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How do I give someone a follow option on Facebook?

How do I give someone a follow option on Facebook?

Facebook’s follow feature allows you to see public posts from people who you aren’t friends with on Facebook. When you follow someone, you’ll see their public posts in your News Feed. This can be useful for following celebrities, thought leaders, businesses, and other public figures on Facebook.

Who can I follow on Facebook?

You can follow any public figure, business, organization, or other entity that has a public Facebook Page. For example, you could follow your favorite celebrity, local restaurant, news outlet, sports team, etc. You can’t, however, follow personal Facebook profiles that aren’t public. So if your friend has a private profile, you won’t be able to follow them – you’d have to send them a friend request instead.

How to find Facebook Pages to follow

There are a few ways to find Facebook Pages to follow:

  • Search for the name of a public figure, business, etc. directly in the Facebook search bar. If they have a public Page it will pop up in the results.
  • Ask your friends for recommendations of who they follow.
  • Check out the “Followed by” list on a Page you already follow. This shows other Pages that fans of that Page also follow.
  • Explore interest-based Lists that Facebook creates based on popular follows.
  • Use Facebook’s “Discover” tab to get recommendations of new Pages to follow based on your interests.

How to follow someone on Facebook

Following someone on Facebook is easy! Just go to their public Facebook Page and click the “Follow” button. Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to the public Facebook Page of the person, business, or entity you want to follow.
  2. In the top right corner of the Page, click the “Follow” button. This button may also say “Like Page” if you haven’t liked their Page yet.
  3. Once you’ve clicked “Follow,” the button will turn blue. This means you are now following that Page!

Following someone on mobile

The process is the same on the Facebook mobile app:

  1. Go to the public Facebook Page you want to follow.
  2. Tap the “Follow” or “Like” button in the top right corner.
  3. The button will turn blue once you are following the Page.

How do I see posts from people I follow?

Once you follow a Page, you’ll start seeing posts from it in your regular News Feed on Facebook alongside normal posts from your friends. You can scroll through your News Feed to see these posts mixed together chronologically.

Facebook News Feed controls

If you want to adjust how often you see followed Pages in your feed, use the News Feed controls:

  • Prioritize who to see first – Drag followed Pages up or down this list to control how often their posts appear at the top of your feed.
  • Unfollow – Select any followed Page here to unfollow it.
  • See first – Pin your favorite follows to the very top of your News Feed.

Can I group all my followed Pages together?

Yes! Facebook offers an easy way to see all the posts from Pages you follow in one place:

  1. Go to the “More” tab in your shortcut menu on Facebook.
  2. Select “Followed Pages” from the menu.
  3. You’ll now see a feed showing the most recent posts from all the Pages you follow.

Customizing your followed Pages feed

When viewing your followed Pages feed, you have a few options to customize it:

  • Sort – Switch between showing the most recent or most popular posts first.
  • Tags – Filter the feed by specific tags like News, Entertainment, or Sports.
  • Unfollow – Easily unfollow any Pages directly from this feed.

How do I stop following someone on Facebook?

If you want to stop seeing someone’s public posts in your News Feed, you can easily unfollow them:

  1. Go to their Facebook Page.
  2. Click on the “Following” button at the top right. This button will be blue if you currently follow the Page.
  3. Select “Unfollow” when prompted.
  4. The button color will change back to gray – you no longer follow that Page.

Unfollowing on mobile

On the Facebook mobile app:

  1. Go to their Facebook Page.
  2. Tap on the blue “Following” button.
  3. Select “Unfollow” to stop seeing their posts.

And that’s it! The Page will automatically be unfollowed. You can also batch unfollow Pages from your “Followed Pages” feed if you want to do a mass clean-up.

Pro tips for following people on Facebook

Following public figures, businesses, and organizations on Facebook can be useful! Here are some top tips:

  • Follow news outlets to get headlines and breaking news in your feed.
  • Follow brands you love to get updates on new products and special offers.
  • Discover new music and media by following artists, podcasters, streamers, and more.
  • Support causes you care about by following nonprofits and activist organizations.
  • Get updates from local businesses like restaurants, shops, gyms, etc.

Customize who you follow

Curate your followed Pages feed by being selective about who you follow. Unfollow Pages that are cluttering up your feed or are no longer relevant. Use lists and tags to organize the content.

Interact with followed Pages

Don’t just passively consume content – like, comment on, and share posts from Pages you follow. This helps support them and gets you more engaged in the communities you care about.

Discover more to follow

Check out recommendations on Pages you already follow and keep an eye out for interesting new follows. The “Discover” tab can help surface new suggestions.


Following public figures, organizations, businesses, and other entities on Facebook with a public Page is an easy way to get updates in your News Feed from accounts you care about. Look for the blue “Follow” button on any public Page to start seeing their posts. Use controls like “Prioritize who to see first” and “Followed Pages” to customize what you see. Unfollow any time to stop seeing posts from a Page. Following relevant Pages can help you discover new content and stay connected to communities and causes you care about!