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How do I hide reels from my profile?

How do I hide reels from my profile?

If you want to hide reels from your Instagram profile, there are a few different options you can try. Instagram recently introduced reels as a new feature similar to TikTok, allowing users to create and share short video clips. While many users enjoy viewing reels, others may find them cluttering up their feeds and profiles. Luckily, it is possible to hide or limit the appearance of reels on your own Instagram profile.

Disable the “Suggested Posts” Feature

One of the main ways reels show up in your profile is through Instagram’s “Suggested Posts” feature. This uses AI to recommend reels and other content Instagram thinks you may like based on the accounts you follow and engage with. If you want to remove a lot of reels from your profile, the easiest thing is to turn off Suggested Posts altogether:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the three line menu in the top right.
  2. Select “Settings.”
  3. Go to “Account.”
  4. Under “Suggested Posts,” toggle the switch off next to “Suggest Posts in Feed.”

This will completely disable the Suggested Posts feature, so you will no longer see any recommended reels or posts you don’t explicitly follow. It may also remove some posts you enjoy though, so keep that in mind! As an alternative, you could also try toggling off just “Suggested Reels” under the same Suggested Posts menu.

Use a Third-Party App to Filter Reels

Another option is to use a third-party Instagram client app that allows blocking or filtering certain types of posts. For example, apps like Friendly for Instagram let you mute reels so they don’t show up in your main Instagram feed at all. You can also block individual creators whose reels you don’t like. While this won’t remove reels from your profile entirely, it will help cut down on the amount that show up there if you primarily use the third-party app rather than the official Instagram app.

Block Specific Accounts from Showing Reels

If there are just a few accounts that post reels you want to avoid, you can block them individually:

  1. Go to the profile of the account you want to block.
  2. Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Block” to block that account.

Blocking an account will remove their posts and reels from your feed and prevent them from commenting on your posts. You can still visit their profile if you want, but their content won’t show up for you anywhere else. This is a good option if just one or two reel-posting accounts are cluttering up your profile.

Temporarily Disable Your Profile from Showing Reels

If you want to take a short break from reels showing up in your Instagram profile, you can temporarily disable it. Just set your account to “private” for a while and reels won’t be visible to anyone but your approved followers. This isn’t a perfect solution since it also limits who can see your other posts, but it’s handy if you just need a quick reel detox. Don’t forget to switch your profile back to public when you want to make it visible again.

Create a Separate Finsta Account

A “finsta” or “fake Instagram” account is a secondary profile you use alongside your main account. The idea is that your finsta is private and only approved close friends can see it, so you can post more freely there without cluttering up your main profile. If you find reels fun but don’t want them on your primary Instagram, make a finsta just for the purpose of posting and viewing reels. You can easily switch between accounts in the app to separate that content.

Ask Your Friends Not to Tag You in Reels

Another way reels can end up on your profile is if friends tag you in their reel videos. While being tagged can be a nice gesture, if you’re trying to limit reels you may want to ask close friends to avoid tagging you if possible. Most people will understand and respect your preferences if you explain you’re trying to manage your Instagram feed and profile.


Reels are still a fairly new feature on Instagram, so the platform is continually evolving how they work. But for now there are plenty of ways to reduce or hide reels from your own Instagram profile if you want to limit them. Try disabling Suggested Posts, using a third-party filtering app, blocking accounts, going private temporarily, or making a separate reel finsta account. With a little effort you can keep your profile reel-free and make sure it represents your style.

Method Pros Cons
Disable Suggested Posts – Removes most unwanted reels
– Easy to toggle on/off
– Also disables posts you may want to see
Use Third-Party App – Targets just reels
– Retains control over feed
– Need a separate app
– Doesn’t remove all reels
Block Accounts – Removes reels from specific posters – Time consuming to block individually
Go Private Temporarily – Quick and easy short-term solution – Limits profile visibility
– Not a permanent fix
Make a Finsta Account – Separates reels from main profile – Need to manage multiple accounts
Ask Friends Not to Tag – Prevents unwanted tags – Relies on friends changing behavior

Disable Suggested Posts

Disabling Instagram’s Suggested Posts is the most comprehensive way to remove reels from your profile, as it will prevent the app algorithm from surfacing most of them. While this switches off recommended content you may want to keep seeing, you can easily toggle the setting back on if you change your mind.

Use Third-Party Apps

If you want to specifically target just reels without losing other suggestions, a third-party Instagram client like Friendly is a great option. These apps give you more granular control over filtering content while retaining an experience similar to the official Instagram app.

Block Accounts

Taking the time to individually block accounts that post a lot of reels you don’t like will remove their content from your profile. This surgical approach requires more effort but lets you precisely curate whose reels you see.

Go Private Temporarily

Making your Instagram profile private for a short period is a quick, albeit imperfect solution. While it does limit visibility, going private immediately removes reels from public view until you toggle it back to public.

Make a Finsta Account

Having a separate finsta account just for interacting with reels lets you compartmentalize that content from your primary profile. It takes more work to manage multiple accounts, but ensures your main profile remains reel-free.

Ask Friends Not to Tag

Politely asking friends and followers to avoid tagging you in reels prevents those unwanted posts from showing up. This relies on others changing their habits though, so it’s less reliable than built-in methods.

In summary, while keeping reels off your Instagram profile takes a bit more effort, there are a variety of effective options available. Finding the right approach depends on your specific needs and preferences around how you interact with the app. But with a few adjustments, you can reduce clutter from content you don’t want and keep your profile focused on what matters most to you.

Some final tips for limiting reels on Instagram:

  • Check your profile privacy settings – make sure your account isn’t set to automatically add posts you’re tagged in
  • Stay on top of notifications – delete reel notifications immediately so they don’t pile up
  • Curate your feed – prune your Following list to reduce unwanted reel-posting accounts
  • Provide Instagram feedback – use in-app reporting to note issues with irrelevant reels
  • Post engaging content – keep your own followers engaged so your posts are prioritized

With the right methods and a little vigilance, you can take control over the reels that appear on your Instagram. Focus on customizing based on your preferences and needs. What’s most important is that your profile represents the content you want to showcase to the world.

There are pros and cons to each approach for removing reels from your Instagram profile. Finding the right solution depends on your priorities and how deeply you want to curate your experience. Test out a few methods to see what works best.

The key is being proactive about limiting unwanted content – don’t just hope reels will disappear. Take measures to filter and block them. But also have realistic expectations about what’s possible on a platform increasingly focused on video and recommendations.

With some adjustments, you can achieve an Instagram profile that showcases your style. Keep refining your approach and don’t be afraid to give feedback to Instagram about features you don’t like. You have more control than you might think.

What do you think is the best way to keep reels from cluttering your Instagram profile? Different solutions work better depending on your specific goals and level of effort. Many find success by doing a combination of limiting Suggested Posts and blocking certain accounts. But play around to see what feels right for your needs. The key is being intentional about curating the experience you want.

How strictly you filter reels also comes down to personal preference. Some may want to block them aggressively, while others are fine seeing a few here and there. Think about your tolerance levels and how much work you’re willing to put in. And don’t forget – you can always change your settings if your feelings about reels evolve over time.

In the end, it’s about feeling in control. Instagram gives you more customization options than you might assume. Find ways to tailor the app to showcase your style, not just what an algorithm pushes. Your profile represents your brand – make sure it’s consistent with the image you want to project to the world.

What are your best tips for removing reels from your Instagram profile? Share your top tricks and advice in the comments! We all have different perspectives on balancing relevance with limiting unwanted content. Help each other figure out what works so we can improve the experience for everyone.