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How do I import SDK into react?

How do I import SDK into react?

Integrating a software development kit (SDK) into a React app can enhance its functionality and add powerful features. However, it does require some configuration to get it working properly in your React environment. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to successfully import an SDK into React.

What is an SDK?

An SDK, or software development kit, is a collection of tools that allows you to implement pre-built capabilities into your application. SDKs are produced by companies like Google, Facebook, and Stripe to allow developers to integrate their services more easily.

For example, the Stripe SDK provides Stripe’s payment processing capabilities to your app. Instead of having to build a complex payment system from scratch, you can simply install the Stripe SDK and get up and running with payments quickly.

SDKs usually include documentation, code samples, and pre-built components to help developers get started faster. They abstract away a lot of the complexity of working with an external service directly through its API.

For React apps specifically, SDKs can provide reusable React components that implement the SDK’s capabilities. This allows you to integrate the SDK into your React codebase cleanly and efficiently.

Why use an SDK in React?

Here are some of the key benefits of using an SDK in a React app:

  • Faster development – SDKs reduce development time by providing ready-made components.
  • Easier integration – SDKs handle the complex API interactions for you.
  • Cross-platform – SDKs often support multiple platforms like web, mobile, etc.
  • Better experience – SDKs enable you to focus on your app’s core user experience.
  • Updated features – SDKs manage updates to new API versions for you.
  • Boilerplate code – SDKs provide reusable boilerplate code for common tasks.
  • Debugging assistance – SDKs include helpful debugging tools.
  • Community support – Most SDKs have online communities for help and documentation.

By handling the heavy lifting of integrating with external platforms and APIs, SDKs enable React developers to build better apps faster.

How to choose an SDK

With so many SDK options available, how do you determine the right one to use in your React app? Here are some tips for choosing the best SDK:

  • Evaluate your needs – What specific capabilities are you looking to add? This will help narrow down SDK options.
  • Assess documentation – Look for thorough, up-to-date docs and code samples.
  • Consider community size – A large community means more support resources.
  • Review upkeep – Check that the SDK is actively maintained and updated.
  • Examine maturity – Mature SDKs are less likely to have major issues.
  • Check licensing – Make sure the SDK license fits your use case.
  • Evaluate integrations – If using multiple SDKs, ensure they work well together.
  • Test feasibility – Create a small proof of concept to validate the SDK.
  • Compare alternatives – Weigh pros and cons vs other SDK options.

Putting the SDK through a thorough evaluation before adoption can prevent headaches down the road. Prioritizing factors like great documentation, active support, and ease of integration will help lead you to the right choice.

How to install an SDK

Once you’ve selected an SDK for your React project, it’s time to install it. The installation process depends on how the SDK is distributed:


Many React SDKs are distributed on npm. To install:

  • Open your project in your code editor/IDE
  • Open the terminal/command line in your project directory
  • Run npm install sdk-package-name (use the real name)
  • The SDK will download into your node_modules folder

For example, to install the Stripe SDK:

npm install stripe


Alternatively, if using Yarn:

  • Open the terminal in your project
  • Enter yarn add sdk-package-name
  • Yarn will install the package


Some SDKs can be used directly from a CDN link without needing npm. For these:

  • Find the CDN link for the SDK
  • Add a script tag to your index.html pointing to the SDK
  • The SDK will be globally available

For example:

<script src=""></script>

This simplicity makes CDNs a good option, though version management can become tricky.

Git clone

You may also git clone an SDK repository directly:

  • Browse to the SDK repository on GitHub
  • Copy the git clone command
  • Run the command in your terminal to download the code

Cloning gives you maximum control and access to the SDK source code. However, you’ll need to handle updates yourself.

Importing the SDK

Once the SDK package is installed or linked, you can start using it in your React app. The import syntax depends on the ES module or CommonJS format.

