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How do I get videos on my navigation bar on Facebook?

How do I get videos on my navigation bar on Facebook?

Having videos on your Facebook navigation bar can be a great way to showcase visual content and drive engagement on your Facebook Page. Here are some quick answers about adding videos to your Facebook navigation bar:

Can you add videos to the Facebook navigation bar?

Yes, it is possible to add videos to the navigation bar on your Facebook Page. The navigation bar appears at the top of your Facebook Page and allows you to highlight important content like videos.

How do you add videos to the Facebook navigation bar?

To add videos to your Facebook navigation bar, you need to first create a Facebook Page if you don’t already have one. Then follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page
  2. Click “Settings” at the bottom of the left sidebar
  3. Select “Templates and Tabs” from the menu
  4. Click “Navigation”
  5. Click “Add a Button”
  6. Select “Videos”
  7. Choose up to 5 videos you want to feature
  8. Arrange the videos in the order you want them to appear
  9. Click “Save Changes”

The videos you selected should now appear in your navigation bar at the top of your Facebook Page.

What types of videos can you add?

You can add the following types of videos to your Facebook navigation bar:

  • Videos uploaded directly to Facebook
  • Videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo
  • Facebook Live videos
  • 360 videos

The videos need to already be posted on your Facebook Page in order to add them to your navigation bar.

How do you rearrange the order of videos?

To rearrange the order of videos in your navigation bar:

  1. Go to “Templates and Tabs” in your Page Settings
  2. Click “Navigation”
  3. Drag and drop the videos into the desired order
  4. Click “Save Changes”

The videos will now appear in the new order in your navigation bar.

Can you add videos to the navigation bar on a personal profile?

No, only Facebook Pages have the option to add a navigation bar with videos. Personal Facebook profiles do not have this feature.

Do videos in the navigation bar play automatically?

No, the videos in the navigation bar are just thumbnails that link to the full video. Users have to click on a video thumbnail in order to play the full video.

Can you add a video playlist?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to add a full playlist of videos to the Facebook navigation bar. You are limited to selecting up to 5 individual videos.

Is there a limit on the number of videos?

Yes, you can only feature up to 5 videos in your Facebook navigation bar. If you want to showcase more videos, you’ll need to swap out the existing ones.

Can you customize the appearance of the video thumbnails?

No, you cannot customize the appearance of the video thumbnails that appear in the navigation bar. They will display as standard video thumbnails.

Do the videos need to be native videos or can they be links?

The videos need to be native videos uploaded and hosted directly on Facebook. You cannot add just links to videos in the navigation bar.

Can you add videos to any tab on Facebook?

No, videos can only be added specifically to the top navigation bar. You cannot embed videos in other tabs like the About or Shop tabs.

Do I need special Facebook access to add videos?

No special access is needed. All Facebook Pages can add videos to their navigation bar as long as they follow the steps outlined above.

Is adding videos to the navigation bar available on mobile?

Yes, you can add videos to your Facebook Page’s navigation bar both on desktop and in the Facebook mobile apps.

Can I get more engagement by adding videos?

Yes, adding videos to your navigation bar can help boost engagement. Videos are naturally more eye-catching than plain text or photos. Having videos front and center gives people a reason to click and view more content on your Page.

Should I only add my best videos?

It’s a good strategy to add your best and most engaging videos to the navigation bar. These eye-catching thumbnails will entice visitors to click and watch more of your video content.

What if I want to change the videos later?

You can easily change and swap out the videos in your navigation bar at any time. Just go back into your Page Settings and “Navigation” and select new videos to feature.

Will adding videos help increase my Page Likes?

It potentially can. Prominently featuring engaging video content on your Page provides more incentive for visitors to Like your Page so they can follow along and watch future videos.

Should I feature my newest videos?

That depends on your goals. If you want to drive views to your latest videos, feature your newest. But highlighting your most popular videos can also work well.

Do videos in the navigation bar play sound?

The video thumbnails are silent. Only when someone clicks on a thumbnail to watch the full video will sound play as normal.

Can I see analytics for these videos?

Yes, you can see the normal video analytics for each video by clicking the “View Insights” button after selecting videos to feature.

Do the videos repeat in a loop?

No, the videos do not automatically loop or repeat playback in the navigation bar. Users must proactively click to watch each video.

Do the videos work on mobile devices?

Yes, the featured videos in the navigation bar will appear properly on mobile devices and can be clicked to view the full videos.

Can I add videos to my Facebook profile?

No, only Facebook Pages can add videos to the navigation bar. Personal Facebook profiles do not have this feature.

What’s the ideal video length to feature?

1-2 minutes is ideal. You want very short, engaging videos that capture attention quickly in this vertical video format.

Should I feature videos that promote my products?

Product videos and demos can work very well to showcase what you’re selling. Just focus on short videos that highlight the benefits and user experience.

Can I change the thumbnail image?

No, you cannot alter the thumbnail image that is automatically generated from the video. The thumbnail displayed will be the default preview image from the video.

Is there a guide to creating effective navigation bar videos?

Here are some tips for making effective navigation bar videos on Facebook:

  • Keep them short – under 2 minutes ideally
  • Hook viewers quickly – highlight benefits fast
  • Use eye-catching custom thumbnails
  • Feature new and popular videos
  • Highlight your best content
  • Include strong calls to action to view more

Can I add text or captions?

No, the navigation bar just displays video thumbnails. You cannot add any overlay text or captions – those would need to be edited directly into the source videos.

Do I have to host the videos on Facebook?

The videos do need to be hosted and playable on Facebook, but they can be videos you’ve uploaded natively or that have been cross-posted from YouTube, etc.

Is there a limit on video file size?

Facebook has a general limit of 4GB per video file when uploading natively. But for the navigation bar, you’ll want to stick to very short videos under 2 minutes so file size is not a significant factor.

Should I include emojis or text in the titles?

You can include some emojis or text in the video titles if they are relevant and eye-catching. Just don’t overdo it – the titles need to remain clear and benefit-focused.

Can I schedule when videos are featured?

Unfortunately, there is no option to schedule when certain videos appear in your navigation bar. You will need to manually update the video selections.

Do the videos play in my local timezone?

Yes, any full videos watched from your navigation bar videos will play at times based on the viewer’s local timezone.

Can I add a mix of landscape and portrait videos?

Yes, you can feature both landscape and portrait videos together in your navigation bar.

Do the videos play one after another automatically?

No, the videos are just thumbnails in the bar. Viewers must click each one individually – they do not play automatically in sequence.

Should I add a video trailer or teaser?

Featuring a very short trailer or teaser video can be an effective approach. Use it to highlight exciting content from a longer video to hook viewers.

Can I use the same video more than once?

No, each video you feature must be unique. You cannot feature the exact same video thumbnail more than once in your navigation bar.

Do the videos play sound in the navigation bar?

No, the videos are silent thumbnails in the bar itself. Sound will only play when someone clicks to view the full video on your Page.


Adding videos to your Facebook Page’s navigation bar is a great way to make your video content stand out. Be sure to highlight your most eye-catching and engaging videos to attract viewers. Keep the videos short, focused and optimized for mobile viewing. Refresh your video selections regularly to promote new content. Use this feature to showcase what makes your brand, products or services visually appealing.