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How do I give someone full control of my Facebook page?

How do I give someone full control of my Facebook page?

Quick Answer

You can give someone full control of your Facebook page by making them an admin. To do this:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click “Settings” at the top
  3. Select “Page Roles” on the left side
  4. Type in the name or Facebook profile of the person you want to make an admin
  5. Click “Add” next to their name

Once you make someone an admin, they will have the same level of access and control over your Facebook page as you do. They can post content, respond to comments and messages, edit the page info, add apps, and more.

Giving Full Admin Access

The key to giving someone else full control over your Facebook page is making them an “Admin”. This gives them the highest level of access and permissions.

When you make someone an admin on your page, they gain the ability to:

– Post content as the page, not themselves
– Edit the page’s profile and cover photos
– Respond to and delete comments and messages
– Create ads and view analytics data
– Add, edit or remove apps
– Add or remove page roles for other people
– Edit page settings and merge duplicate pages
– Publish page posts as the page or other people/profiles

Essentially, they have the same functional control over the page as you do as the original page creator. They can take any action on the page except transferring ownership or deleting the page.

So if you need someone else to fully manage your Facebook page on your behalf, making them an admin gives them the permissions they need.

How to Make Someone a Facebook Page Admin

Making someone an admin on your Facebook page only takes a few steps:

1. Go to your Facebook page and click “Settings” at the top right.

2. In the left column, click “Page Roles”.

3. Under the “Admins” section, start typing the name or Facebook profile link for the person you want to make an admin. Their name should pop up as a suggestion.

4. Click “Add” next to their name to confirm you want to make them an admin.

5. They will get a notification letting them know they’ve been added as a page admin. Once they accept, they have full permissions.

And that’s it! The process is quite straightforward. You can also remove admin access at any time by clicking the “X” next to a person’s name under Page Roles.

Here is an example visual walkthrough:

1. Go to your page’s Settings and click “Page Roles”
2. Start typing the name of the person you want to make admin
3. Click “Add” next to their name

Admin Permissions

To understand everything an admin can access and control, here is a full overview of a Facebook page admin’s permissions:

– Post as the Page: Admins can create posts, share updates, photos, videos and more as the page itself, not their personal profile.

– Respond to and delete comments and messages: Admins can reply to comments on the page’s posts, as well as private messages sent to the page’s inbox. They can also delete comments and messages.

– Edit Page profile and cover photos: Admins have permission to change the page’s profile picture, cover photo, and edit the “About” section.

– Create and view ads: Admins can create Facebook ads for the page and view performance data for existing ads.

– Add, edit or remove apps: Admins can add new apps and features like events, shop, donate buttons, etc. They can also edit app settings or remove apps entirely.

– Edit page settings: Admins can edit general page settings like notifications, tagging abilities, country restrictions, moderation filters, and more.

– Merge duplicate pages: If duplicate pages exist, admins can merge them into one.

– Publish page posts as the page or other people/profiles: Admins can publish posts not just as the page, but also as other people who manage the page or as their own profile.

– Add or remove other page roles: Only admins can add or remove other roles like Editors, Moderators, Advertisers, etc.

So in summary, admins have complete control over every aspect of the Facebook page. Handing over the admin role gives someone the full keys to manage your page presence.

Differences from Other Page Roles

In addition to Admins, Facebook pages can have other secondary roles:

– **Editor**: Can edit the page, post as the page, respond to comments and see insights. Cannot add/remove admins or create ads.

– **Moderator**: Can respond to and delete comments on the page only. Cannot post or edit page.

– **Advertiser**: Can manage ads for the page, but not post content or edit the page.

– **Analyst**: Can view page insights and analytics, but not make any edits or post content.

So being an Admin gives a much broader range of permissions compared to Editor, Moderator, Advertiser or Analyst roles. Those are more specialized, limited roles.

Only Admins have full functional control of every aspect of the Facebook page. So if you need someone to be able to fully manage your page and step into your shoes, make them an Admin.

