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How do I give a Facebook page a rating?

How do I give a Facebook page a rating?

Giving a Facebook page a rating is a quick and easy way to provide feedback on your experience with that page. Facebook has a built-in rating system that allows users to rate pages on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. Here are some quick answers about how to rate a Facebook page:

Where is the Rating Option Located?

The rating option can be found on desktop and mobile. On desktop, it is located at the top of the page, next to the number of likes. On mobile, it is located in the About section of the page.

Who Can Rate a Facebook Page?

Any Facebook user can rate a page, you don’t have to like or follow the page in order to rate it. However, you do need to have an active Facebook account in order to provide a rating.

How Many Stars Can I Give When Rating a Page?

The Facebook rating system allows you to rate a page on a scale of 1 to 5 stars, with 5 stars being the highest rating and 1 star being the lowest. Each star represents one point in the rating.

Does My Rating Stay Private?

No, your rating of a Facebook page is public and visible to anyone who visits that page. However, only the aggregate rating is displayed publicly, not your individual rating.

Can I Change My Rating of a Page?

Yes, you can change your rating of a Facebook page at any time. Simply visit the page again and select a different star rating. Your new rating will replace your previous one.

How Often Can I Rate the Same Page?

You can only rate a specific Facebook page once from your account. After rating a page, the stars will become solid gray and you will no longer be able to select them to change your rating.

Will My Rating Affect the Page’s Overall Rating?

Yes, your individual rating of a Facebook page contributes to the overall star rating displayed on that page. The more ratings a page receives, the more your individual rating will be diluted in the overall average.

Can Pages Remove or Reset Ratings?

No, Facebook page owners and admins are not able to remove or reset ratings on their pages. Only Facebook itself has the ability to reset page ratings.

Are Ratings Used for Anything by Facebook?

Facebook uses page ratings as one of many factors in their algorithms that determine page visibility, how high a page appears in searches, whether it gets promoted, etc. Higher rated pages tend to appear higher and get promoted more by Facebook.


Rating Facebook pages is an easy process that provides valuable feedback to page owners and helps inform other users. Make sure to rate pages accurately based on your experience to provide the most useful input. Keep in mind that your rating is public and contributes to the page’s overall rating. Consider providing a rating whenever you interact with a Facebook page to help give feedback on your experience.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Rate a Facebook Page

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough of how to provide a rating for a Facebook page:

On Desktop

  1. Go to the Facebook page you want to rate
  2. Look for the number of stars near the top left of the page, next to number of likes/follows
  3. Hover over the stars and click to select your rating, from 1 to 5 stars
  4. The stars you select will turn blue to indicate your rating
  5. You will no longer be able to change your rating for this page

On Mobile

  1. Go to the Facebook page you want to rate
  2. Tap the 3 line menu button in the top right
  3. Select “About” from the menu
  4. Scroll down and tap “Rate Now”
  5. Select your rating by tapping the number of stars, from 1 to 5
  6. Tap “Done” to submit your rating
  7. You will no longer be able to change your rating for this page

Why You Should Rate Facebook Pages

Here are some of the key reasons why rating Facebook pages is important:

  • Provides feedback to page owners on your experience as a user
  • Informs other users about the quality and value of the page
  • Helps improve page content, info, features based on ratings
  • Contributes to the overall average rating displayed on the page
  • Impacts the page’s visibility and distribution in Facebook algorithms
  • Quick and easy way to give your input and voice as a Facebook user

By rating the Facebook pages you interact with, you help improve the experience for yourself and others. Page owners can see where they are getting positive ratings and where improvements need to be made based on ratings and feedback. Your contributions provide valuable input to Facebook.

Tips for Rating Facebook Pages

Follow these tips when deciding what ratings to give Facebook pages:

  • Rate pages only after fully evaluating the content, info quality, features, etc.
  • Be fair in your ratings – don’t give only 1 or 5 stars unless deserved
  • Consider both positive and negative aspects of your experience with the page
  • Give honest ratings to provide the most useful feedback to others
  • Avoid rating pages solely on personal opinions or biases
  • Rate pages from an objective, overall perspective whenever possible
  • Regularly re-evaluate and update your rating if a page improves over time

Pros and Cons of Facebook Page Ratings

Here are some potential benefits and drawbacks of Facebook page ratings that are worth considering:


  • Provides quick feedback and input from users
  • Easy rating scale from 1 to 5 stars
  • Helps identify both good and bad pages
  • Can improve quality of content as owners try to boost ratings
  • Influences visibility and search rankings for pages on Facebook
  • Gives users a voice and sense of input on Facebook


  • Ratings can be skewed by angry/biased users
  • People may not take time to give objective, thoughtful ratings
  • Visibility relies heavily on high average rating
  • Pages have no control over removing or resetting negative ratings
  • Algorithms heavily influence which pages gain exposure, not just ratings
  • Star rating system lacks nuance to fully convey user experiences

Overall, page ratings appear beneficial despite some drawbacks. But they should be considered along with other factors in evaluating pages rather than the sole determining factor.

Examples of Highly Rated Facebook Pages

Here are some examples of popular Facebook pages that have received high ratings:

Page Name Category Rating (out of 5)
The Dodo Animals 4.8
9GAG Humor/Memes 4.7
Buzzfeed Viral Content 4.5
Gordon Ramsay Celebrity Chef 4.8
Ladbible Entertainment 4.4

These pages earn strong ratings by consistently providing content their audiences enjoy and value. The ratings reflect the positive experiences users have engaging with the pages.

Examples of Poorly Rated Facebook Pages

Here are some examples of pages that have poor Facebook ratings:

Page Name Category Rating (out of 5)
Spirit Airlines Airline Company 1.2
Electronic Arts Video Game Company 1.4
Bank of America Banking 1.5
McDonalds Fast Food Restaurant 2.1
The Daily Mail News Website 1.7

Low ratings for these pages suggest users have had predominantly negative experiences, whether from poor service, products or engagement. The companies likely need to reevaluate and improve based on feedback.

How Facebook Uses Page Ratings

Facebook uses page ratings in the following ways:

  • Determine content visibility – Higher rated pages appear more prominently
  • Influences page suggestions and recommendations to users
  • Provides insight into user interests and preferences
  • Identifies pages that need policy enforcement or intervention
  • Ranks pages in Facebook search results
  • Contributes data to machine learning systems
  • Allows targeting of ads based on user page ratings and interests

So while ratings provide feedback to page owners, they also supply valuable data to Facebook itself. Ratings help Facebook understand engagement and customize user experiences and feeds.

Rating Pages Improves Facebook Experience

Some final thoughts on why rating Facebook pages enhances experiences for all:

  • Shapes Facebook feed and page recommendations
  • Promotes informative, engaging pages you enjoy
  • Reduces visibility for poor quality or harmful pages
  • Provides aggregate feedback pages can use to improve
  • Gives users influence over Facebook algorithm and visibility
  • Quick and simple way to give your feedback to Facebook

Rating pages takes little time but provides significant benefits. So next time you visit an intriguing, helpful, or disappointing page – take a moment to rate it and improve Facebook for yourself and others.