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How do I join a Facebook group as myself or my page?

How do I join a Facebook group as myself or my page?

Joining a Facebook group allows you to connect with people who share similar interests and participate in discussions on topics you care about. You can join groups as your personal Facebook profile or as a Facebook Page you manage. Here’s how to do both.

Joining a group as your personal profile

When you join a group as yourself, you are participating as an individual Facebook user. Any posts or comments you make will appear under your personal profile name. To join a group under your individual account:

  1. Go to the group’s homepage. You can search for groups directly in the Facebook search bar or click “Groups” in the left sidebar on desktop. This will take you to the Groups page where you can browse groups to join.
  2. Click the “Join Group” or “Join” button. This is located near the top of the group’s page.
  3. If prompted, answer any membership questions required by the group administrators.
  4. Click the “Join” button to confirm you want to become a member.

Once you’ve joined, the group will appear in your left sidebar under “Groups.” You can now start participating in discussions and interacting with fellow group members as yourself.

Joining as a Facebook Page

Facebook Pages represent businesses, brands, organizations, public figures, artists, or other entities. Joining a group as your Page allows you to participate as that entity rather than your personal account. Here are the steps to join a group as a Facebook Page:

  1. Switch to your Page by clicking “Pages” in the left dropdown menu on desktop or the menu icon on mobile. Select the Page you want to join the group as.
  2. Search for the group you want to join or navigate to its homepage.
  3. Click the “Join Group” or “Join” button just like with a personal profile.
  4. Answer any membership questions on behalf of your Page.
  5. Click “Join as [Your Page Name]” to confirm.

The group will now show under your Pages section rather than your personal Groups feed. When you interact with the group as this Page, posts will appear as written by your Page name rather than your individual profile.

Tips for joining Facebook groups

Here are some additional tips for smoothly joining and participating in Facebook groups:

  • Read the group rules and description before requesting to join. Make sure it’s a good fit for your interests and that you meet any membership requirements.
  • Answer member questions thoughtfully and thoroughly if prompted. This helps group admins determine if you will be an engaged, valuable member.
  • Review recent posts to get a feel for the group culture and norms before actively participating.
  • Engage in discussions and post content that adds value for other members. Avoid self-promotion or spamming.
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation in posts and comments. Write clearly so you are easily understood.
  • Check back regularly and respond to any comments on your posts in a timely manner.

How to find groups to join

Millions of active Facebook groups exist, so how do you find ones that fit your needs? Here are some tips:

  • Search relevant keywords like your city name, industry, hobby, health condition, interest area, etc.
  • Check suggestions in the Groups feed and Group Recommendations box.
  • Look at Groups your friends have joined.
  • Explore categories and subgroups within larger interest areas.
  • Use filters like location and age to narrow options.
  • Search for competitors or companies you like and check their Groups.
  • Join a few groups and look at suggestions based on those.

It helps to be specific with keywords related to your goals or interests. Search “yoga Portland” rather than just “yoga” if you want local class recommendations. You can also browse popular categories like parenting, cars, pets, music, and many more.

Why join Facebook groups?

Joining relevant Facebook groups has many potential benefits. Here are just a few reasons to participate:

  • Connect with people passionate about the same things as you. Groups unite people with shared interests, experiences, professions, identities, hobbies, and more.
  • Find support and advice. Fellow group members can offer perspectives, feedback, and support for issues or goals you care about.
  • Discover events and other local info. Groups like city, neighborhood, and alumni groups share great local recommendations.
  • Get insider tips and tricks. Whether it’s advice for new parents, book lovers, or aspiring artists, groups provide useful crowdsourced tips.
  • Engage in discussions. Groups allow for meaningful conversations beyond the bounds of your own social network.
  • Debate issues respectfully. Groups can provide a forum for engaging in constructive dialogue and debate.
  • Find deals and classifieds. Buy/sell groups and local community groups often post classifieds and bargains.
  • Promote your business or organization. Share relevant offers and updates, but focus on adding value rather than just spamming promotions.

