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How do I join Quizizz with code?

How do I join Quizizz with code?

Quizizz is an online learning platform that allows teachers to create fun quizzes for students to play in class or at home. One useful feature of Quizizz is the ability for students to join a quiz using a game code, rather than requiring the teacher to manually add each student to the quiz.

What is the game code?

The game code is a unique 6-digit code that the teacher can provide to students, allowing them to directly join the Quizizz game. When a teacher creates a new Quizizz game in the teacher dashboard, a game code is randomly generated. The teacher then shares this game code with students, either displaying it on a board, handing out game code sheets, or providing it verbally. Wherever students are playing the game from – whether on devices in the classroom or on their own devices at home – they simply enter the game code to instantly join.

Why use game codes?

Game codes provide a quick and easy way for students to join Quizizz games, without the need for the teacher to manually add each student username. This saves time and makes the process of starting a game much smoother. Some key benefits of using game codes include:

  • Saves time – No need to add each student individually
  • Eliminates login issues – Students don’t need accounts or passwords
  • Enables remote play – Students can join from any device, in any location
  • Provides privacy – Student usernames are not revealed to the class

How do students join with the game code?

For students to join a Quizizz game using the code, they simply need to:

  1. Go to on any internet browser
  2. Enter the 6-digit game code
  3. Enter their name (this can be a nickname if the teacher allows anonymity)
  4. Click “Join Game”

Once students click to join the game, they will be taken straight into the quiz! It’s a very quick and seamless process for students to get started playing.

Tips for using game codes effectively

Here are some best practices for teachers when using Quizizz game codes:

  • Generate a new game code for each quiz – Don’t reuse codes
  • Display the code clearly – On a board, slide, handout
  • Provide verbally as well – For students joining remotely
  • Test that students can join before starting – Fix any issues early
  • Use anonymity – Don’t reveal student identities
  • Disable late joiners – Prevent interruptions once started

Can I reuse a game code?

It is not recommended to reuse the same Quizizz game code for multiple quizzes. Each time you create a new quiz, a new unique game code is generated. Reusing a game code can lead to the following problems:

  • Students join the wrong quiz – If you reuse a code, students may accidentally join your previous quiz instead of the new one.
  • Overwrites previous game data – Any student names/responses to the previous quiz will be overwritten by students joining using the same code.
  • Leads to confusion – Students may be confused on why they are seeing a different quiz than expected.

To avoid these issues, the best practice is to always generate and provide students a new game code whenever you create a new Quizizz game.

Can students rejoin a game?

If a student accidentally closes their browser or loses connectivity during a Quizizz game, they can rejoin using the same game code up until the teacher ends the game. As long as the game is still in progress, students can rejoin an unlimited number of times using the code. This ensures students don’t miss out due to technical difficulties.

However, once the teacher finishes the game session, that game code expires and can no longer be used to rejoin. At that point, a new game code would need to be generated to start a new session.

Tracking student progress with game codes

With random game codes, teachers may wonder how they can track student progress and provide credit. There are a couple of options for this:

  • Anonymous mode – The teacher disables student logins and all students join anonymously. The teacher can view aggregate class results but not individual student data.
  • Student login mode – The teacher requires students to login first before providing the game code. The teacher can then view individual student results.
  • Unique codes – The teacher provides each student with a unique game code to track progress individually while keeping students anonymous in the game.


Quizizz game codes provide a quick and easy way for teachers to get entire classes into a quiz without hassles. By generating a random 6-digit code and sharing it with students, anyone can instantly join the game from their devices. This saves time, avoids login issues, and enables remote participation. While game codes are designed for one-time use, teachers can leverage options like student logins or unique codes to track progress. Using game codes allows teachers to spend less time preparing materials and more time engaging students in learning games.