ES Modules

For ES module SDKs:

  • Import the desired classes/functions from the SDK package
  • Destructure specific exports if needed


import { Stripe, loadStripe } from 'stripe';


For CommonJS SDKs:

  • Require the entire SDK package
  • Access exports through the returned object


const stripe = require('stripe');

const Stripe = stripe.Stripe;
const loadStripe = stripe.loadStripe;

This syntax gives you access to start using the SDK classes and methods in your React components.

Using the SDK

Once imported, how you actually use the SDK depends on its specific capabilities.

Many SDKs expose:

  • Constructor functions – Classes to instantiate
  • Utility functions – Helpers for one-off tasks
  • React components – Ready-made components

For example, with the Stripe SDK:

  • Construct Stripe object to interact with API
  • Use util functions like loadStripe()
  • Render <Elements />, <CheckoutForm />, etc

Study the SDK documentation to learn how to properly leverage its features within your React app.

Some key points as you integrate:

  • Construct objects with proper config
  • Follow conventions/patterns recommended by SDK
  • Use utility functions where applicable
  • Pass props to React components correctly
  • Handle component events/callbacks appropriately
  • Review code samples closely

With a component-based framework like React, proper usage revolves heavily around building your UI with the SDK’s provided React components.

Handling SDK upgrades

Like any package, SDKs periodically release new versions with upgrades and fixes. Keeping the SDK updated in your React app ensures you get the latest capabilities.

Managing updates depends on how the SDK was installed:


For npm SDKs:

  • Check package homepage for new versions
  • Update version number in package.json
  • Run npm update to get new version
  • Review release notes for any breaking changes
  • Test thoroughly before deploying update


For Yarn SDKs:

  • Check for new versions as above
  • Update version in package.json
  • Run yarn upgrade
  • Review release notes & test



  • Monitor SDK website for announcements on new versions
  • Update the script tag source URL to point to latest version
  • Test changes after swapping to new URL

Git clone

For git cloned SDKs:

  • Pull latest commits from development branch
  • Review commit history for updates
  • Watch issues tracker for bug fixes
  • Standard testing process before deploying

Staying up to date takes more vigilance with git cloned SDKs. But you get greater control compared to automated package managers.

Potential challenges

While SDKs simplify many complex tasks, integrating them into React isn’t always completely seamless. Here are some potential challenges to watch out for:

  • Legacy SDKs – Older SDKs may not follow modern practices.
  • Missing React support – SDK might not include React components.
  • Version conflicts – Compatibility issues across SDK and React versions.
  • Boilerplate code – You may still need to write integration glue code.
  • Large SDK size – SDK code can bloat bundle sizes.
  • Spotty documentation – SDK documentation may lack React examples.
  • Limited customization – Less flexibility to modify SDK behavior.
  • Wrong abstraction level – SDK wrapper could be too basic or advanced.

Understanding these risks upfront helps you assess if an SDK will truly integrate smoothly or if another approach may be better.

Alternatives to SDKs

While extremely useful in many cases, SDKs aren’t always the best approach. Here are a few alternatives worth considering:

  • REST APIs – Directly call platform endpoints yourself without an SDK wrapper.
  • GraphQL APIs – Integrate with GraphQL APIs to handle data fetching.
  • Headless services – Use backend microservices to encapsulate logic.
  • UI component libraries – Leverage pre-built UI components tailored for your use case.
  • Open source libraries – Find existing community-driven projects to build upon.
  • Custom integrations – Write targeted glue code to bridge systems.

Weighing these options against an SDK alternative can sometimes lead to better solutions. Don’t assume an SDK is automatically the right choice.


When used properly, SDKs can be an invaluable tool for supercharging your React apps. They enable you to tap into complex external platforms quickly while focusing on your core product.

However, successful SDK integration still requires care and planning. Follow best practices for installation, usage, updates, and solving common issues. With the guidelines covered here, you’ll be equipped to leverage SDKs effectively within your React projects.

The decision to use an SDK also requires evaluating tradeoffs against lower-level integrations or custom solutions. Treat SDKs as one useful option among many when building performant, maintainable React applications.