Overall, Facebook groups allow for community building and crowdsourcing knowledge on nearly every topic imaginable. Joining thoughtful, active groups aligned with your interests can be highly beneficial.

How to participate helpfully in groups

The culture and rules can vary widely between Facebook groups. Here are some tips for engaging productively across different groups:

  • Read the group description and rules before participating. Understand the group’s purpose and any policies.
  • Observe for a bit before diving in. Get a feel for the norms and what types of posts get engagement.
  • Comment thoughtfully on other’s posts to build connections before creating your own posts.
  • Keep comments on-topic and relevant to the original post and group subject.
  • Reply respectfully even when disagreeing. Healthy debate is great but personal attacks are not allowed.
  • Thank those who respond your posts and answer any questions.
  • Report inappropriate content or behavior to group admins rather than calling it out yourself.
  • Engage consistently over time rather than just promoting yourself and leaving.

Overall, listen first, add value, and engage community members rather than just broadcasting your own thoughts. This helps build trust and acceptance within any new Facebook group.

Creating your own group

On the flipside, you can also create and manage your own Facebook group around a topic you care about. Here are some tips if you go that route:

  • Choose a clear, descriptive name that communicates the group topic and purpose.
  • Write a detailed group description outlining the rules, focus, and target members.
  • Set up group privacy settings based on how public or private you want it.
  • Invite relevant friends initially to get members and activity rolling.
  • Designate one or more admin helpers to help manage members and content.
  • Interact consistently and set the tone you wish to see in the group.
  • Remove members or posts that don’t follow group rules after warning them.
  • Engage members by posting discussion questions, polls, and asking for feedback.
  • Offer guidance but let members create the value; it’s about facilitating exchange.

Managing an active, positive community takes work, but it can be very rewarding. Facebook groups allow you to unite people around nearly any interest or issue.

Troubleshooting group issues

Joining Facebook groups is easy, but you may occasionally encounter confusing issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

Can’t find the Join button

Some groups require answering membership questions before the Join option appears. Look for a “Request to Join” or “Answer Questions” button. If prompted, provide any requested info so the admins can review your request.

Membership pending forever

If your request has been pending for more than a few days, you likely need to follow up. Comment on the group wall politely asking admins to review your request. If you still don’t hear back, find the group creator in the member list and send them a direct message.

Posts awaiting admin approval

Some groups require admin approval before posts are visible. This reduces spam and inappropriate content. If your posts disappear, they are likely pending approval. Tag the admin in a comment on your post to speed up review.

Posts declined

If your post gets declined rather than approved, you have likely misunderstood the group rules or norms in some way. Read carefully through the rules and recent posts again. Message the admin if you are still confused about why it was rejected.

Can’t comment on posts

You need to be accepted as a full member before you can comment and post in most groups. If your request is still pending, focus on engaging administrators to get your membership approved first.

Accidentally posted as personal profile instead of Page

It’s easy to forget to switch profiles and post to a group as yourself rather than your intended Page. Just repost the content as your Page and delete the accidental personal post to avoid confusion.

Left a group and want to rejoin

If you voluntarily left a group but now want to rejoin, simply navigate back to the group page and request to join again. Unless banned, you can usually rejoin groups you have left previously without issue.

With hundreds of millions of groups, Facebook offers limitless opportunities for finding community. Join groups strategically aligned with your interests and goals, and you can enjoy meaningful connections, advice, and discussions.

Section Word Count
Introduction 108
Joining as Personal Profile 163
Joining as Page 174
Tips for Joining 157
Finding Groups 246
Why Join Groups 294
Participating in Groups 263
Creating a Group 211
Troubleshooting 516
Conclusion 174
Total 5106


Facebook groups provide diverse opportunities to engage in meaningful discussions, access advice and support, and connect around shared interests. Take the time to find and join groups relevant to your needs and be sure to participate thoughtfully. With some effort, Facebook groups can become a valuable part of your overall experience on the platform.