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How do I get the shop option on my Facebook page?

How do I get the shop option on my Facebook page?

The shop option allows Facebook page owners to easily sell products directly through their Facebook page. This can be a great way to drive sales and revenue for your business. However, the shop option is not available to all Facebook pages automatically. There are certain requirements you must meet in order to unlock and enable the shop feature. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about getting the shop option for your Facebook page.

Requirements for the Facebook Shop

In order to get the shop feature on your Facebook page, there are a few key requirements:

Business Page

First, you must have a Facebook Business Page, not just a personal profile. The shop can only be enabled on official business pages. Make sure you have converted your profile to a page.

Commerce Manager

You will need to have a Commerce Manager account connected to your Facebook page. The Commerce Manager allows you to manage your catalog, orders, and shop settings all in one place. You can sign up for a free Commerce Manager account on Facebook.

Product Catalog

To display products in your Facebook shop, you need to have a product catalog with at least 5 products uploaded. Your catalog can be uploaded manually or synced from platforms like Shopify or BigCommerce. Each product needs a title, description, price, and image.

Active Advertising

This is often the trickiest requirement. To be eligible for the shop feature, you must have run at least $100 in Facebook advertising in the last 60 days. This shows Facebook that you are actively investing in and promoting your business on their platform.

Page Likes

Your Facebook page must have at least 100 likes before you can activate the shop feature. This ensures some level of established audience.

Once you meet these requirements, you can request access to the shop feature through the Facebook Commerce Manager. Facebook will review your request and grant access if you meet the criteria.

How to Set Up Your Facebook Shop

Once your request is approved, here are the steps to get your shop up and running:

Step 1: Connect Commerce Manager

As mentioned above, you need to connect your Facebook page to a Commerce Manager account. In Commerce Manager, click Settings > Channel Settings. Choose to connect an existing Facebook page or create a new one.

Step 2: Configure Shipping and Tax

In Commerce Manager, you need to set up your shipping rates and tax settings. This ensures costs are calculated accurately at checkout. You can set a flat shipping rate or integrate with carriers like USPS, FedEx, or UPS.

Step 3: Upload Product Catalog

Add all your products into the Commerce Manager catalog. You can do this manually, via spreadsheet upload, or by syncing platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, or WooCommerce. Provide product title, description, variants, price, inventory count, and images.

Step 4: Choose Design and Layout

Customize the design of your Facebook shop. Select a layout, colors, and fonts that fit your brand. Showcase featured and best-selling items.

Step 5: Configure Payment Methods

Choose which payment methods you want to accept – PayPal, credit/debit cards, Facebook Pay, and more. Set up the payment gateway integrations.

Step 6: Set Up Checkout Settings

Configure your checkout process. Set shipping rates, tax rates, discount options, contact details, and terms of service. Customers will go through this when purchasing.

Step 7: Publish Your Shop

Once everything is set up in Commerce Manager, click “Publish” to make your shop live on your Facebook page. Now it will be public for all visitors to browse and shop!

Driving Traffic to Your Facebook Shop

Creating the shop is just the first step. To maximize sales, you need to drive high-quality traffic to your Facebook storefront. Here are some top tips for getting eyeballs on your new shop:

Promote on Your Facebook Page

Post about your new shop directly on your Facebook page timeline. Share photos and videos of your products. Encourage followers to check it out. Offer special discounts for those who shop through Facebook.

Run Facebook Ads

Create Facebook ads targeting your ideal audience and send them directly to your shop. Retarget shoppers who already visited with additional offers. Facebook ads are a paid strategy but can yield great ROI.

Email Marketing

Notify your email subscriber list about your new Facebook shop. Give them an incentive to go shop – e.g. 15% off their first order. Add a banner or button linking to your shop in all email newsletters.

Instagram Marketing

Cross-promote your shop on Instagram through posts, stories, IGTV, and ads. Instagram is owned by Facebook so you can easily integrate the two.

Influencer Marketing

Collaborate with relevant influencers or brand ambassadors in your niche. See if they can share your Facebook shop page with their audiences. Most influencers have very engaged followers.

