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How do I invite someone to like my page on Facebook?

How do I invite someone to like my page on Facebook?

Inviting people to like your Facebook page is a great way to grow your audience and increase engagement. Here are some tips on how to effectively invite people to like your Facebook page:

Make Use of the “Invite Friends” Feature

Facebook has a built-in “Invite Friends” feature that allows you to invite your friends and contacts on Facebook to like your page. To access it, go to your Facebook page and click on “Invite Friends” in the left sidebar. A box will pop up where you can select friends to invite. You can send invites to multiple friends at once.

Only invite people who you think would genuinely be interested in your page – avoid spamming everyone on your friends list. Personalized invites tend to have higher success rates. Follow up with people you’ve invited to like your page, asking them if they received the invite and if they’re interested in your content.

Share Your Page on Your Personal Profile

Post about your Facebook page on your personal profile. Share an interesting recent post from your page or create a new post encouraging people to check out your page. You can include a link to your page for easy access.

Stagger posts about your page – you don’t want to overwhelm your followers with constant page promotion. Share about your page when you have exciting new content to highlight. Make sure to interact with any comments and likes on your page promotion post.

Run a Like/Share Campaign

Run a campaign asking people to like and share a post to increase awareness about your page. Offer an incentive for participating, like entering people into a giveaway when they like and share. Include visuals to make the post more eye-catching.

Promote the campaign post through your other social channels and email lists. Have it pinned to the top of your page so it’s highly visible. You can boost the post as a paid advertisement to expand its reach.

Advertise Your Page in Your Email Signature

Add your Facebook page name and a hyperlink to the URL in the signature of your professional emails. This provides a low-key, continual reminder for people to check out your page.

Just keep your signature simple – include your name, job title/company, and link to Facebook page. Avoid overpromoting or it may seem spammy. Use a tool like WiseStamp to quickly add a signature across email platforms.

Collaborate With Other Pages

Partner with other pages and businesses to help promote your page to new audiences. Suggest making posts or stories tagging and mentioning each other’s pages. Offer to create a piece of co-branded content highlighting both brands.

Look for pages that share an audience with you but don’t directly compete. Work together on giveaways or social media contests. Use relevant hashtags and geo-tags to help expand your reach.

Link to Your Page From Your Website/Blog

Add links or badges to your Facebook page on your website and blog posts. This helps visitors learn about your social media presence.

Place the Facebook links in visible locations like your header or footer. On blog posts, consider adding a button below the article directing readers to follow you on Facebook for future content.

Run Retargeting Ads

Use Facebook’s pixel and retargeting to serve ads to people who have already visited your website. This targets those already familiar with your brand and content.

Make ads leading people to like your page – for example “See more content like this. Like our Facebook page!” Provide a strong call-to-action button to click through. Personalize and segment your audience for better performing ads.

Highlight Exclusive Facebook Content

Promote that some content or special offers are only available on your Facebook page. This provides an incentive for visiting and liking your page.

For example, share sneak peeks or give discounts only for your Facebook audience. Use posts and images noting some content is exclusive for fans on Facebook. Collaborate with influencers on Facebook Live videos just for your page.

Make Following Your Page Low-Friction

Reduce steps needed for liking your page. Prefill fields on landing pages and make following instant with one click. Have a clear, visible call-to-action for people to like your page.

Test different phrases for your call-to-action button to optimize for conversions – “Like Our Page”, “Follow Us on Facebook”, “Become a Fan”, etc. Ensure any links lead directly to your page, not just your Facebook homepage.

Advertise on Facebook Itself

Facebook Ads make it easy to get your page in front of interested people already using the platform. Target users by location, interests, behavior, and more to get your page to the right audiences.

Use video and image ads showcasing your brand and content. Focus on clicks to your Facebook page as the goal of the ads. Retarget people who have engaged with your page but haven’t yet liked it.

Make Liking Easy Across Devices

Have options for people to like your page from their desktop, mobile, tablet, apps, etc. Check that your website and links work responsive across devices and screens.

For mobile browsers, ensure the meta tag for handheld friendliness is implemented. Have like/follow buttons prominently above the fold so they are immediately visible when loading the page.

Follow Up With Current Followers

Reach out to existing followers and ask if they would be willing to invite their personal friends to like your page too. People are more likely to accept invites from those they already know.

Segment your followers by how recently they started following your page. Target longer-time followers who are more familiar with your content and may be excited to share it.

Make Your Page Stand Out

A generic page with no customization will have less incentive for likes. Personalize your page to showcase your brand and make it compelling.

Add a profile and cover photo, fill out descriptions, use content tabs to organize info. Interact and respond to all comments. Post consistently and foster an active, engaged community.

Add a Messenger Chat Widget

Include a Messenger customer chat plugin on your website to allow interested visitors to instantly reach out on Facebook. Being able to message makes connecting with your page seamless.

Pre-populate the first message people see when opening the chat. Program automated replies to handle FAQs and provide helpful links. Personalize chat greetings by language and location for better experiences.


Growing your Facebook page takes work but employing the right strategies can yield great results. Focus on providing value through your content and building relationships with your audience. With persistence and creativity in your promotions, you can convert more visitors into loyal page followers.