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How do I increase my reel time limit on Facebook?

How do I increase my reel time limit on Facebook?

Facebook Reels allow users to create and share short-form videos up to 60 seconds long on Facebook and Instagram. When Reels was first introduced in 2020, videos were limited to 15 seconds. In 2021, Facebook increased the time limit to 30 seconds and then 60 seconds to compete with other social platforms like TikTok.

While 60 seconds is the current maximum length for a standard reel, some users have access to extend their Reel videos beyond 60 seconds up to 90 seconds or 3 minutes. Facebook is testing the increased time limits with a small group of creators to see how they engage with longer reels before rolling it out more widely.

Who can post longer reels?

The ability to post Reels longer than 60 seconds is only available to a limited number of creators in certain regions as part of a small scale test by Facebook. Access is limited as Facebook studies the impact of longer Reels on engagement and viewership.

Some factors that may allow a creator access to extended reel length include:

  • Being in a test region – The feature is currently only enabled for small groups in certain countries.
  • Having an established presence on Facebook – Pages with a strong following and high engagement are more likely to get early access to new features.
  • Posting Reels frequently – Creators who regularly post Reels may be selected for testing longer reel length.
  • Being a part of the Reels Play Bonus Program – Creators who are part of this program to get paid for their reels may have access.

The ability to post longer Reels is not available for most standard users at this time. Facebook has not announced any details around a wider rollout of the feature.

How long can Reels be?

For most users, Reels are currently limited to a maximum of 60 seconds in length.

However, for a small test group of creators, Facebook has extended the length limit to encourage experimentation with longer form reel content. The extended time limits being tested are:

  • 90 seconds
  • 120 seconds (2 minutes)
  • 180 seconds (3 minutes)

The maximum available time depends on the specific creator. Not all users part of the test have access to the full 3 minute limit. Facebook is studying viewer retention and satisfaction across different extended lengths to help determine an optimal maximum reel time.

Steps to increase reel length limit

For the small group of creators who do have access, here are the steps to take advantage of the increased reel length:

  1. When creating a new reel, tap on the timer to open the reel length selector.
  2. If you have access, you will see extended time limits up to 3 minutes as available options.
  3. Select your desired maximum reel length.
  4. Create, edit and post your reel as normal within the extended time limit.

The process for editing and posting the reel remains the same. The only difference is having a higher maximum length to work with.

Considerations for longer reels

If you are part of the test group with access to extended reels, keep these tips in mind:

  • Aim for 70-90% viewer retention – Focus on creating engaging content that keeps the viewer interested.
  • Track viewer dropoff – Monitor analytics to see when you start losing viewers and refine your reel pacing.
  • Use transitions and effects to maintain interest – Creatively use edits to keep content dynamic.
  • Check that audio stays synced – With longer footage, make sure any audio tracks stay properly aligned.
  • Pay attention to aspect ratio – Cropping for vertical video becomes more important with longer runtimes.

Stretching reels beyond 60 seconds presents creative opportunities but also challenges around maintaining engagement. Put viewer retention at the center of your extended reel strategy.

Why extend reel length?

Facebook is exploring extended reel lengths to give creators more flexibility with the format and to deliver viewers more engaging content. Some benefits of longer reels include:

  • Telling more complete stories – Additional runtime allows for more complex story arcs and layered narratives.
  • Providing instructional walkthroughs – Step-by-step tutorials and how-tos require added time.
  • Showcasing elaborative skills or routines – Extra seconds to exhibit talents from cooking to dance moves.
  • Driving more ad revenue – Increased view time translates to higher earnings for qualifying creators.

But the most important goal is improving viewer satisfaction. If data shows longer reels do not boost enjoyment and completion rates, Facebook may limit extended lengths in the future.


The ability to create longer Reels beyond 60 seconds is currently only available to a small test group of creators, not standard users. Facebook is experimenting with increased maximum lengths up to 3 minutes to study engagement, retention, completion rates and overall demand for extended length reels.

For creators with access during the test phase, focus on crafting captivating content that takes advantage of extra runtime without losing viewer interest. Avoid simply stretching unengaging videos longer without a creative purpose.

It remains uncertain if or when reels over 60 seconds may be rolled out more widely. Facebook is monitoring user data closely to determine ideal maximum lengths that satisfy both viewers and creators. The future time limit for Reels will likely balance the benefits of length flexibility with the risks of reduced retention.