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How do I get to Page roles on Facebook on Iphone?

How do I get to Page roles on Facebook on Iphone?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms for individuals and businesses to connect with others. As a Facebook Page admin, you can use Page roles to manage your Facebook Page more efficiently by assigning specific admin permissions to others.

Page roles allow you to designate moderators, advertisers, editors, analysts and more to help you manage your Facebook Page. These roles make it easy to divvy up admin tasks so you’re not saddled with all the work.

However, the Page roles feature looks a bit different on mobile devices compared to the desktop version of Facebook. If you manage your Facebook Page primarily from your iPhone, here are some tips on how to access and assign Facebook Page roles from your mobile device:

Accessing Page Roles on Mobile

To start managing Page roles on your iPhone, you first need to access the Page roles screen. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on the “Pages” tab at the bottom (it has a little squared flag icon).
  3. Select your Facebook Page from the list.
  4. Tap on the 3 horizontal lines “hamburger” icon in the top right corner.
  5. Select “Settings” from the menu.
  6. Scroll down and tap on “Page Roles”.

This will bring you to the Page roles screen where you can start adding and managing roles for your Facebook Page.

Adding a New Page Role

Once you’re on the Page roles screen, tap on “Add Person” to add someone new to your Page as an admin, editor, moderator, advertiser or analyst:

  1. Type the name or Facebook profile link of the person you want to add.
  2. Select the Page role you want to assign them from the dropdown menu.
  3. Tap “Add” to confirm.

That person will now be added to your Page in the role you specified. They’ll be notified of their new permissions over Facebook Messenger.

Editing Existing Page Roles

To edit someone’s existing Page role:

  1. Tap on the 3 dots next to their name.
  2. Select “Edit Role” from the menu.
  3. Choose a new role from the dropdown menu.
  4. Confirm by tapping “Save Changes”.

Their Page permissions will be updated to match their new role.

Removing Someone from a Page Role

To completely remove someone’s administrative access to your Page:

  1. Tap on the 3 dots next to their name.
  2. Select “Remove” from the menu.
  3. Confirm by tapping “Remove” again on the pop-up.

This will strip them of any special Page role permissions they previously had.

Adding Multiple Admins

You can streamline adding multiple Page admins by:

  1. Tapping “Add Person” at the top of the roles screen.
  2. Switching the toggle for “Add Multiple People” on.
  3. Entering each person’s name or profile link on a separate line.
  4. Selecting a role.
  5. Tapping “Add” to add them all at once.

Changing the Admin Role Order

The order that admins are displayed in the Page roles list matters. The admins higher up can remove lower admins but not vice versa. To change the order:

  1. Press and hold on the 3 horizontal lines next to an admin’s name.
  2. Drag to move them up or down the list.
  3. Release to set their new position.

Limits on Admins

There are some limits to be aware of with Facebook Page roles:

  • You can have a maximum of 30 admins.
  • No more than 10 admins can be assigned the Analyst role.
  • Each Facebook user can be an Analyst for no more than 10 Pages.

Try to stay under these limits or you may run into issues adding more admins.

Using Shortcuts to Access Roles Faster

Repeatedly navigating to the Page Roles screen can get tedious. Make it faster by:

  • Adding a Settings shortcut to your iPhone home screen.
  • Bookmarking the Page Roles web page on your mobile browser.
  • Typing “Roles” in the Facebook Pages search bar and tapping the shortcut.

Troubleshooting Problems

Some common problems and how to resolve them:

Issue Solution
Can’t find the Page Roles option Update the Facebook app, Page Roles was added in late 2020
Roles are missing The Page may have been deactivated or merged
Can’t remove an admin Their role may be higher than yours in the list
Admins not receiving permissions Have them logout and log back into Facebook

Using Roles for Better Collaboration

Here are some tips for using Facebook Page roles collaboratively:

  • Explain the permissions for each role so admins know their responsibilities.
  • Divide and conquer different tasks like content, engagement, ads, and analysis.
  • Check-in regularly to get input, feedback and ideas from the team.
  • Rotate roles periodically so admins learn new skills.
  • Thank your team for their contributions and keep them motivated!

Best Practices for Organizing Your Page Roles

Some best practices for setting up your Page team:

  • Keep the Page owner role for yourself initially.
  • Appoint 1-2 admins to help you manage daily Page activities.
  • Assign topic-specific editors to manage content, messaging, etc.
  • Designate advertisers to manage Facebook ads campaigns.
  • Add analysts to monitor engagement and metrics.
  • Bring on moderators later to filter comments and messages.

Using Business Suite for More Flexibility

For larger business Pages with many locations and teammates, consider using Facebook Business Suite instead of Page roles. Business Suite offers:

  • Company ownership instead of personal profiles.
  • More granular admin access controls.
  • Flexibility to assign access across multiple Pages.
  • Integration with Workplace, Instagram, Messenger and more.

However, Business Suite is more complex to set up. Page roles offer an easier option if you just need to add a few other admins.


Facebook Page roles provide an efficient way to distribute admin responsibilities so your Page can thrive. While the mobile interface differs from desktop, you can still easily manage roles right from your iPhone.

Focus on choosing appropriate roles for each person, establishing clear expectations, and fostering collaboration. With a strong team supporting your mission, your Facebook Page is sure to find success!