Things to Consider Before Making Someone an Admin

While making someone a Facebook page admin is straightforward, there are some things to keep in mind before handing over control of your page:

– **Trust**: Only give admin access to people you trust completely, like employees, partners or social media managers. With full permissions they can make major changes.

– **Multiple admins**: Appoint at least 2+ admins in case your main admin becomes unavailable for any reason. Don’t rely on one person alone.

– **Communicate expectations**: Be clear about what your expectations are in terms of managing the page, posting frequency, messaging, etc.

– **Have a transition period**: Spend some time working jointly with your new admin(s) at first before handing over the reins completely.

– **Create an admin team**: For larger pages, create an admin team with members focused on different functions like content, community management, ads, etc.

– **Audit activity**: Periodically check page activity and admin actions to make sure everything aligns with your goals and expectations.

– **Page ownership**: Remember that even as an admin, they don’t fully “own” the page. Only you as the original creator can transfer ownership or delete the page.

Following these tips will help ensure a smooth transition when making someone a Facebook page admin and granting them full permissions to manage your presence.

Can You Revoke Admin Access?

Yes, as the original page creator, you can remove admin access from someone at any time. Even if you make someone else an admin, you retain ownership of the page.

To revoke admin permissions:

1. Go to your page’s Settings > Page Roles
2. Locate the person’s name under the Admins list
3. Click the “X” icon next to their name to delete them as an admin

Once you remove their admin status, they will no longer be able to access or make changes to your Facebook page.

It’s a good idea to remove former admins who no longer manage your page so that your list of admins stays clean and up-to-date.

You can also demote their access level. For example, you can downgrade them from Admin to Editor if you still want them to have limited access to post content, but not full page control.

As the page owner, you have total control over adding, removing or changing roles. Don’t hesitate to revoke access if someone isn’t meeting your admin expectations.

Should You Make Your Personal Profile an Admin?

In most cases, it’s a smart idea to make your personal Facebook profile an admin on your Facebook page as well. Here are some benefits:

– As owner, you retain full control even if you add other admins
– Easily switch between your profile and page when posting or messaging
– Manage the page from your regular account if you ever lose page access
– Maintain oversight of other admins’ actions on your page

There aren’t really any downsides to making your personal profile an admin. Just be aware that any posts or comments you make as an admin will display as coming from the page, not your own timeline.

To add your personal profile as a page admin:

1. Go to your page’s Settings > Page Roles
2. Type your own name in the Admins box and select your profile
3. Click “Add” to confirm

Now you’ll be able to manage the page either directly from its own dashboard, or conveniently from your personal account. Having dual admin access helps avoid any issues or confusion when sharing page management duties.

Who Should You Make a Facebook Page Admin?

When deciding who to entrust with admin permissions for your Facebook page, consider these factors:

– **Employees**: Staff members who manage your social media and marketing are great admin candidates. Give access to those responsible for content.

– **Social media managers**: If you hire an outside company or freelancer for social media help, they need admin access to properly manage your page.

– **Partners**: Co-owners, partners or anyone invested in your business make reliable admins if they contribute content or marketing.

– **Active contributors**: Loyal community members or brand advocates who regularly engage with your page could become helpful volunteer admins.

– **Multiple admins**: Appoint 2-3+ admins so your page isn’t reliant on just one person. Split up key responsibilities.

Avoid making everyone an admin unless they really require that level of access. Focus on strategic individuals who will post quality content and community management.

And always follow any partners’ or employers’ policies on sharing social media access. Some require admin actions to be logged for accountability.

Can a Facebook Page Have Multiple Admins?

Absolutely. There is no limit to the number of admins a Facebook page can have. Large brands often have multiple social media employees who all need page management access.

Here are some benefits of having multiple page admins:

– Share the workload – Each admin can take on specialized roles like content creation, customer service, ad management, etc.

– Broader time coverage – With admins in different timezones or schedules, your page can be managed at more hours.

– Faster response times – Multiple admins means more people available to respond quickly to comments, messages, etc.

– Prevent gaps in activity – If one admin is away or leaves, others can still post and moderate conversations.

