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How do I kick someone out of a Facebook group?

How do I kick someone out of a Facebook group?

Quick Answer

As the admin of a Facebook group, you have the ability to remove or block people from your group. Here are the main ways to kick someone out of a Facebook group:

  • Go to the group and find the person you want to remove. Click on the 3 dots next to their name and select “Remove from Group”
  • Go to the group’s settings, select “Members” and find the person. Click “Remove” next to their name.
  • If the person is posting inappropriate content, you can also delete their posts and comments. Click on the 3 dots next to the post and select “Delete”
  • Block the person from posting or commenting in the group. Go to the group’s settings, “Banned Members” and add their name.

As the admin, you can remove anyone from your group for any reason at any time. Be cautious about deleting posts or blocking people without warning though, as it may come across as overly harsh. Consider giving a warning first before taking action.

Should I warn the person first before removing them?

In most cases, it’s recommended to give the person a warning before outright removing them from the group. Here are some tips on warnings:

  • Send them a private message explaining the issue and that their behavior goes against your group rules. Ask them to correct it.
  • If they have broken a specific rule, point out which rule and explain the consequences (like removal from the group).
  • Give them a chance to respond to the warning and improve their behavior.
  • If they continue to break rules after the warning, then remove them from the group.

Giving a warning first shows that you’ve tried to address the issue before taking harsher action. It prevents people from feeling unfairly targeted. An exception is if they have posted something highly objectionable or dangerous, in which case removing them immediately may be warranted.

When is it okay to remove someone without warning?

It can be acceptable to remove someone from a Facebook group without warning when:

  • They posted abusive, harassing or threatening content
  • They posted inappropriate adult or graphic content
  • They are spamming the group with repeated unwanted posts or comments
  • They are spreading misinformation that could harm members
  • They are bots or fake accounts disrupting the group

In these cases, the content or behavior is so clearly unacceptable that no warning is needed. As admin, you have to use your best judgment on when an immediate permanent removal is justified vs when to give someone a second chance. Document your reasons just in case the removal is questioned later.

How do I actually remove someone from my Facebook group?

Here are step-by-step instructions to remove someone from your Facebook group:

  1. Go to your group’s page and click on “Members” in the left sidebar
  2. This will bring up a list of all members in the group. Find the person you want to remove.
  3. To the right of their name, click on the “Remove” button.
  4. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm. Click “Remove Member”.
  5. That’s it! The person is now removed from the group.

Once removed, the person will no longer be able to find or access the group. They will not receive any notifications or see any posts from the group. Removing someone completely takes away their access but does not block them from ever joining again in the future.

How do I permanently ban someone from re-joining?

If you want to prevent the person from ever joining your group again, you can “Ban” them:

  1. Go to your group’s settings and select “Banned Members”
  2. Enter the name or profile link for the person you want to ban.
  3. Click “Ban”. This adds them to the banned member list.

Anyone on the banned member list will not be able to find or see the group in Facebook searches. Even if they are re-invited, they will not be able to accept the invitation. Banning permanently removes their access and ability to join again.

What happens when I remove or ban someone from a Facebook group?

Here’s what happens when you remove or ban someone:

  • They will no longer see the group name, posts or members list in their Facebook account.
  • They are immediately removed as a member and group admins.
  • Any content they posted remains, but is no longer associated with their name.
  • If banned, they cannot find or join the group again.
  • Removing only takes away membership; it does not block them from joining again later.

The person will not be notified when you remove or ban them. However, they may still notice if they try accessing the group and find it missing. They will not receive any notification from Facebook though.

After removal, the person can still send private messages to individual members of the group. They just can no longer post or interact with the group publicly.

What if the person tries to join again?

If you only remove someone, they can find and request to join the group again. As admin, you would then have to reject their request to keep them out.

If you ban someone, they will not see or be able to request to join the group again at all. Banning prevents repeated join requests from the same person.

To prevent repeated requests, make sure you ban rather than just remove the person.

Should I delete the member’s past posts and comments when I remove them?

When you remove someone from a group, all of their existing posts and comments remain visible by default. As admin, you can choose to delete their past content:

  • Go through group posts and comments and delete any that are by the removed member.
  • To delete a post or comment, click the three dots in the top right and select “Delete”.
  • You can also filter posts by that member and delete them in bulk.

Reasons you may want to delete their past content:

  • Their posts or comments violated group rules.
  • Their contributions are now irrelevant or outdated.
  • You don’t want their name associated anymore.
  • They shared objectionable content.

