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How do I hide the people who reacted to my photo on Facebook?

How do I hide the people who reacted to my photo on Facebook?

Facebook allows you to post photos and see which of your friends have liked or reacted to them. While reactions can be fun, sometimes you may want to limit who can see that you’ve reacted to a photo. For example, you may not want your boss or certain family members to know that you’ve liked a friend’s bikini photo from their beach vacation. Fortunately, Facebook gives you some control over who can see your reactions.

Why Would You Want to Hide Your Reactions?

Here are some common reasons why someone might want to hide their reactions to a Facebook photo:

  • Privacy – You don’t want everyone to know every photo you’ve liked or reacted to.
  • Avoid offending someone – You don’t want a friend or family member to be upset by your reaction to a controversial photo.
  • Professionalism – You don’t want coworkers or boss seeing unprofessional reactions.
  • Avoid awkwardness – You reacted accidentally and don’t want the person to know.
  • Stalkers – You’re concerned about a stalker or ex-partner tracking all your reactions.

Whatever your reasons, you can take steps on Facebook to limit who can see your reactions to photos.

How to Hide Your Reactions to a Photo

Here is the process for hiding your reactions to a photo on Facebook:

On Desktop

1. Go to the photo you have reacted to and click on the reactions area below it (for example, where it says “You and 10 others”).

2. In the pop-up that appears, hover over your name and click on the dropdown arrow.

3. Select “Only Me” from the dropdown menu.

4. This will make your reaction only visible to you. Other people will no longer be able to see that you reacted to this photo.

On Mobile

1. Go to the photo you have reacted to and tap on the reactions area below it.

2. Tap on your reaction icon (Like, Love, etc) to open a popup.

3. Tap on the three dots “…” icon in the top right corner.

4. Select “Only Me” from the dropdown menu.

5. Your reaction will now only be visible to you.

That’s all there is to it! By adjusting your reaction privacy to “Only Me”, you can react to photos freely without worrying about who else can see it.

Limitations of Hiding Reactions

While the steps above will hide your reactions from being viewed publicly, there are some limitations to be aware of:

– The original poster of the photo can still see your reaction. There is no way to fully hide your reaction from the person who posted the photo.

– Reactions are end-to-end encrypted. This means that technically Facebook can still record your reactions internally even if others can’t see them.

– You have to hide reactions post-by-post. There’s no blanket way to hide all your reactions at once.

– Hidden reactions can still be exposed by bugs or security issues down the line. While unlikely, there’s always a risk with storing data online.

So in summary, hiding your reactions does not make them invisible to the original poster or to Facebook itself. It merely prevents other users from casually viewing them.

How to Unlike a Photo Reaction Entirely

If you decide you want to remove your reaction to a photo completely, here’s how to unlike it:

On Desktop

1. Go to the photo you previously reacted to.

2. Hover over your name in the reactions area and click the dropdown arrow.

3. Choose “Unreact” from the dropdown menu.

4. This will remove your reaction to the photo.

On Mobile

1. Go to the photo you previously reacted to.

2. Tap your reaction icon to open the popup.

3. Tap the “Unreact” link at the bottom of the popup.

4. Your reaction will now be removed from the photo completely.

By fully unreacting, it will be as if you never interacted with the photo at all. Use this option if you reacted by mistake and want to completely undo it.

How to Limit Who Can See Your Reactions Generally

Rather than hide reactions post-by-post, you can change your default reaction privacy setting:

1. Click the down arrow in the top right of Facebook.

2. Select “Settings & Privacy” then “Settings”.

3. Click “Privacy” on the left menu.

4. Select “How people can see and contact you”.

5. Under “Interactions”, click “Edit” next to “How people react to your posts”.

6. Choose who you want to limit reactions visibility to, such as Friends, Family, or Only Me.

This will make all your reactions going forward only visible to people you select. New reactions will be hidden by default without extra steps. You can still manually change visibility post-by-post too.

Other Ways to Control Reaction Privacy

In addition to the options above, here are a few other ways to manage reaction privacy:

– **Use Lists** – Put people you want to hide reactions from into an Acquaintances list. Post photos and restrict visibility to “Friends Except Acquaintances”.

– **Adjust Overall Privacy** – Post photos to a more restricted audience like Friends instead of Public to limit who can react in the first place.

– **Unfollow People** – If certain friends or family react in ways you want to avoid, Unfollow them so you don’t see their photos at all.

– **Block People** – In extreme cases of harassment/stalking, outright block the person from viewing your profile or reacting to your content.

– **Disable Reactions** – When posting a photo, turn off reactions completely to prevent anyone from reacting.

– **Delete Photos** – If a particular photo is getting reactions you don’t like, delete it from Facebook altogether.


Reacting to photos can be a fun way to interact on Facebook, but you may sometimes want to control who can see your reactions. By adjusting the audience on reactions to “Only Me”, you can hide reactions from public view. Just keep in mind this doesn’t hide reactions from the original poster or Facebook itself. Fully unreacting will let you remove a reaction entirely, but you have to do it post-by-post. Adjusting your default reaction privacy limits visibility for all future reactions. And you can use lists, restricting audiences, unfollowing, blocking and disabling reactions to further control things. With these tips, you can react freely without worrying about who else can see that you love your friend’s bikini photo!