– Balance responsibilities – No one admin has to handle every single task alone. Spread out the major duties.

When establishing a multi-admin setup, make sure everyone understands their individual roles and responsibilities. Set clear expectations for being responsive, following brand guidelines, coordinating projects, etc.

With proper organization, having several admins can greatly improve the performance and management of your Facebook presence. Just be selective about who you entrust with page access and monitor their activity.

Should Business Partners Both be Admins?

For business partnerships or co-owned companies, it often makes sense for both partners to be admins on jointly-managed Facebook pages.

Some benefits of making business partners mutual page admins:

– Shared responsibility for contributing content and managing communities.

– Ability to post, respond and monitor conversations as an official representative of the brand.

– Up-to-date access to page analytics to inform marketing decisions.

– Coordination on initiatives like ad campaigns, events promotion, giveaways, etc.

– Flexibility to manage the page from personal accounts if necessary.

– Oversight of each other’s page activities for transparency.

However, it also takes some coordination between partners to avoid conflicts like duplicating efforts or overposting. Partners should aim to:

– Divide and conquer specific admin tasks and duties.

– Keep each other informed about major initiatives being worked on.

– Set schedules for posting content to avoid flooding followers.

– Give each other admin training and share page management best practices.

– Provide constructive feedback to improve each other’s community management.

– Log admin actions for review in case any issues arise.

Granting mutual Facebook page admin access to business partners requires trust, communication, and teamwork. But when done right, it allows brands to present a unified presence.

Should a Social Media Manager be Made a Facebook Admin?

In most cases, social media managers should be made Facebook page admins. Here are some top reasons why:

– They need to be able to directly post quality content, engage with followers, manage conversations and monitor metrics. Admin permissions enable them to fully manage the brand’s presence.

– Social media is very time-sensitive. Having direct access allows them to respond, post and interact in real-time without delays waiting for approvals.

– As admins, their actions fully represent the brand. When they post or comment, it appears directly from the page itself.

– Many social media managers service multiple clients. Admin access across all their clients’ pages allows them to efficiently switch between and manage content for each.

– Their job success hinges on growing pages and driving engagement. Admin tools let them analyze data, run ads, and optimize the strategy.

– Managing a Facebook presence well requires capabilities like removing spam comments, banning trolls, and moderating interactions.

However, oversight is still important. Brands should audit page activity, provide guidelines, get approvals for major initiatives, and make sure branding is consistent. With the right partnership, granting Facebook admin access empowers social media managers to fully support brands’ digital presence and goals.

Should an Agency be Made a Facebook Page Admin?

When hiring a social media agency, they will likely need admin access to properly manage your Facebook presence. Here are some key reasons agencies should be admins:

– Posting Content – They can’t directly publish posts as your brand without admin permissions. Relying on approvals slows down collaborating.

– Community Management – They need to be able to respond as the page, delete comments, and ban users if necessary.

– Ad Campaigns – Creating and optimizing ads requires admin tools to set up and view reporting data.

– Insights Access – Viewing page analytics inform their strategy decisions and optimization recommendations.

– App Installation – Adding apps for lead generation, sales, bookings, etc may require admin rights depending on privacy policies.

– Crisis Monitoring – During PR crises, they need to be able to immediately post responses from the brand’s voice.

However, you should still maintain oversight as the page owner:

– Request regular reporting on key metrics, campaigns, and community health.

– Audit page posting schedules, themes and content quality.

– Provide guidelines on branding, voice, approvals for giveaways/contests, etc.

– Limit their ability to transfer ownership or permanently delete assets.

Granting trusted agency partners admin access, within reason, sets them up for Facebook marketing success on your behalf. Maintaining open communication ensures proper oversight and accountability.


Assigning someone full admin permissions on your Facebook page essentially hands over the keys to your entire presence on the platform. But sharing page management can greatly benefit your content, community engagement, and marketing.

The key is choosing selective individuals you trust, establishing clear expectations, dividing responsibilities, and maintaining proper oversight of their admin actions. With a coordinated Facebook page admin team, your brand can convey a consistent presence while reaching more customers.