Reasons you may keep their content:

  • Their contributions sparked valuable discussion.
  • Deleting feels like censoring group history.
  • You don’t have time to comb through all their posts.

Use your discretion on whether fully removing their past presence is needed or not. Keep in mind that content deletion cannot be undone.

What are some best practices for removing group members?

Here are some best practices when removing people from your Facebook group:

  • Have clear, written rules so expectations are known.
  • Give warnings before banning when rules are broken.
  • Act quickly on threats, harassment or dangerous misinformation.
  • Delete any rule-breaking posts at the same time.
  • When removing multiple people, do it quietly without public announcement.
  • Notify fellow admins when you ban someone.
  • Keep notes on reasons for removal to justify if questioned.

Having established policies for removal that you apply consistently shows integrity. Avoid removing people on a whim or for personal disagreements. Make sure any removals align with your group’s stated rules and standards.

How can I prevent issues with members in the first place?

To avoid issues that warrant removing group members:

  • Set clear rules covering content, conduct and posting frequency.
  • Appoint reliable admins to help monitor activity.
  • Ban politics, selling, spam, illegal topics per Facebook policy.
  • Act quickly if rules are violated with warnings.
  • Approve member requests selectively to keep out troublemakers.
  • Delete inappropriate posts and disable commenting if needed.

Well-managed Facebook groups tend to have fewer problems with disruptive members. Make expectations clear up front. Promote a helpful, friendly environment that discourages toxic behavior.

Can I remove someone as an admin without removing them from the group?

If someone was previously made an admin for your Facebook group, you can remove their admin privileges without fully kicking them out:

  1. Go to your group’s Admin Tools and click on Administrators
  2. Click the X icon next to the person’s name you want to demote from admin
  3. Confirm the demotion when prompted

This will revert them to a normal group member with posting abilities but without any admin powers. Use this if you still want the person participating but don’t trust their judgment as an admin.

You can also promote another member to be an admin at any time the same way by adding them in the Administrators list.

Should I tell the person after I remove their admin status?

It’s usually best to give the member a courtesy heads up after removing their admin privileges. Let them know you’ve made the change and why. For example:

  • Their admin abilities were being abused or causing issues.
  • They haven’t been active as an admin lately.
  • You have a set term length for admins.
  • You are reducing the overall number of admins.

Giving notice reduces the chances of them noticing and calling you out publicly about the demotion. Send them a quick private message or email outside Facebook explaining your decision.

Can I be removed from my own Facebook group?

As the original group creator, you cannot be removed from a Facebook group you started. Even if you add other people as admins, only you have ultimate authority.

However, if ownership of a group is transferred to someone else, the new owner can remove the original admin. To transfer a group:

  1. Go to Group Settings > Members > Administrators
  2. Click “Make [name] owner” next to the person
  3. Confirm the transfer of ownership to the new person

Once group ownership is transferred, the new owner can remove you. But they cannot transfer it again after that – only close the group down.

As group creator, you have control over whether you ever want to transfer ownership. If you never plan to leave, don’t make anyone else the owner.

What happens if I delete my Facebook account?

If you delete your own Facebook profile, your account will eventually be permanently disabled after 14 days. This will automatically remove you from any Facebook groups you created or joined.

Another administrator will have to be made the new owner in your place. If no other admin is assigned as owner before your account deletion, the group will be automatically deleted as well.

So if you plan to delete your Facebook account, be sure to properly transfer ownership of any groups you want to persist before you do so.

If I remove someone by mistake, can I undo it?

If you accidentally remove someone from your Facebook group, it is possible to undo it:

  1. Go to Group Settings > Members > Removed Members
  2. Find the person you want to restore and click “Add”
  3. This will re-add them to the group immediately
  4. You can also re-invite them through their profile page

However, this only works if you removed them directly. If you banned the person, undoing it is more difficult:

  • Go to Banned Members and click “Unpublish” to lift the ban
  • Find their profile and manually send them an invite to the group
  • They will now be able to accept the request and re-join

So if you mistakenly ban someone, it requires a few extra steps to restore their access. Double check that you selected the right member before banning.


Removing people from Facebook groups is an effective way to enforce rules and maintain a positive environment. Go about the process professionally by giving warnings, noting reasons, and being consistent. Avoid mass purges of members except in extreme cases. And be prudent about banning since it cannot be easily undone. With the proper balance of firmness and understanding, you can ensure healthy Facebook group participation.