sidebar
  3. Clicking “Find Friends” at the top

This shows friend recommendations based on mutual connections, networks, location data, and more. If someone you don’t remember connecting with is here, you likely sent them a request.

So in summary, these three methods can confirm if you mistakenly sent a Facebook friend request:

  • Check your outgoing request list
  • Look for a “Request Accepted” notification
  • See if they appear as a suggestion to add

When Accidental Requests Happen

Accidentally sending friend requests on Facebook is common. There are a few ways it can happen:


It’s easy to misclick on mobile and accidentally tap the “Add Friend” button on someone’s profile. This immediately sends them a request. Double check who you’re clicking on when browsing Facebook.


Scrolling through feeds, it’s possible to slip and tap the wrong place. This can lead to unintentionally adding someone as a friend. Be mindful when scrolling on touchscreens.

Fake Profiles

Sometimes scammers will make profiles mimicking real people to send you friend requests first. If you’re not paying close attention, you may add them back without realizing the profile is fake. Verify requests come from authentic accounts.

Syncing Contacts

If you sync your contacts, Facebook can automatically send requests to those people. This means requests may be sent out to your contacts without you approving each one. Review sync settings to prevent this.

Tagging the Wrong Person

When tagging someone in a post or photo, it’s easy to select the wrong person with a similar name. Doing this also sends them a friend request. Double check tags before posting.

So in short, mis-tapping, syncing contacts, tagging errors, and more can make accidental friend requests happen. Stay alert to avoid sending ones you don’t want.

What to do About Accidental Requests

If you discover a friend request was sent unintentionally, here are some options:

Cancel the Request

If the request is still pending, you can cancel it:

  1. Go to your sent requests list
  2. Hover over the request and click “Cancel Request”

This prevents the person from getting the request and withdraws your friend ask.

Delete or Unfriend Them

If they’ve already accepted, you can unfriend or delete them:

  • Unfriend – Removes friendship but keeps profile accessible
  • Delete – Completely removes all traces of connection

Both options disconnect you from seeing each other’s activity.

Explain it was an Accident

Alternatively, you can apologize and explain it was accidental. Many people understand these kinds of mistakes.

Ignore It

If it’s not a big deal, you can just ignore it. You don’t have to interact with or follow each other.

So in summary, you can cancel pending requests, remove existing connections, explain the mistake, or just let it be. Choose the option that makes the most sense for the situation.

How to Avoid Accidental Friend Requests

Here are some tips to avoid sending unintended Facebook friend requests:

  • Be careful when clicking profiles and tapping buttons
  • Double check tags before posting anything
  • Disable contact syncing features
  • Use extra caution when on touchscreens
  • Watch for fake profile friend requests and ignore them

Staying mindful when browsing Facebook is key. Rushing while scrolling through feeds or not paying close attention when clicking/tapping makes accidents more likely.

It can also help to adjust your settings to minimize misclicks. For example, disabling contact syncs prevents requests being sent from your phone contacts without approval.

With extra care and tweaked settings, you can avoid unintended friend requests being sent from your account.


Accidentally sending Facebook friend requests is common, but avoidable. Check your sent requests list, notifications, and friend suggestions to see if any surprises got sent. Cancel pending requests, unfriend connections, explain it was a mistake, or just ignore it. And be extra thoughtful when clicking around Facebook to prevent future accidents. Staying alert can help ensure you only send friend requests to people you actually want to connect with.