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How do I know if a Facebook username is available?

How do I know if a Facebook username is available?

Trying to come up with the perfect Facebook username can be tricky. You want something unique that represents you, but finding out if your desired username is actually available can be hard. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to check if a Facebook username is available before trying to claim it.

Search on Facebook

The simplest way to see if a username is available on Facebook is to search for it directly on Facebook. Here’s how:

  1. Go to and log into your account
  2. Click the search bar at the top of the page
  3. Type in the username you want to check
  4. Hit enter

If no profiles show up in the search results, that username is likely available to claim. However, keep in mind that Facebook’s search is not perfect. Sometimes inactive or deleted profiles won’t show up in search, so you’ll want to double check the username using some of the other methods below.

Check the URL

You can directly check any Facebook username by trying to visit the profile URL. To do this:

  1. Go to and log out of your account
  2. Type directly followed by the username you want to check. For example:
  3. Press enter. If the username is taken, it will load that user’s profile. If not, you’ll see a “page not found” message.

This verifies definitively whether or not the username is in use. If you get the “page not found” result, that means the username is available to be claimed.

Use a third-party website

There are a number of free username check websites you can use as well, such as:


To use one of these sites:

  1. Go to one of the sites
  2. Enter the desired username
  3. Select Facebook from the dropdown menu
  4. Click the search button

If available, it will say that the username is “Available” or “Not Taken.” Some sites also perform searches across other social networks like Twitter and Instagram, so you can check username availability across multiple sites at once.

Try to create a new Facebook account

If you want to double check, try going through the steps to create a new Facebook account using the username you want:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Create New Account
  3. Enter the desired username
  4. Continue filling out the sign up information

If the username is already taken, Facebook will let you know and ask you to choose a different one during the account creation process. If not, you’ll be able to successfully create a new account with that username.

Tips for choosing an available username

Here are some tips to keep in mind when brainstorming and checking potential Facebook usernames:

  • Try different variations – Adding extra numbers/letters can make it available
  • Check for spelling errors – Misspelled usernames are likely available
  • Use a unique name – Avoid common names or phrases
  • Keep it short – Long usernames tend to be taken
  • Consider different languages – Foreign words are often available

Should I buy a taken username?

If all else fails and your desired username is taken, you may be able to purchase it. Some inactive users are willing to hand over their usernames for a fee. Here are a few tips if looking to buy a username:

  • Make sure the seller can prove they own the account
  • Only use a secure payment method and complete the transaction through Facebook
  • Be wary of unusually high prices
  • Check the account for banned or questionable content

Buying a username can get risky though, so it’s generally better to just brainstorm other options. With over 2 billion users on Facebook, almost all common names are taken, but putting some thought into it should help you find something available and meaningful.

Can I change my Facebook username?

If you already have a Facebook account, you may be able to change your existing username. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your profile and click “Update Info” on desktop or “Edit Public Profile” on mobile
  2. Enter the new desired username in the field provided. You’ll get an error message if it’s unavailable.
  3. Click “Review Change” and then “Confirm” to save the new username

However, there are a few caveats:

  • You can only change your username once every 60 days
  • Your previous username becomes available to others once you change it
  • Any links to your profile will break when you change your username

So you’ll want to double check that your new desired username is available beforehand to avoid issues.


Checking Facebook username availability doesn’t have to be hard. Search directly on Facebook, try visiting the profile URL, use third-party checker sites, attempt account creation, or change your existing username. With a bit of trial and error, you should be able to find a Facebook username that is both available and represents you well.