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How do I invite more than 50 friends to a Facebook event?

How do I invite more than 50 friends to a Facebook event?

When creating a Facebook event, you are limited to inviting only up to 500 friends from your friends list. If you want to invite more people beyond that limit, you need to get creative. Here are some tips and tricks to help you invite more than 50 friends to your Facebook event.

Use Facebook Groups

One easy way around the 500 invite limit is to post your event in relevant Facebook groups and invite the members to join. For example, if you are hosting a networking event for young professionals in your city, look for large networking groups in your area and share the event post in those groups. This allows you to tap into an already established audience that is interested in that type of event. You can invite thousands of new people this way.

Create a Facebook Page

If this will be a recurring event or brand, create a Facebook page for it. Then you can invite all the page followers to the event without being restricted to 500 friends. Use targeted Facebook ads to quickly grow your page followers organically and invite them through the page.

Use Facebook Ads

Run a Facebook ad campaign promoting the event and targeting the exact demographic you want to attend. For example, target the ad by location, age range, interests etc. This will allow you to reach a much larger audience beyond your immediate friend circle. With the right targeting, you can easily get over 50 people to see and engage with the ad. You can then invite everyone who engages with the ad or add a link directly to the event page.

Co-Host with Friends

Partner up with relevant friends and have them co-host the event with you. Co-hosts can also invite up to 500 friends each, allowing you to significantly expand your reach. Just make sure to coordinate with them so you don’t end up inviting the same people. As the main host, you will need to approve all co-hosts.

Use Facebook Messenger

Upload your event guest list to Facebook and use messenger to send invites to up to 500 people at once. The recipient limit for messages sent directly from your page is much higher than the event invite limit.

Integrate with Facebook Groups

Connect your Facebook event with your favorite Facebook groups to invite members directly from the group. Popular groups like Meetup allow you to integrate events and send invites to RSVPed members. The group members won’t count towards your Facebook friend limit.

Send Individual Messages

If all else fails, message people individually. Though time consuming, this is a surefire way to bypass the 500 invite limit by directly reaching people. Send invites through Facebook messenger or group chats.

Partner with Local Businesses or Sponsors

Relevant local businesses may be willing to help promote your event to their audience. Offer them to be a sponsor and they may share the event on their Facebook page or email subscriber list. The broader exposure will help drive more signups.

Use Email Marketing

Export your contacts and create an email campaign promoting the event. Include a link to directly RSVP. This will allow you to tap into your extended network outside of Facebook.

Buy Facebook Ads

If your event has a budget, buying Facebook ads is the fastest way to reach a huge relevant audience. You can target by location, demographics, interests and more to laser target your ideal attendee. Ads make it easy to scale an event beyond just friend invites.

Post in Local Facebook Groups

Search for local community, interest-based andBuy Facebook Ads

If your event has a budget, buying Facebook ads is the fastest way to reach a huge relevant audience. You can target by location, demographics, interests and more to laser target your ideal attendee. Ads make it easy to scale an event beyond just friend invites.

Post in Local Facebook Groups

Search for local community, interest-based and event groups on Facebook related to your event theme. Join the groups and post about your event to tap into an engaged local audience. Groups allow you to reach people beyond just your own network.

Run a Facebook Competition

Run a contest related to your event, like sharing a post for a chance to win free tickets. The viral nature of competitions will help more people discover and engage with your event. Require participants to RSVP in order to be eligible to win.

Use WhatsApp Groups

WhatsApp has no limit on group size. Create an event group and invite people to RSVP right within WhatsApp. This works well when you already have established WhatsApp groups to leverage.

Post Across Social Media

Share your event widely on other social platforms like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. Add links directly to the event page so people can easily RSVP. Leverage all your platforms to maximize exposure.

Send Event Invitations Offline

Having printed invitations, flyers or postcards can help spread awareness about your event to people you may not be able to reach online. Hand them out or mail them to your network.

Email Past Attendees

If this is a recurring event, email past attendees and invite them to join again. These people already know and like your event so will likely be open to returning.

Share Preview Content

Post teasers, speaker bios, special offers and other preview content leading up to the event. This gives people more incentive to RSVP early to get access.

Partner with Influencers

Work with relevant influencers, bloggers and brands to help promote your event to their audience. Offer them an incentive like free tickets in exchange for sharing posts about it.

Leverage Existing Events

Attend related events where your target audience will be and pitch your event in person. This grassroots style promotion capitalizes on live interactions.

Run Retargeting Ads

Use pixels to create retargeting ads on Facebook and Instagram for people who have already engaged with your content or page. They will start seeing ads for your event.

Create a Hashtag

Develop an official event hashtag and encourage people to use it when posting about your event on social media. This allows you to consolidate event chatter into one place.

Comment on Related Posts

Actively engage with people posting content related to your event theme by commenting about your event. Directly invite them to check it out.

Publish Blog Content

Write blog posts related to the event topic and embed CTAs to register within the articles. Publish them on your own blog, Medium or relevant industry publications.

Run a Social Media Contest

Run a social media contest where people are rewarded for engaging with your event posts. Require them to follow your page and RSVP for entries. Contests boost visibility.

Collaborate with Partners

Find strategic partners like nonprofits, charities and alumni groups who may align well with your event theme. Collaborate on outreach efforts to their supporter network.

Send SMS Reminders

Collect phone numbers when people RSVP and set reminders leading up to your event. Send text messages to nudge people to attend.

Market Across Channels

Promote your event across a mix of online and offline channels for maximum exposure. Utilize your website, email, social media, paid ads, flyers, word of mouth and more.

Offer Discounts

Strategic discounts and special offers will motivate people to act fast and RSVP early. Consider student, early bird or group discounts to incentivize signups.

Segment Your Outreach

Tailor your messaging for different audiences like existing customers vs. new leads. Personalized outreach converts better than blanket messaging.


Inviting lots of people to a Facebook event takes creativity and persistence. Start early, leverage multiple promotional channels, offer incentives and work with partners to help spread the word. With strategic and expanded outreach, you can successfully bypass the 500 friend limit and get over 50 RSVPs.