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How do I invite all my friends to like my Facebook business page?

How do I invite all my friends to like my Facebook business page?

Quick Answer

To invite all your friends to like your Facebook business page, you can send individual messages or create a post inviting them to like the page. Some other tips include:

  • Make the page worth liking by posting engaging content regularly
  • Offer incentives like exclusive content or special deals for page followers
  • Make use of Facebook ads to boost the reach of your page invite
  • Cross promote your page on other platforms like Instagram or Twitter

Steps to Invite Friends to Like Your Facebook Business Page

Here are the detailed steps to invite your friends to like your business page on Facebook:

  1. Create an inviting Facebook business page – Build out your page fully with engaging photos, calls-to-action, contact info, and quality content posts. This gives people a reason to like it.
  2. Claim your page username – Set a custom username like so it’s easy to share and remember.
  3. Post a status invite – Write a post directly on your page inviting all friends to like the page to follow your business.
  4. Tag friends in the post – Tagging relevant friends in your page invite post makes it more visible to them.
  5. Personally message friends – Take the time to individually message close friends and family inviting them to like your new page.
  6. Offer an incentive to like – Give a special discount, free sample, or exclusive content to reward people for liking your page.
  7. Share the page on your profile – Post about your new page on your personal Facebook profile too.
  8. Cross promote on other platforms – Let audiences on Instagram, Twitter, etc know about your new Facebook page.
  9. Use Facebook ads – Create a Like campaign to boost the reach of your page invite post.
  10. Add a link in email signatures– Include a link to your Facebook page in your professional email signatures.
  11. Repeat regularly – Post page invites and reminders periodically, not just once.

Ways to Get More People to Like Your Business Page

Here are some additional tips for getting more likes:

  • Engage with followers by responding to comments and messages
  • Run contests and giveaways for chances to win prizes
  • Use hashtags related to your industry so others can find your content
  • Post content daily to keep giving people reasons to follow you
  • Advertise your page at industry events and networking functions
  • Collaborate with influencers in your niche by having them share your page
  • Leverage existing contacts and email lists to promote the page
  • Include your Facebook page URL on all company materials like brochures, ads, packaging, etc.
  • Interact with similar pages by commenting, sharing, and liking their content
  • Make the page “Like” button visible on your website to drive more clicks

Tips to Create Engaging Content on Your Facebook Page

Quality content is key to getting more page likes. Here are some tips:

  • Post a mix of content like updates, photos, videos, links, live streams, Stories, etc.
  • Share behind-the-scenes looks at your business operations to create exclusivity
  • Respond to followers’ comments and questions to foster engagement
  • Run polls and contests for chances to win prizes and discounts
  • Give sneak peeks of new products/services to generate buzz
  • Curate and share content from influencers in your industry
  • Post How-Tos, tips, and expertise related to your niche
  • Share company news, awards, milestones, and announcements
  • Collaborate with brand ambassadors and micro-influencers
  • Go LIVE for Q&As, AMAs, tutorials, demonstrations, etc.

Ideal Posting Frequency and Times for Facebook Business Pages

When posting to your Facebook business page, keep this ideal frequency and timing in mind:

  • Post 1-2 times per day for the best results
  • Schedule posts in advance for consistency using Facebook’s tools
  • Post during peak engagement times like 8-9 AM, 1-3 PM, and after work hours
  • Avoid posting late at night or early morning when few people are online
  • Analyze your page Insights to see when your followers are most active
  • Adjust your posting times according to what works best for your audience
  • Space out posts throughout the day vs all at once
  • Post consistently on the same days and times to set expectations
  • Mix up your content types so fans see variety in their feed

Should I Invite Friends Individually or Create a Page Invite Post?

You can take both approaches by individually messaging close contacts as well as creating a general post inviting all friends to like your page.

Some pros of individually messaging friends include:

  • More personal outreach especially to those who know you
  • Higher open and response rates since it’s 1:1
  • Can customize invite for each friend vs a generic post
  • Shows you value them enough for individual attention

Some benefits of a general page invite post are:

  • Reaches all friends at once instead of one by one
  • Takes less time than individual messages
  • Can tag lots of friends to make it visible to them
  • Can boost the post with Facebook ads to reach more people
  • Friends can see who else has liked it for peer validation

For maximum impact, use both tactics – message close contacts directly, and also create a post to broadcast to all friends.

Should I Offer Incentives for Liking My Facebook Page?

Offering an incentive, deal, or exclusive content is highly effective in motivating people to like your Facebook business page.

Some types of incentives you could offer include:

  • Discounts or promo codes for first-time customers who like your page
  • Free samples or gifts for liking and sharing your page
  • Contests, giveaways, or sweepstakes with prizes for followers
  • First access to new products/services, sales, or content for fans
  • Members-only webinars, videos, or resources just for followers
  • Automated coupon or free download after liking the page

The incentive gives an immediate payoff for the simple act of liking your page. It also helps you build an audience of qualified leads when they opt-in for exclusive offers.

Just make sure your incentives provide real value and alignment with your brand. Avoid gimmicky or meaningless deals that could attract the wrong fans. Offer incentives that get people genuinely excited about your business!


Growing your Facebook business page likes takes consistent effort over time, but pays off in increased brand awareness, engagement, and sales. Invite friends individually, make engaging posts, run contests and incentives, collaborate with others, optimize your content mix and timing, promote across channels, and provide reasons for people to follow you. With this comprehensive approach, you can build an audience of raving fans on Facebook.