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How do I have multiple admins on a Facebook group?

How do I have multiple admins on a Facebook group?

Having multiple admins for a Facebook group can be very helpful, especially for large and active groups. As a group owner, you may want to share some of the management responsibilities with other trusted members. Fortunately, Facebook makes it easy to add and manage multiple admins for your groups.

What are Facebook group admins?

Facebook group admins are members who have additional privileges to help manage the group. Some of the key powers admins have include:

  • Approving and removing members
  • Adding, removing and banning members
  • Editing group settings and information
  • Posting and deleting content
  • Pinning and highlighting posts

In other words, admins can help moderate conversations, keep spam under control, organize content and generally help maintain the group. Unlike the group creator, however, admins don’t have full ownership privileges – they can’t delete the group or transfer ownership.

How many Facebook group admins can I have?

Facebook allows you to have an unlimited number of admins for your groups. This means you can designate as many trusted members as admins as you want. However, it’s usually best to start with just 1-3 dedicated admins in the beginning. As your group grows, you can add more later on.

Should I make someone an admin on Facebook group?

Here are some good reasons you may want to add more admins to your Facebook group:

  • Your group is very active and hard to manage alone
  • You want help screening and approving members
  • You want help moderating conversations and deleting spam
  • You need help organizing files, photos or pinned posts
  • You want to delegate some specialized roles like greeting newbies
  • You need someone to manage the group when you’re unavailable

Some things to keep in mind when selecting admins:

  • Choose mature, responsible members who actively participate
  • Designate members you personally know and trust
  • Look for members invested in the group’s purpose and success
  • Avoid namingrecent joiners or inactive members as admins

How to make someone an admin on Facebook

As the group creator and owner, you have full privileges to add and revoke admin status for members. Here’s how to make another member an admin in your group:

  1. Go to your group’s main page and click “Members” in the left sidebar
  2. Find and click on the member you want to make admin
  3. From their profile within the group, click the 3 dots beside “Admin”
  4. Select “Make Admin” from the dropdown menu

You’ll see a confirmation that the member has been made an admin. They will now enjoy the special privileges outlined earlier.

How to remove a Facebook group admin

Removing admin status from a group member is just as easy. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your group’s “Members” section
  2. Click on the current admin’s profile
  3. Click the 3 dots beside “Admin”
  4. Select “Remove as Admin” to revoke privileges

The member will immediately revert to being a regular group member without admin powers.

Changing admin privileges on mobile

You can also manage admins on the Facebook mobile app for iOS and Android. Just:

  1. Tap the 3 lines and go to your group
  2. Tap “Members” at the top
  3. Tap the admin member’s name
  4. Tap “Make Admin” or “Remove as Admin”

The change will apply right away. Be sure you really want to remove someone’s admin status before tapping!

Letting your admins know

Once you assign someone as an admin, it’s a nice gesture to let them know directly via private message or email. Make sure to outline any specific duties or responsibilities you had in mind for them. For example:

  • Welcoming new members and answering questions
  • Approving member requests daily
  • Deleting spam posts and comments
  • Organizing monthly theme days

Giving your new admins clear expectations will help them be more effective in their roles. Be open to any suggestions or ideas they may have as well.

Facebook group admin limits

Facebook doesn’t limit how many total admins a single group can have. You’re free to designate as many admins as you feel are needed to help run your community. However, there are a couple other limits to keep in mind:

  • Only group owners/creators can add or remove admins
  • Admins cannot add or remove other admins
  • Admins cannot delete the group or transfer ownership

So while you can have unlimited admins, only you as the original creator have full control over the group itself.

Alternatives to multiple admins

Adding more admins is the easiest way to share management of your Facebook group. But here are a couple other options to consider as well:


Facebook also allows you to designate less powerful “moderator” roles. Moderators can approve/remove members, delete posts and ban members. This can be a good intermediate role between members and full admins.

Group rules

Craft clear rules and post them prominently in your group. Outline exactly what is and isn’t allowed. Let members know they can report any violations to you directly. This will outsource some of the policing to your members.

Group events

Creating subgroups around events, meetups or special topics can distribute the workload by splitting a big group into smaller, more manageable ones.

Sister groups

Similarly, setting up separate “sister” groups with different admins can provide more custom experiences under the same broad theme.


Adding multiple admins is an easy yet powerful way to distribute management duties in your Facebook group. Look for mature, responsible members to take on specialized roles like moderating posts or screening new members. While only group creators can add admins, you’re free to designate as many as you need to keep your community running smoothly. With the right admins by your side, you can ensure high quality conversations that align with the group’s purpose.