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How do I hide the green dot on Facebook online?

How do I hide the green dot on Facebook online?

The green dot on Facebook indicates when you are active or online on the platform. While this can be useful to show friends when you are available to chat, there may be times when you want to hide your online status. Fortunately, Facebook provides a few different options to disable the green dot and hide your activity from others.

In this guide, we will discuss:

  • What the green dot means on Facebook
  • Why you might want to hide your online status
  • How to hide the green dot on the desktop site
  • How to hide active status on the Facebook mobile app
  • Limitations to hiding your online presence

Knowing how to remove the active green dot gives you more control over your privacy on Facebook. While it takes a few extra steps, you can easily conceal your online status from friends, family, coworkers, and anyone else on your Friends list.

What Does the Green Dot Mean on Facebook?

When you see a green dot next to a friend’s name in your Facebook News Feed or chat list, it means they are currently active on the platform. Some specific indicators the green dot conveys include:

  • The person has the Facebook window open in their browser or the mobile app open on their phone.
  • They are actively scrolling, liking, commenting, or interacting with posts and content.
  • They have received a new notification, message, or friend request.
  • It essentially signifies they are online and using Facebook at that moment.

The green dot will appear no matter what device your friend is using to access Facebook – desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. It turns on whenever they open the app or website and turns off when they close it.

Some key things to note:

  • The green dot shows your real-time activity, updating every few seconds if you remain actively using Facebook.
  • It does not indicate whether someone has read your messages.
  • You can only see the green dots next to your own Friends list.
  • Strangers and non-friends will not be able to tell if you are online.

Essentially, the green dot gives your Facebook friends an idea of when you are present and active on the platform. For many, this can be a useful social signal. But for others concerned about privacy, the constant status indicator may be unwanted.

Why Hide Your Online Presence?

Here are some reasons why you may want to hide or disable the green dot showing your active status:

  • Avoid distracting conversations: The green dot invites messages, chat, and calls. If you want to browse Facebook without being interrupted, hiding it can let you scroll in peace.
  • Reduce social pressure: Friends, coworkers, family, and others may expect quick responses if they see you active. Removing the green dot lessens this pressure.
  • Focus without multitasking: Keeping the green light on may tempt you to jump between conversations. Disabling it allows you to concentrate on whatever you’re doing.
  • Emphasize work/life balance: Signing offline reinforces boundaries and keeps Facebook from distracting you during work, family time, etc.
  • Increase privacy: The green dot offers insight into when you are on Facebook. Limiting this visibility gives you more privacy.

Essentially, much like turning off read receipts in messaging apps, disabling the green dot limits the insight others have into your activity. It is another step toward social media privacy and limiting distracting notifications.

How to Hide Active Status on Desktop

If you use Facebook on a desktop or laptop browser, here is how you can hide the green dot showing you are online:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings”.
  2. In the left column, click on “Privacy”.
  3. Under the Activity Status section, disable the toggle next to “Show when you’re active”.

This will prevent the green dot from appearing whenever you are using the Facebook website in your browser. Others will no longer see your active status.

One catch is that your online status may still show for a few minutes after you disable the toggle. It can take up to 15 minutes for the setting change to fully take effect.

You can repeat these steps at any time to re-enable the green active dot if you change your mind. Toggling the “Show when you’re active” switch turns it back on again.

How to Hide Active Now on Mobile App

If you tend to browse Facebook on your iPhone, Android, or other mobile device, you can also hide your active status with a few taps:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap the three-line Menu button.
  2. Scroll down and select “Settings & Privacy”.
  3. Tap on “Settings”.
  4. Select “Active Status”.
  5. Toggle off the “Show when you’re active” switch.

This ensures the green dot does not show as you’re scrolling and interacting in the Facebook app on your phone. You will stop broadcasting your real-time activity to friends.

Much like on desktop, it may take up to 15 minutes for this change to fully apply across Facebook. Allow some time for your active now status to disappear completely.

You can always return to the Active Status setting and turn the toggle back on whenever you want the green dot to display again.

Limitations to Hiding Your Status

While disabling the green active dot provides more privacy, there are some cases where your online status may still show up:

  • Facebook Messenger: The separate Messenger app and site have their own Active Status settings. Hiding it in Facebook does not hide it in Messenger as well.
  • Comments and messages: Friends will still see indicators that you have read their comments or messages, even if you turn off active status.
  • Mobile chat heads: On Android, the Chat Heads feature will continue to show when you are online and using Messenger.
  • Pages and Ads: Liking or commenting on public Pages and sponsored Ads still shows activity, even with the green dot hidden.

Essentially,ACTIVE green dot is tied most closely to your friends list. Other Facebook experiences may bypass this setting and continue showing when you are online.

Also note that hiding your active status does not make your Facebook account invisible. Friends can still see when you post updates, comment on posts, message people, and engage actively with content. It simply removes the indicator that you have Facebook open at that exact moment.


The green dot is a helpful way to see when your Facebook friends are online and active on the platform. However, if you want more privacy, disabling this status indicator prevents others from seeing when you are actively scrolling and interacting.

By turning off “Show when you’re active” in the Facebook app or website settings, you can browse peacefully without broadcasting your real-time availability. Just keep in mind a few limitations. Hiding your active status only applies specifically to your Friends list – other areas of Facebook may still show when you are online.

Overall, disabling the green dot is an easy way to increase privacy and reduce distracting notifications. While your friends may miss having this social signal, ultimately it is your choice what to share about your activity on Facebook.