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How do I increase the number of comments on Facebook?

How do I increase the number of comments on Facebook?

Quick tips to get more comments

Getting more comments on your Facebook posts can help increase engagement and reach. Here are some quick tips:

  • Ask questions – Posts that ask questions often get more comments as people reply.
  • Run polls and quizzes – Polls and quizzes encourage participation and comments.
  • Use emojis and gifs – Visual elements make posts stand out and prompt reactions.
  • Tag friends – Tagging relevant friends in posts exposes your content to their networks.
  • Go live – Facebook Live videos tend to get lots of comments in real time.
  • Share opinions – Posts that express opinions or ideas usually get more discussion.
  • Respond to comments – Reply to comments to keep the conversation going.

Why do comments matter?

Getting more comments on your Facebook posts can provide several benefits:

  • Increased engagement – Comments signal that people are interested and involved with your content.
  • Extended reach – When friends comment, it exposes the post to their networks organically.
  • Higher visibility – Posts with lots of comments often get boosted by Facebook’s algorithm.
  • Valuable feedback – Comments provide insight into what resonates with your audience.
  • Social proof – Seeing other comments makes people more likely to join the discussion.

Overall, more comments lead to greater engagement, visibility, and credibility for your Facebook presence.

How to write engaging posts

The content and style of your posts significantly influences the number of comments. Here are tips for writing engaging posts that prompt discussion:

  • Share personal experiences – Posts feel more authentic and relatable when you open up.
  • Use humor – Funny posts tend to get lots of engagement and shares.
  • Be controversial – Respectfully challenge norms and spark debate.
  • Tell stories – Craft narratives that connect with people’s emotions.
  • Post consistently – Stay active to build community and authority.
  • Vary post types – Mix up posts with photos, videos, links, etc.
  • Use cliffhangers – Leave unfinished thoughts to tease the reveal.

Crafting posts with these elements makes it more likely that people will feel compelled to comment and join the conversation.

Optimize post timing and frequency

When and how often you post can impact your comments as much as the content itself. Follow these best practices:

  • Post frequently – Posting 1-2 times per day keeps your content buzzing.
  • Vary post times – Avoid predictable schedules and test different times.
  • Post mid-week – Wednesdays and Thursdays tend to get more engagement.
  • Post mornings and evenings – Most Facebook usage happens outside work hours.
  • Use Facebook Insights – Check your analytics to see when your fans are most active.

Optimizing your timing and frequency puts your content in front of more people during active periods, resulting in higher comment rates.

Reply and interact with commenters

Simply asking for comments won’t do the trick. You need to actively engage with those who comment to fuel the discussion.

  • Thank people for commenting – Show appreciation to encourage more participation.
  • Ask follow-up questions – Prompt deeper conversations.
  • Like and react to comments – Let people know you’ve seen their contributions.
  • Tag commenters – Bring them into the discussion again.
  • Reply thoughtfully – Provide value with insightful, detailed responses.
  • Correct gracefully – If correcting false information, be polite about it.

Making commenters feel acknowledged, valued, and heard motivates them to keep commenting on your posts.

Consider paid strategies

In addition to great organic content, paid tactics can skyrocket comments. Options include:

  • Facebook ads – Run engagement campaign ads targeting relevant audiences.
  • Page like campaigns – Grow your audience for more potential commenters.
  • Influencer partnerships – Collaborate with those who have engaged followers.
  • Comment contests – Offer prizes and rewards for commenting.
  • Facebook Live boosting – Pay to extend the reach of live videos.
  • Comment bots – Use auto-commenting tools carefully to get momentum.

While risky if done poorly, paid strategies can amplify your efforts and attract many more comments.

Use Facebook comment plugins

Facebook offers handy plugins and comment tools you can use on and off the platform:

  • Facebook comment box – Encourage comments on your website.
  • Live streaming with comments – Go live on Facebook or tools like Streamyard.
  • Facebook threads – Keep comment conversations organized.
  • Mentions – Notify people when you mention them in comments.
  • Comment reactions – Let people react quickly with emojis.
  • Comment moderation – Control spam and inappropriate comments.

Familiarize yourself with these options to unlock more advanced commenting functionality.

Analyze and improve

To further boost your comments over time:

  • Track metrics – Monitor comments, engagement, growth, and trends.
  • Learn from top posts – Study themes in your most commented content.
  • Request feedback – Survey audiences about what they want to discuss.
  • Refine based on insights – Continuously improve your strategy.
  • Reward commenters – Highlight and feature your best community members.
  • Filter out spammers – Block users who post irrelevant or harmful content.

Analyzing performance and listening to your audience will reveal new ways to stimulate even more comments.


More comments benefit your Facebook presence and business in multiple ways. To get more comments:

  • Craft engaging posts with questions, polls, visuals, opinions, and stories.
  • Optimize posting times and frequency based on insights.
  • Actively interact with those who comment.
  • Consider paid strategies like ads and influencers.
  • Use Facebook’s comment plugins across channels.
  • Continuously analyze and improve your approach.

With a sound strategy focused on creating captivating content and cultivating community, you can significantly increase comments and discussion on your Facebook posts.