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How do I get to a page I created on Facebook?

How do I get to a page I created on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to create different types of pages for businesses, brands, organizations, public figures, entertainment, and more. Once you’ve created a Facebook page, you may want to access it again later to post updates, monitor engagement, or edit the page settings. Here are some tips on how to find and get back to a Facebook page you created.

Using the Pages Manager

The easiest way to find and access pages you’ve created on Facebook is through the Pages Manager. This is a dedicated section within your Facebook account that lists all the pages you have admin access to.

To get to the Pages Manager on desktop:

  • Go to and log into your account
  • Click on the down arrow at the top right of the screen next to the question mark icon
  • Select “Manage Pages” from the dropdown menu

On mobile:

  • Open the Facebook app and tap the “Menu” icon in the top right
  • Tap on “Manage Pages”

This will bring up the Pages Manager where you can see thumbnail images of all your pages. Simply click on the page you want to access and it will take you directly to that page’s profile and admin tools.

Using Facebook Search

If you don’t see the page you’re looking for in your Pages Manager, you can try searching for it using Facebook’s built-in search bar:

  • Go to or open the Facebook app
  • Type the name of your page into the search bar at the top
  • Select “Pages” from the dropdown menu next to the search bar
  • Hit enter to search. Your page should show up in the results if it still exists.

One thing to keep in mind is that your page may not show up if you’ve changed the page name since originally creating it. So try searching for keywords or the page username if you can remember what those were.

Check Your Page Roles

If you still can’t find your page through search, it’s possible your admin access was removed. To check if you still have a role on the page:

  • Go to your Facebook profile
  • Click on the About section
  • Select “Roles” from the sidebar

This will show all the Facebook pages you currently have admin, editor, moderator or advertiser access to. Check if your missing page is listed there. If not, you’ll need to get re-added as a page admin by another existing admin to regain access.

Look Up the Page URL

Every Facebook page has a unique URL formed from the page name or username. If you can find the specific URL to your page, you can access it directly even without admin access or ability to find it through search.

To find the page URL:

  • Check any old emails from Facebook notifications about the page – the URL may be referenced there
  • Look through your browsing history if you have that saved anywhere
  • Try guessing the URL format based on the page name e.g.

Once you have the full URL, plug it into your browser address bar and hit enter to go directly to the page profile.

Use Facebook Analytics

If you previously connected your Facebook page to Facebook Analytics, you can look up your page that way:

  • Go to
  • Sign in if prompted
  • Look under the Assets column on the left
  • Pages you have access to will be listed there – click to open

This is another handy way to access your pages, especially if you’re actively using Analytics to track page performance.

Check Facebook Ads Manager

Similarly, if you’ve run Facebook ads for your page before, you may be able to find it via Ads Manager:

  • Go to
  • Under the Accounts column on the left look for “Pages”
  • Any active ad accounts connected to your pages will be listed

Clicking on the ad accounts will show pages they are associated with.

Use Facebook Business Suite

Facebook Business Suite connects your Facebook and Instagram profiles, pages, ad accounts, and analytics tools. If you’ve used Business Suite before, you may be able to locate your page that way.

  • Go to
  • Sign in if required
  • Check the left column for a “Pages” section
  • Your pages that are linked to Business Suite will show up here

Business Suite provides another centralized place to manage all your Facebook business assets.

Check any Facebook Apps

If you’ve connected your Facebook page to any third party apps like Hootsuite, Buffer, or Zapier, check within those tools as they may have your page listed there:

  • Sign into the app dashboard
  • Look for a “Connected Accounts” or “Connected Pages” section
  • Your page may show up in the linked assets

These apps often retain the connection details even if you are no longer an admin of a page.

Ask to Become Admin Again

If your page exists but you no longer have admin access, you’ll need to request to be added as an admin again. This requires finding the person who is currently managing the page.

To ask for admin access:

  • Identify the current page admin – check page transparency details or recent posters
  • Reach out to them directly via message, email, phone etc.
  • Explain that you were previously an admin and need to regain access
  • Request that they add you back as a page admin or content creator

Hopefully it’s just an oversight and they will be willing to reinstate your admin role. Be patient as it may take some time to get a response.

Submit ID Verification

In some cases, Facebook may require ID verification before reinstating admin access. This proves you actually created or represent the business/organization for that page.

To complete ID verification:

  • Go through the page recovery flow in Facebook Support
  • Select the option to verify your identity
  • Follow prompts to upload required documentation
  • Wait for Facebook review of your info
  • If approved, your access will be restored

This process can take a few days but is necessary if your access was improperly removed.

File an Appeal

If your page was disabled or deleted altogether, and you believe this was done in error, you can file an appeal with Facebook:

  • Submit an appeal form via Facebook Help Center
  • Provide info on when/why you believe the page was mistakenly removed
  • Include any documentation you have proving your admin role
  • Explain why you need the page reinstated

Facebook reviewers will assess your appeal and determine if the page can be restored. Be sure to provide as much context and evidence as possible.

Create a New Page

If your original page cannot be recovered through any of the above methods, you may need to simply start fresh with a new page. You can recreate the same kind of page with a new name/username.

Things to do when creating a new page:

  • Come up with a distinct name and clear purpose
  • Customize the page design and branding
  • Share the new page link with your audience
  • Migrate any old content you still have access to
  • Build up followers and engagement again

While inconvenient, a new page gives you a blank slate and chance to improve upon the original.


Regaining access to a Facebook page you created starts with retracing your steps through platform tools and connected services. Failing that, you’ll need to directly contact existing admins or appeal to Facebook support. With the right approach and persistence, you should be able to recover or recreate your lost Facebook page.