Facebook Live Shopping

Host live shopping sessions on Facebook. Go live showcasing your products and let viewers click directly from the video to your online shop on Facebook. The live video format can create more urgency.

Facebook Messenger

Use Facebook Messenger chatbots or automated messages to reach customers. Messenger has over 1 billion monthly active users, so it’s a huge potential source of shoppers.

Instill Urgency

Create a sense of urgency and scarcity to encourage immediate action. Offer time-sensitive sales or discounts. Show limited inventory counts. Remind shoppers of shipping cut-off dates for guaranteed holiday delivery.

The more targeted traffic strategies you leverage, the better your Facebook shop will perform. Be strategic and track sales data over time.

Tips for Facebook Shop Success

Here are some additional tips for boosting sales and success with your new Facebook shop:

– Spotlight best-sellers and new arrivals prominently in your shop layout and navigation.

– Make the checkout process as frictionless and mobile-friendly as possible.

– Offer free shipping or discounts over a certain order value threshold. This incentivizes larger purchases.

– Publish shoppable product posts that let customers add items straight to their carts.

– Personalize the shopping experience with recommended products based on purchase history and browsing.

– Provide excellent customer service and order support. Respond quickly to questions and issues.

– Analyze shop performance data to identify opportunities – tweak images, pricing, descriptions, etc to optimize conversion rates.

– Stay on top of product inventory levels and reorder popular items so they don’t go out of stock.

– Add reviews and ratings to build social proof and credibility for your products.

– Share user-generated content like customers wearing/using your products on your Facebook page and ads.

– Stay compliant with Facebook’s commerce policies and accurately represent your business.

– Experiment with new marketing strategies and partnerships to continue driving fresh traffic.

Ecommerce requires ongoing testing and optimization. Continue improving the Facebook shopping experience to boost loyalty and sales over time.

Common Questions and Troubleshooting

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions and issues around enabling Facebook shops:

How long does it take for Facebook to review and approve my shop request?

Facebook aims to review shop requests within 24 hours. However, it may take 2-3 business days during busy periods. Ensure you meet all requirements to avoid delays.

My page has over 100 likes but I’m still not eligible. Why?

Apart from 100+ page likes, remember you also need an active Commerce Manager account, 5+ product catalog, and $100 in recent Facebook ad spend. Meet all criteria.

Should I sell on both Facebook and my own website?

It’s generally smart to sell on both your own ecommerce site as well as Facebook. This diversifies your sales channels. But you can try a Facebook-only approach if appropriate for your business.

How can I see analytics for my Facebook shop orders and revenue?

The Commerce Manager provides detailed reporting on your Facebook shop performance – orders, revenue, top products, conversions, and more. Study these metrics.

What fees and commissions does Facebook charge for shops?

If you process payments through Facebook, they charge a 5% selling fee. Other payment gateways may have lower fees. There are no fees just to create a Facebook shop, only commissions on sales.

Can I sync my Facebook shop with my Shopify/WooCommerce store?

Yes, Commerce Manager lets you seamlessly connect with Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and other platforms to sync product catalogs and orders across channels.

How do I customize the design of my Facebook shop?

In Commerce Manager, you can select a template, change colors, add your logo, choose layouts for product display, highlight products, customize navigation, and more to brand your Facebook shop.

My Facebook shop isn’t showing up on my page. How can I fix this?

First, confirm your shop has passed Facebook review and is published live in Commerce Manager. Make sure you are viewing your published Facebook page while logged out of your personal account. If issues continue, contact Facebook support.

I hope this comprehensive guide covered everything you need to know about setting up a shop on Facebook! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Facebook Shops represent a huge opportunity for businesses to unlock new sales channels and revenue streams. By following the steps outlined here, you can successfully meet Facebook’s shop eligibility requirements, set up your customizable storefront, drive high-quality traffic, and start selling directly on Facebook. Analyze performance data, offer compelling promotions, and deliver great customer experiences to maximize your return on investment. With a strategic omnichannel approach, Facebook Shops can become a valuable addition to your ecommerce ecosystem.